Games. Everyone loves playing diffrent types of games, but some are prodigues as they can win much quicker and rapidly. Like this child in front of the T.V with handphones plugged in to hear everything better.
The child has black hair, one green eye and one purple eye, their hands and feet are small for their age, their body is small for their age and they are only three years olds with glasses over their eyes really.
They've been winning in every game there is and had never lost a single game. They were a prodigy in every single game as they win in completely each and every tournament there is in every game they have ever played in really.
They even earn money for playing the games. They took everything they own and the broken toys before moving out and leaving the abusive life they had since they were fifteen months old.
They got a pent house to live in as they have eight bedrooms, a kitchen, a library, a study, a theater room, a gamer room, a dinner room and six bathrooms. It was perfect and they even found a place to place their money in.
They wrote a letter to them and had everything set up as their money is now being transfured to that account not knowing that the money will be in gold, silver and copper coins to be used.
They celebrate their fourth birthday with lots of new games to play as no one sends them presents at all, but the ones in charge of their account had sent them presents making them to wonder how they know it's their birthday.
They won in games that were too hard to win as they have always won with one character making many to wonder who they are, but the user name is always the same: Salazar Basilisk.
No one could win against them and in the study is a laptop that has a self-sustaining system to earn money which goes to that account as well. Once new games come out, the child buys them to play them.
They had never lost since and keeps winning making many to wonder who they are as there is no way someone can keep on just winning like that. The child can play multi games at the same time.
Somehow they can do so with their mind, but if they are close to twenty-five percent of their life points, they go into a berserk mood making them to release a lot of red energy.
It goes all over the place as their character also goes into berserker mood making many to lose in the tournaments and the child earns more money as the money in the games go into their account.
No one can figure out how they got a bersek mood, but they just couldn't move out of the way as the very speed, power, strenght, endurance and stamina are at one hundred and fifty percent higher than before.
The child calms and red highlights started to show up in their hair with red near the pupils as it slowly increases until half of the eye color is red, but for the purple eye color has a different color.
It has magenta color that is half way through the eye making the child's eyes to be different. The child even has the ends of their hair being magenta making them to be different.
Seven years later...
The child has grown and is now eleven-years-old with a styem to play every game they own and new ones off the internet. They saw a letter was for them and they took it from the mail man after giving them twenty dollors.
The child opened the letter and saw it was an acception letter to a school for magic making them to be confused as they don't get it. They called Gringotts and told them about the letter and asked if they know about it.
"Mr. Potter, we know about the school. We can have appointment made for you to see your vault manager for your family. We can even see if there is any other families you are the heire to if you like."
"Yes, Mr. Ragnok. I would like for an appointment to be made. Where can I find your bank, so that I can come over on Saturday this weekend?"
"There's a pub that as entrance to where the bank is. The building is big and has two guards with either swords or spears outside the building."
"Thank you, sir." The child hanged up and got ready for school as they will be bringing the styem with them. It was Saturday and they saw a pub before they had entered the place.
They saw a big man go to the back and followed them before they saw the back wall open and the man walked through. The child hurried and followed the man as they seem to know where they are going.
The child saw the building with guards and bowed to show respect making them to bow back. The child entred the bank and saw lots of goblins wondering if they are inside a game.
"Mr. Potter?" The child turns and they saw a goblin looking at him making him to shiver before bowing in respect making the goblin to do the same as they straighting up.
"I hope I'm not being rude, but why is there goblins in a bank?" The goblin can see the child doesn't know a thing about magic and plans to have their manager explain it.
"Follow me and your manager will explain things to you, Mr. Potter." The child followed and saw their manager sitting on a chair with a desk and lots of paperwork on both sides.
"Ah, Mr. Potter. Please, sit down. I had asked for some refreshments and some food to eat as it may take up the whole day." The child sits down and the goblin has a dagger, a bottle and a long piece of paper in front of them.
"Now, Mr. Potter. I can understand you have questions you wish to ask. Let's get those out of the way first, shall we?" The child nods and askes the questions making them to be a bit more understanding.
"What is the dagger for?"
"Ah. The bottle has a potion inside that needs drops of your blood to fall inside to see all of your information as the blood holds a lot of it in the Magical World." The child cuts his palm from one side to the other before closing it to make a small semi-fist.
Blood was making a pool before he pours it into the potion making it to glow before it went into the golden-red color. The goblin cleans the cut and puts a band-aid on the cut.
Then the goblin pours the potion onto the piece of paper and lots of words were formed making the child to be confused as they don't understand most of this, but the goblin was shocked.
