Chapter: 2
Natsu hurried after the blue haired boy outside and into the school building, where he was lead to one of the school corridors.
She was being pinned on the wall by some weird guy.
At first Natsu didn't think much of it, but then he realized.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks and the man was whispering something.
"If you scream, it'll hurt more."
And as dense as Natsu was, he didn't understand, but when he looked once more, trying to find the problem, he saw the mans knee pushing between her legs.
"Don't you want to be a part of the games too?"
The grin he gave the little girl was disgusting.
That's when Natsu finally got it and got ready to punch that pervert to another dimension, but before he could do anything, something flashed past him.
A little boy with dark hair and an orange scarf.
He yelled as his fist collided with the disgusting mans face.
A little girl with white hair suddenly appeared before the crying bluenette.
"Carla, I was so scared."
The little girl sobbed.
"It's ok." Carla patted the crying girls back, comforting her.
After a bit Erza, Jellal and Lucy followed leaving the others at the dorm.
"What the hell happened here?" Jellal asked in shock while Erza pulled the little boy off of the perverted man.
"Ok Romeo that's enough, you taught him not to mess with you." Erza said while trying to hold the thrashing boy.
"No! I'm not done with that bastard! Let me go!"
Erza sighed.
"Why don't you go check on your crying girlfriend."
Romeos eyes widened.
He had completely forgotten about how his girlfriend must've been feeling.
"I'll deal with this gentleman."
She gave the little boy a smile and set him down as he ran to his girlfriend, trying to comfort her.
"And you," the redhead started as she grabbed him by his collar.
He gulped as she pulled him up and pushed him against a locker.
"If I ever even HEAR about this again," she lifted her knee.
"I will break every single bone in your body as painful as I can, got that?"
The guy nodded in fear.
"Good." She said and kneed him in the gut.
The man fell to the ground clasping his stomach.
"Disgusting vermin." She said as she kicked him once more.
Then she turned around and walked back to her friends.
"What happened?"
"That scum tried to pull Wendy into the games."
Everyone shook their heads in disapproval, except for Lucy.
"Come on guys this is getting old."
"What is?" Erza asked as if nothing was wrong.
"You don't know what the games are?" Romeo asked.
He was holding Wendy's hand and walked over to the group.
"I envy you." Wendy said smiling a little.
"It's a well known fact at our school." Carla said.
"Then why won't anyone tell me?"
"Because you don't really want to know."
A sugar sweet voice said from behind them.
Everyone turned around.
A girl who was identical to Mirajane, except for her short hair ran towards the group while waving.
Mira looked shocked.
"Lisanna!" The girl finally reached the group and tackled Mira with a hug.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be studying abroad."
"Nah, I wanted to be here with you and Elf-nii and..."
She trailed off as she locked eyes with the pink haired boy.
He was motionless.
In shock.
Lisanna grinned from ear to ear.
"NATSU!" She screamed and hugged him tightly.
"Lisanna." He breathed as she let him go.
He grinned.
Lisanna furrowed her eyebrows.
"She just studied abroad, dumbass."
Happy snorted.
"I think this situation was to much for your tiny raisin of a brain."
Erza laughed.
"What situation?"
"The games." Everyone said in unison.
"What are the games?"
Lucy was about to cheer when Lisannas sister leaned over and whispered something into her ear.
"Ahhhh now I get."
"They just told you."
"Yeah, so?"
Lisanna shook her head.
"You don't really want to know, it's just better if you don't."
Lucy glared at everyone.
"Besides," Mira smiled. "If anyone tries to touch her they'll have to go through me and my brother first. You don't have anyone."
"I'll protect her." Natsu grinned.
"Yeah right, Natsu. If we let you go near her, you'll rape her." Erza crossed her arms.
Mira leaned over to him and whispered into his ear.
"Ahhhhh... Wait... WHY WOULD I DO THAT?!?!"
Mira shrugged and everyone started laughing as they made their way back to the dorm.
When they arrived Juvia and Gray were clothed again and playing cards at the dining table.
"And, who won?" Erza asked standing back at the stove, resuming her cooking from before.
Juvia said plainly as she put down another card.
