Chapter 35
'Aren't they just?' Rebecca, who I noted was linked on to Harry's arm in her typical limpet fashion, gushed. 'I always thought you were a couple anyway, but when Harry told me otherwise, well I just knew it would only be a matter of time since you're so well suited, don't you agree Emma?'
'Erm...' I was struggling to understand why they were even here, let alone articulate why I might be in agreement with them, that Liam and I are in fact destined for each other. And why would Harry have ever been talking to Rebecca about my (lack of) relationship status? Under what circumstance would such a conversation ever come up between them?
'How did you find this place?' Liam asked the question which I was unable to.
'Oh one of my guests has been coming here every night for a week. They just won't stop talking about it. So we just had to come see for ourselves what's so good about the place.' The way she said 'we' kind of got to me. She was clearly talking about herself and Harry, underlining my suspicions that they were also in fact a couple; a thought which made my eyes begin sting. Yet surely she must have seen us kissing the other night, since everyone else apparently did? But even if he really is a rat after all, I just can't believe that Harry would kiss another girl, me, in front of his girlfriend; but i guess if she really is the hussy that Katie insists she is then she likely doesn't give a hoot about who or what her boyfriend kisses.
'You should join us.' God no, what was Liam saying? Is he a masochist or just a fool?
'No.' Harry spoke flatly. Well at least he has some sensibility.
'Don't be so rude,' Rebecca cursed at Harry, slapping his wrist, 'we'd love to join you.' There was a simultaneous hiss from Harry and I, yet Liam, forever the gentleman, managed to withhold any hostility he must be feeling following Harry's arrival. 'But we wouldn't want to ruin your evening, you're obviously having a romantic time.' Harry, who was now projecting his most stony pose, seemed to be automatically increasing the strength of his glare with each word that Rebecca spoke.
'We'll see you around.' Harry, now ready tackle a tiger, dragged at Rebecca's elbow causing her already see-through floral maxi skirt to waft above her black g-string.
'That was awkward.' Liam raised his eyebrows, his face representing a mixture of disapproval and uncertainty.
'I guess.' I was unable to reassure him with anything more substantial.
I chewed at the rubber calamari ring unable to swallow, something which I had been trying to master for nearly five minutes, but the presence of Harry and Rebecca, now seated at a table at the opposite side of the terrace, was preventing me form completing what should be the simplest reflex.
'Peristalsis.' Liam spoke.
'What?' I stopped chewing, now just holding the blob of sinewy flesh in my mouth.
'It's the mechanism which causes food to move along the digestive tract, starting in the oesophagus. You'll cover it in Gastro and Metabolism next year.'
'I know what it is,' I snapped.
'I'm sorry I shouldn't assume...'
'No I'm sorry, it's just really tough to swallow. I should have listened to you and got the lamb.'
'Well, it is delicious, as good as they say, you should try some.' He held his fork out to me. A hypnotic scent of the garlic and rosemary wafted from the soft piece of baked meat, causing me to instinctively lean forward, my mouth hungrily covering the fork. Typically just as I did so Harry's eyes met with mine. Why the fool had allowed Rebecca to take the chair facing the wall meaning that he was sitting facing outwards with a full view of the restaurant. He clearly doesn't know the first thing about chivalry. Or maybe he's just intent on torturing himself by staring at us, something which he seemed to be doing almost obsessively.
Despite the tenderness of the lamb which was close to melting in my mouth, I couldn't help but spit it out on to my plate, a reflex which this time I apparently had no control over.
'You didn't like it?' Liam was shocked.
'No, it's not that, I just...' Think brain, 'I just couldn't stop thinking about the baby lamb scampering about in the field after its mother.'
'But the squid doesn't have the same effect? It has a mother too you know?'
'I know, but I guess that's the price you pay for being an ugly squid compared to an innocent lamb.' I mustered a gentle smile.
Unconsciously I had begun picking at the white paper table cloth laid diagonally across the cotton checked under cloth. The glass of water I had been drinking had soaked through the paper meaning I could chip away easily with my fork, revealing a see-through plastic under sheet, a barrier which was much harder to penetrate.
'Are you okay?' Liam looked worried. 'You're really taking it out on that table cloth.'
I sat back in my chair, downing my red wine, before slamming the glass on the table, demanding it to be refilled.
'Apparently I need to have sex.' I giggled, the alcohol tightening its grip around me. A grip which I always enjoyed since, ironically, it allowed me to loosen up and think and speak more freely.
'I'm sorry.' Liam choked on his Coke. 'I mean, you do?'
'Isn't it obvious?' I laughed, again to myself, remembering a chat up line I received years earlier, when in a situation similar to now I had been caught angrily picking away at the label of bottle of alcopop. 'You should know that Doc. It's basic psychology; I'm clearly taking my frustrations out on this poor cloth here.' I stabbed at it some more.
'Erm, I never took psych.' Liam looked around, desperate for someone to help him, or at the very least provide him with a better comeback to my provocative statement.
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