Inheritance for Harry James Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-La Fey-Pendragon-Peverell-Emrys-Fleamont-Donovan-Gaunts
Mother – Lily Marie-Ann Potter nee Evan (deceased)
Father – James Fleamon Potter (deceased)
Female Ancestor – Rowena Ravenclaw (deceased)
Godmother – Alice Longbottom (currently indisposed in St. Mungo's Hospital)
Dad and Godfather – Sirius Orion Black (alive)
Male Ancestor – Salazar Slytherin (deceased)
Male Ancestor – Merlin Emrys (deceased)
Male Ancestor – King Arthur Pendragon (deceased)
Female Ancestor – Morgan La Fey (deceased)
Female Ancestor – Helga Hufflepuff (deceased)
Potter Castle
Slytherin Island
Rowena's library
Potter Manor
Black Residents
Hogwarts – one hundred percent ownership
Gryffindor – twenty-five percent
Ravenclaw – twenty-five percent
Slytherin – twenty-five percent
Hufflepuff – twenty-five percent
Godric's Hollow (Damaged and monument)
Gryffindor Castle
Potter Manor
Slytherin Manor
Ravenclaw Castle
Hufflepuff Castle
Wordless: five thousand%
Wandless: four thousand%
Wand Magic: zero%
Magical Abilities:
Animagus (natural ability – blocked fifty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltounge (natural ability – blocked eighty-five percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Occulmency (natural ability – blocked one hundred percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Magical Core (natural ability – blocked sixty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Memory Recollection (natural ability – blocked forty-eight percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Intelligent (natural ability - blocked sixty percent by Albus Dumbledor)
Knowledgeable (natural ability - blocked sixty percent by Albus Dumbledor)
Potions Ability (natural ability – blocked eighty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Charms Ability (natural ability – blocked thirty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Transfiguration Ability (natural ability – blocked thirty percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Defence the Dark Arts Ability (natural ability – blocked ninety-six percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Poison Resistances Ability (natural ability – gained through various means (resistances to all poisons) - bloocked by eighty percent by Ablus Dumbledore)
Multilingual Ability (natural ability)
Rune Ability (natural ability - blocked by seventy percent by Albus Dumbledore)
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (natural ability)
Life Point Meter Site (natural ability)
Families Inherited:
Potter (inherited from father)
Peverell (inherited from father)
Gryffindor (inherited from father)
Slytherin (inherited from mother)
Ravenclaw (inherited from mother)
La Fey (inherited from mother)
Emrys (inherited from mother)
Pendragon (inherited from mother)
Black (inherited from dad and godfather)
Merlin (inherited from father)
Hufflepuff (inherited from father)
Fleamont (inherited from father)
Donovan (inherited from mother)
Family Conquest:
Gaunt (from defeating Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Riddle (from defeating Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Slytherin (from defeating Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Other Information:
Abusive/Manipulative Charm (placed upon by Albus Dumbledore ten years ago)
Dark Object (lightning bolt shape scar due to the Killing Curse aimed by Tom Marvolo Riddle ten years ago)
Stunned Body Growth Charm (place upon by Albus Dumbledore ten years ago)
Financial Inheritance:
All the vaults have a combined value of eighty-nine hundred trijillion galleons
Total Muggle Bank Account is bazillion Pounds
Total Magical Investments is twenty-five.nine bajillion Galleons
Total Muggle Investments is twenty-one.two jillion Pounds
Properties are at sixteen.eight bazillion Galleons
Seats of Power:
One hundred eighty-five seats on the Wizengermont
Fifteen for the Potters
Fifteen for the Peverell
Twenty-five each for Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff
Ten for the Emrys
Ten for the La Fey
Ten for the Pendragons
Ten for the House of Merlin
Five for the House of Donovan
Ten for the House of Fleamont
One hundred percent of the seats on the Hogwarts Board of Govoners
His Royal Highness Prince Harridan of Camelot
Duke of Hogsmeade
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Potter
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Peverell
Lord of Hogwarts
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Gryffindor
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Ravenclaw
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Slytherin
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of La Fey
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Emrys
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Pendragon
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Black
Merlin's Successor and Heir
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Hufflepuff
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Fleamont
The Right Honorable Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Donovan
Duke of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Gryffindor
Marquis of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Ravenclaw
Baron of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Merlin
Baron of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Hufflepuff
Duke of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Slytherin
Current Styling:
Prince Harry, Twenty-ninth Duke of Gryffindor
Prince Harry, Twenty-ninth Marquis of Ravenclaw
Prince Harry, Twenty-ninth Baron of Merlin
Prince Harry, Twenty-ninth Baron of Hufflepuff
Prince Harry, Twenty-ninth Duke of Slytherin
"Lord Potter, as the last member to each house, you will need to have a wife for each house." The child, Harry Potter shakes his head as he plans to adopt as he doesn't want a wife.
