Chapter 20
So of course I am not going to Zorb's to meet Harry. Like he ever actually thought that I would. I only ever went there under duress in the first place, simply because there is no other watering hole in this village except for Roy and Val's 'Mucky Duck' English theme pub, and it's fair to assume that spending ones evening listening to Peter Kay cover Tony Christie is not going to be to my preference. But just in case I do happen to pass by Adonis's only other offering of entertainment on the evening stroll I'm about to take then I need to make sure that I'm looking my best. Like totally hotter than Rebecca. The bar is high and she is tall whilst I, unfortunately, am not. But who wants to go out with a giant, right? And all those blonde locks that she has flying about all over the place, why they're so 1990's Sun In. Yet I am mysterious and elfin and decorated with red lipstick and this tight black satin vest (why thank you Wonderbra), I am quite the pocket rocket. Just one more scrunch of my hair and that's it, I'm done. Ready, set, smokin'.
'Wow, you look amazing.' Katie dropped the magazine she was reading as I entered the kitchen. 'Doesn't she look lovely Dave?'
'I guess,' Dave the Head Rep momentarily glanced over the top of his two day old copy of The Daily Mail, 'if you want to go out with a 12 year old that is.'
'Are you saying that I look like a child?' At least I'm not morphing in to a perma-tan piece of leather like he is.
'Yeah, and you act like one too.'
'I'll have you know that I am 19 years old and I'm VERY mature. They don't let infants in to medical school, you know?'
'Ignore him,' Katie defended, 'you look every inch the grown up sex pot. Plus your tan is coming out really well now that you've got passed the burnt kipper stage.'
'Thanks Katie,' I gave a fake grin as I opened the door to leave, 'that's hugely reassuring.'
'Excuse me, aren't you going to tell us where you are going?' She demanded, obviously more nosey than concerned, 'don't tell me you've got another date with the doctor?' Her eyes glimmered, 'he won't know what's hit him when he sees you like that.'
'Err, no.' Although that really would be the sensible thing to pursue. That's a very good suggestion, I'll go check in on him.
'Then it's got to be Harry? I just knew it from the first time you saw each other.' She was squealing and clapping her hands together like she finally understands relativity or some other equally complex conundrum.
'God no, absolutely not, I can't think of anything worse,' I spat, 'he's a total buffoon and I'd rather amputate my own leg than spend a minute in his company. Can't a girl just enjoy looking nice without reason?'
'Of course they can, but this is you; you don't do anything without reason, you're not that carefree. Plus he is VERY good looking, if you're into that whole romantic surfer pretty boy look.'
'Is he? I hadn't noticed.'
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