"I guess you'll have to have rematch then, or are you guys just gonna drop it? I mean it's the forth truce you guys have had."
"Juvia doesn't give up matches." She said without looking up.
"Well then. Have you scheduled it already?"
Gray smirked.
"Nah, we'll just do it when we feel like it, right Juvia?"
"Yeah sure, whatever you say." She put down another card.
"Juvia wins." She said plainly.
"Wait what?"
"You weren't paying attention, so Juvia won."
"Fine. But I'll beat you next time."
Gray pouted.
Levy came downstairs, the guy with black hair from before following her with a pile of books.
"Careful Gajeel." She said as he almost tripped.
"Don't worry little shrimp, I got this." He grunted.
"Well then." She shrugged, smiled and hurried into the kitchen where Erza was already accompanied by Jellal.
"Mhhh smells good."
"Thanks." Erza said with a smile.
"What're we havin'?"
Cana slurred from the hallway.
"Steak, fish, French fries and strawberry shortcake as a desert."
"Sound good. Call me when it's done." She mumbled and stumbled back into her room.
"Wait a minute..." Cana came sprinting back and started sniffing the air.
"Did you *sniff sniff* use my... Wine?"
"It's not a big deal. I just used a little bit."
Cana glared at her redheaded friend.
She stood there for a while until she growled and sat at the dining table.
"It better taste good." She crossed her arms.
"It will I promise."
Erza smiled as she played the dishes.
"Jellal, could you go get Happy and the others."
"Oh and tell them I made fish."
"Got it."
The red haired girl set down the plates and called everyone to the table.
Soon Jellal and the others joined and together they all ate, celebrating their new friend and roommate.
They talked and laughed making jokes about everyone and everything, when Lucy asked once more.
"What are the games?"
No one answered her question and kept talking.
She slammed her hand onto the table. die in
"If you're not going to tell me, I will find someone who will!"
Everyone stared at Lucy, not believing her, but before they could say something, she jolted up and walked out of their dorm room.
Lucy wandered about, trying to find someone who could and would tell her what 'the games' were.
She walked past corridors, classrooms and gyms, until she found the library.
'They must have some sort of record of the school history and the year book. If there are games then there must be a winner, I bet he's recorded in that.'
She thought as she entered.
The librarian didn't seem to care and just simply let her pass, not even looking up once.
Lucy scanned the books, letting her hand glide along the shelf.
She stopped.
She was startled by the sudden appearance of a boy.
"The rumour's been going around that you want to know what the games are."
Natsu ran past the halls.
He had to find her.
He usually seemed childish and dense and he was most of the time, but something about the blond made him want to prevent her from being dirtied by random people.
He had to save her from them.
The brunette boy leaned into her, pushing her into the wall.
"My name is Dan."
Natsus feet barely touched the ground as her ran through the school corridors.
"The games," the boy started. "Are the most fun thing you could ever play."
His knee moved between her legs.
"You want to have a match?"
"A match?"
The boy smirked.
Natsu followed the sent of her perfume.
"It's the only way I can show you."
Lucy's heart was pounding.
She swallowed and nodded.
She was to curious.
"H-how does it work.?" She stammered.
The boy smirked once more.
"Like this."
He bursted into the library.
The librarian looked up as she put her forefinger to her lips.
The boy looked irritated.
Here he was trying to listen to his surroundings and then this library woman had to make such an obnoxious noise.
He walked away.
"Boys against girls."
Lucy looked up at him.
"Whoever wins a match, gets a point."
His fingers travelled down her skirt as he held her down.
"A virgin gets you three points."
Lucy's eyes widened.
"You can only win by actually having sex."
His fingers moved between her legs. She screamed as the boy held her mouth shut.
"Everyone who knows, participates."
His finger pushed inside her.
She moaned.
"Not a virgin? Oh well I'll just get one point, better than nothing."
Natsus eyes scanned the paths lined with bookshelves, he heard a scream followed by a moan.
His eyes widened.
His feet moved on their own, following the sound from before.
Dan let go of the blond hearing footsteps.
He stopped.
The girl sat on the ground, clear liquid pouring it of her breathing hard.
He could hear her heart pounding.
She looked up at him, tears running down her face.
"I really didn't want to know."
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