"I don't want a wife. I'm planning to adopt only actually." The goblin wonders why since adoption isn't really what a pure-blood would do.
"Why, may I ask, don't you want a wife?" Harry stares him in the eyes and just spills it out as he can trust him.
"Females are gold diggers. They'll marry only for their husband's money and nothing more. Once the males has no more money, they leave them for someone else." The goblin was shocked as Harry has seen only that side.
"Your parents married for love. There is married couples that are married for love only." Harry shakes his head as he doesn't believe that making the goblin to have a hard time. Another goblin shows up with fifty marriage contracts, but seven is activated as it is signed in blood. Harry saw them and told them to throw them away as he isn't marrying anyone.
"Lord Potter, seven are activited and are signed in blood. If you don't marry, you will either be forced to marry them or will be forced to die right were you stand. There is no way out. Signed in blood is very serious as you're the last of your families. Riphook, politely deni the others and send a letter to the families of the activate contracts. Lord Potter."
"Why should I marry if they are going to do it only for my money?" The goblin can tell this is a very serious problem and need to fix this quick. He though of an idea. He called for William Wealsey and told them the problem as he fully knows what to do to make it easier for Harry to believe what the goblin is saying is true as not all marriages aren't always like that.
"I swear on my magic that not all marriages are where the females marry for money, so I said it, so moto it." He glowed and said "Lumo!" making the room to become brighter as Harry was confused.
"Lord Potter, that was a oath. If you lie, you lose your magic. If you're telling the truth, you keep your magic. William Wealsey here still has his magic proof he did not lie." Harry can tell that the goblin as telling the truth.
"Alright, but I expect them to do this oath to make sure it's not for money. I still can't really trust that easily."
"By marrying you, their money is added into your fortune and you have access to it as well, too." Harry nods as he can understand that. Harry took out sixty billion gallons to get his supplies. He did not know that the seven families where going to Gringotts to meet the goblins to know about the marriage contracts that were activated which the goblins knows is going to be that hard part for them.
"WHAT?!" The girls scream at the same time making the parents/guardians to be angry at this young man for saying this without even meeting the girls first as that is not proper.
"He said he won't marry as he thinks females marry for money. He saw this side only. He doesn't even believe his parents married for love. William Wealsey had to do an oath on his magic to show that marriage isn't always what he thinks it is.
He understand thankfully after that, but wants a oath from you seven to prove you're not going to be marrying for money or else he won't do it. I'm sorry, but it's what he wants." The parents/guardians weren't happy.
"Who are they marrying?"
"Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-La Fey-Pendragon-Peverell-Emrys-Fleamont-Donovan-Gaunts." Everyone was shocked as that's a lot of money there.
"Now we can understand why. Girls, don't you agree?" One mother wasn't happy as her daughter will be marrying him for his money which her daughter doesn't want.
"Yes, Mr. Malfoy/dad."
'My daughter will marry him for his money!' The said daughter passed a note to the goblin who nods after reading it and passes it to Lord Malfoy who glares at the woman. Harry was getting last two things when a girl bumps into him with tears, real tears coming from her eyes before he rubs her back to calm her down as this is not a normal thing.
Once she calms down, Harry brought her with him as he went to get his wand making her to wonder why he calmed her down. He turns to her and hands out tissues for her to clean her eyes.
"Why were you crying?" The wand maker waits as this not the time to come out yet as this is the most very impointant thing for the young man to get an answer from the yound lady.
"I found out there was a marriage contract that got actives and we, me and mom, went to Gringotts and was told he didn't want to marry anyone cause he didn't want to marry a gold digger. I was going to give the oath since I just want to marry for love, but mom won't allow it and I got upset cause I would lose my life for rejecting it.
Mr. Malfoy tried to explain, but mom won't listen. I shouted at her in front of everyone and just ran out of there in tears. I did hear about Mr. Malfoy fighting for custody over me until I am married since his daughter is in the same marriage with four more girls."
"Do you know his name?"
"Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-La Fey-Pendragon-Peverell-Emrys-Fleamont-Donovan-Gaunt. I just want to marry for love. Mom just marriages for money and then they die by a 'natural cause', so she can get their money. I don't want that! I don't want to be my mom!" Harry was shocked as he had met one of his 'forced fiancées'.
