Harry pulled in front of a normal-sized house, breathing slowly through his nose. This was it. He would pick Louis up and head to his first party since moving.
And he was aiming to impress.
But not only impress- no, Louis was going to be the most popular lad around when Harry announces that he's befriended the boy.
It was brilliant.
Harry got out of his car and walked towards the door, knocking one, twice, thr- a woman opened the door.
"Um... Is Louis here?" Harry asked, widening his eyes a little. He hadn't expected to meet Louis's mother.
The woman opened her mouth to speak but a high voice cut her off. "Aunt Delilah, I'm going out and-" Louis stopped, blinking and looking between the woman and Harry. "Oh. Um, hi, Harry."
"Is this a fiend of yours, Lou?" The woman asked, smiling kindly at Harry.
"I am. My name is Harry," Harry said, holding out a calloused hand, which the woman took.
"Oh, hello, I'm Louis's aunt! My name is Delilah!" She said, smiling even brighter. "You're quite the looker! Are you taking Louis out?"
Louis mentally face-palmed. "Aunt Dee, Harry and I are going to a party that our friend is throwing. We're just going to carpool."
Louis's aunt was still smiling but she was trying to hide it. "Alright, alright. Be safe and your curfew is midnight."
Louis nodded, blushing and walking out of the door and grabbing Harry's wrist, yanking him to the car.
Harry opened Louis's door before going over to the driver's side and climbing in.
"I'm not a girl, Harry," Louis mumbled. "You don't have to open the door for me."
Harry shrugged. "No offense, Louis, but by the way you act and dress, I figured you'd like me doing things like that."
"Usually when someone says 'no offense', it's followed by an offensive comment. Sort of like what you just did," Louis snapped, crossing his arm over his colorfully striped shirt.
"Well, that's the perks of being friends with a jerk," Harry said bluntly, winking in Louis's direction.
They drove the rest of the way in an oddly comfortable silence. The only sound was the soft indie music Harry was playing.
"I didn't know you liked that kind of music," Louis commented when they pulled onto the packed street Ed Sheeran lived on.
"Yeah, most people wouldn't think that. Normally, I don't let people ride in the car with me and I don't have friends over at mine too often. I tried to avoid attention on my life because of-" Harry stopped, mid-sentence. He let out a troubled sigh, took off his hat, shook out his hair, and placed the hat back. "Anyways... We're here."
Louis blinked before nodding. "Yeah, we are. You look good, Harry."
It was true. In a white wifebeater, a red flannel, black skinnies, brown boots, and a black Snapback that covered his long brown hair.
Harry have Louis a dimpled smile, looking even more breathtaking. "Thanks. I like your... Colors." Harry smirked and winked again.
Louis blushed and followed Harry's actions by getting out of the car and heading to the door. Like most parties, teenagers were everywhere.
Harry led Louis inside to find a crowded room. Louis's blinked, remembering to years before. He could see his five year old self hiding behind the same couch a couple was making out on in the room to their right. He could see his nine year old self climbing the staircase right in front of him, holding a heavy bag of toys and clothes. He could see his fourteen your old self, running out the door he just walked through, crying his eyes out because he had just lost his best friend.
Louis blinked when Harry spoke, bringing him out of his negative thoughts.
"I wonder how to get to the kitchen. I need a drink. Would you like to find-"
"This way," Louis said without thinking, taking Harry to the right of the staircase and into the living room. The kitchen shared the large room, inviting them to the large island of drinks.
Harry immediately grabbed a beer. Louis blinked. He's never really been a fan of alcohol.
"Try this, Louis. It's sweet," Harry ordered, handing Louis an ice cold bottle of pink liquid.
Alvin's Island Cooler- Strawberry pineapple.
Louis blinked before having Harry pop the lid and sipping from it. It was sweet. Louis smacked his lips, smiling.
"Good?" Harry asked.
Harry smiled. "Fantastic. Would you like to-"
"Harry!" An arm wrapped around Harry's waist. "How are ya?"
Ed Sheeran was standing there, looking a little drunk.
Okay. A lot drunk.
"Hey, Ed. I, uh, I brought Louis. He and I were just about to-"
"Come play Spin the Bottle with us?" Ed asked, grinning. Harry looked to Louis, who widened his eyes.
No fucking way.
"Harry, I don't know if-"
But Ed was already dragging Louis back the way they came and up the steps. They took a right at the top and came to a large room with two couches, a giant island-like cushion, a huge television, a door that only Louis knew led to Ed's room, and a sliding glass door that led to the balcony.
Lots of people were on the carpeted floor, surrounding a piece of cardboard with a glass beer bottle on it.
"Let's play!" Ed yelled, pulling Harry and Louis to squeeze together in the circle.
"You're gonna let Louis play?!" One girl spoke up, giggling.
Louis blinked. Oh, no.
"There's nothing wrong with Louis playing," someone spoke up. Louis almost cried. It was Ashton Irwin. "He's no different-"
"You'd be arguing if his tongue was down your throat," pointed out a boy with multi-colored hair.
"Look, it's just a game," Harry said coldly.
"Harry, he's a fag, he-"
"I'm gay."
Everyone stared at Harry, in complete shock at his words.
Harry let out a shaky sigh.
"Yeah. I-I'm gay. And I don't appreciate you making snide comments about my friend. So please stop."
Louis stared at Harry.
No way. Harry wasn't gay. He's talked about hooking up with girls.
"Let's play," Ed said slowly, ordering a girl with long, brown hair to spin the bottle.
The game continued with dirty make-outs. Louis was upset when Ashton's spin went just past him to the girl on his right and they shared a kiss. Ed's landed on Ashton and he planted a sloppy kiss to his cheek.
Harry spun and it landed on the first girl that spun. Everyone watched as Harry leaned in, kissing the corner of her mouth quickly and pulling away. He didn't look disgusted. He was not gay.
Louis spun the bottle, begging, begging, begging. It slid right between Harry and Ed.
Louis gulped.
"Well pick," Ed encouraged.
Louis couldn't he wasn't going to kiss a boy in front of everyone.
"Louis," Harry whispered, begging with all his might for Louis not to kiss him.
Louis was quick. He scrambled across Harry and grabbed Ed's face, smudging their lips together and holding it for three seconds. He felt Ed relax. He did the same before he felt Harry get up and leave.
Louis pulled away and stared at Harry's retreating figure in shock before hopping up and taking off after him
Once outside, Louis followed Harry to his car and they both climbed in. Neither said a word for a few minutes. Louis broke the silence.
"I know you aren't gay, Harry."
"I'm not," Harry agreed, gulping.
"So why would you say you are?"
"Louis... You are a sweet and innocent lad. You don't deserve what they say to you. Maybe... Maybe if I pretend to be gay, they'll leave you alone."
Louis smiled sadly. "It doesn't work that way."
"Let's pretend to be a couple! We'll go slow, but you can, y'know, teach me how to be gay," Harry suggested.
Louis was shocked.
Harry wanted to help.
Someone wanted to help him.
And he'd never been more grateful.
Yay another chapter
It's about to get good
QOTC: Do you think people believe harry? They seemed shocked, huh?
PQOTC: do you use omegle??
MA: lol yeah when I'm bored I get on and role play on chatzy getting ppl in omegle hmu if you wanna start one together.
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