"You can come out now, Mr. Ollivander." The wand maker comes out and nods to Harry as he brings out ten wands for him to try and explains how to use them as Harry tests each one.
"You are a tricky one, Mr. Potter. Hmmm. I can make you a custom made wand, but there is one more wand I would like you to try." Mr. Ollivander brings out the wand and it didn't fit fully.
"This wand has a brother that shared the same core, a phoenix feather, and it was it's brother that have you that scar. Would you will to have a custom made wand for you, Mr. Potter?" Harry nods and saw the woods.
"None of this fit me. How how many woods are there for a single wand?"
"Many and I don't know the number unfortunaly. I'll bring out the ones I have and you place them on this tray. The feather from the wand can be used." Harry nods as he looks at the wood.
"These two. They fit me for some reason. What are they called?" Mr. Ollivander takes a look and had a shocked look on his face.
"Mr. Potter, these woods are very rare. The first wood is from a tree that had blood of magical warriors fighting wars for many years. The tree was called the war tree cause the blood got sucked into the tree.
It's for someone who is a warrior strategist and comes up with a huge strategy to win a war or battle. The second one is from an elder tree that lived for a long time. An elder tree grows for a very long time making it be called the elder tree, Mr. Potter. The phoenix feather would work perfectly for them."
"Can anyone add more cores into a wand?" Mr. Ollivander thinks as it is possible for that to happen in wand making, but no one had ever asked for it to happen for their custom made wand.
"It is possible, but the other core must fit with the feather. Hold the feather over each core ingredient that I have and you should feel a pull to that very ingredient, Mr. Potter." Harry did, but felt five pulls making him confused.
"Why did I feel five that match the feather?"
"Can you place the five on the tray, please?" Harry do so and Mr. Ollivander was shocked as it could mean only one thing.
"It seems the Fates, Magic and Death wish to help you, Mr. Potter. The first one is a hair from a Thestral. It is never used a lot of the time as it is mostly used with the elder wood. The second one is a heartstring of a Norwegian Ridgeback, a poisonous dragon. I have never seen anyone with these kind of cores as you are special to those three Gods.
The third one is a fang of a Baskilisk, a deadly snake that kills with yellow eyes. The fourth one is a tail feather of a Thunderbird, a bird that can make thunder in the sky. The last one is a braided hair strange from a Sphinx, a guardian that likes to guard treasures while also guarding valuables and secret hideaways in Egypt for thousands of years.
These six cores will make the wand even more powerful than any wand before. It will take two hours to make as I need to find a way to fuse the two woods together. No witch or wizard had ever had two woods for their wand like you, Mr. Potter." Harry thinks before he slowly used his energy to fuse the two woods very much together shocking the two.
"I'm use to using my 'energy' as I had called it back then before finding out it was actually called magic. It's easy to use it as I do test it out a lot when I have the time." Harry said as both of them nodded at that.
Harry and his fiancée walked to the last stop Harry needs to do and both felt a pull making her to pull them to the place and saw lots of animals in cages and were dirty. Harry saw the owner making him angry as he punches him in the face which knocks him out.
They were quick to free, clean, wash and band-aid the creatures when the Aurors showed up. They saw the animals being treated and the owner waking up. They arrested him and Harry found his familiar, a baby king cobra while a white snake went to his fiancée.
"A albino sand snake? Never seen a white one as they are always the color of the sand which is brown." She was surprised as she holds the snake close to her heart.
"What will happen to the animals, sirs?" They think before answering Harry's question.
"They will be going back to their natural homes. Why do you ask?"
"Cause of us six." Six animals slither to them as they pick them up and hold them close to their chest. One has a baby water snake, one has a baby anaconda. One has a baby black mamba, one has a baby Reticulated Python and two has a baby Ball Python or Royal Python. The Aurors nod and saw Mr. Malfoy and went to talk to him about the animals.
"Harry, this is Danielle Malfoy. Her father is talking to the adults over there." Harry nods to Mr. Malfoy before looking to the other girls. Danielle has long blond hair with black highlights. She has crystal blue eyes and her chest size is a D thirty-eight.
"This is Daphne Greengrass and her friend, Tracy Davis." Both waved at him making him to nod back to them politely. Daphne has blond hair while Tracy has brown hair. Daphne has blue eyes and Tracy has purple eyes. Daphne's chest size is a C forty-eight and Tracy's chest size is a B fifty-seven.
"This is Frederika and Georgina Wealsey. Both are twins and they want to start a prank shop." Both waved as they won't do the twin speeches around him as it might not be a good thing to do, but they were use to it.
"Just talk like you normally do. You're hiding it and I can tell from your faces you want to talk the way you normally do."
"Thanks. That means...."
"A lot for us both." Harry can see this working out for them as the last one was introduce to him. Frederika and Georgina are closely look a likes. They both have red hair, but two different eyes. Frederika has reddish brown eyes and Georgina has brownish green eyes. Both chest sizes are a E thirty-four. Harry was wondering why their chests were big as he doesn't want to marry.
"Susan Bones and her aunt is the head of the Aurors. She's giving shit to the ex-owner of this place." Harry feels weird around the aunt as he doesn't want to mess with the aunt. Susan has brown hair and brown eyes with her chest being a A twenty-four making Harry to wonder why as it's not normal to have a big chest like that, but the twins as they are older.
"And I'm Blaise Zabini. Sorry for not saying my name before." Harry nods as a female walks over to them all. Blaise has black hair, light brown skin, brown doe eyes and her chest size is a A thirty-six.
"Lord Potter."
"Ma'." Harry bows making her to curtsy to him back. Daphne was shocked as Harry knows some manners.
"Harry, this is my mother, Alexandra Greengrass and my little sister, Astoria Greengrass." Harry bows to the little girl making her to blush as she hides behind her big sister.
"Shy, but active. She has too much energy to be normal. She likes to run around and stuff." Harry nods as he can tell she is very active.
"Mr. Potter." Harry turns and see Mr. Malfoy with his wife making Harry to bow in respect.
"Lord Malfoy. Lady Malfoy." Danielle likes this as her mother might approve of him as she had thought he didn't have class at all to not stay and meet them.
"Lord Potter." Lady Malfoy curtsies to Harry making her to change her mind of him a bit. Lord Malfoy was very much impressed about Harry and he approves of him more faster than he should of had.
"The goblins explained everything and the girls were going to give the oath, but Lady Zabini wanted her daughter to marry for the money." Harry nods as Blaise blushes.
"I... I told him what happened when I bumped into him crying." Lord Malfoy nods as he turns back to Harry.
"Will it be alright if the girls give it right now?" Harry nods as they gave the oath and the Weasley twins showed them how to use the Lumo charm spell to prove they still have magic.
"Lumo!" They all still had their magic making Harry to nod his head at them as he believes them.
"Harry, I hope me and my sister..."
"Aren't being rude to ask, but..."
"Can we use some of your money..."
"To start our joke shop? We promise to..."
"Return the money once it got lots..."
"Of costumers and it becomes very..."
"Popular with the many of students at Hogwarts." Harry thinks as they did ask and did promise to return the money back.
"Let me think about it and I'll let you know." Both nod as it was right to ask as this might help to get to know him better. Their mother did hope their younger sister would be Mrs. Potter, but it didn't work out. Harry went back to get his wand making them to wonder why until Harry nods to Mr. Ollivander who smiles brightly at Harry as this is the best wand he had ever made.
"Mr. Potter! This wand was the best one that I had ever made! Elder war tree wood, eighteen inches, with six cores being: A feather of a phoenix, a piece of hair from a Thestral, a heartstring of a Norwegian Ridgeback, a fang of a Basilisk, a tail feather of a Thunderbird and a braided hair strand from a Sphinx.
Very powerful." Harry holds the wand and it's like all of the bonds on his core and abilities were gone as he had forgot to have them removed and his hair went a bit longer with it going past his shoulder blades.
"This is a custom made wand and it's the very first to be made like this. I gave the wood the name as it was a fusing of the war tree and the elder tree wood thanks to Mr. Potter. That would be sixty gallons for the wand, fifteen for the wand care kit and ten for a wand host. That would be in total eighty-five gallons." Harry lays ninety gallons and got the wand host on his right arm.
His fiancées want a custom wand as well making Mr. Ollivander to be happy as each one has a core to support the cores in Harry's wand. Mr. Malfoy won custody of Blaise making her to be happy. Everything has been transferred to her name making her to be happy as Mr. Malfoy gave her the information making her to be shocked at the amount of money she has.
"Frederika. Georgina. I don't mind helping you build the prank shop. If we all put a bit in each, it would help out." Everyone nods, but Harry was quick to have a letter sent to the goblins. Rangok saw a letter and opens it before reading the contains.
It's making him to smile as he likes what Harry had just though of this. He really likes that Harry wants to support them. He even saw about the girl's talk a bit making him to be happy to have the vault ready for Frederika and Georgina to use once they leave the school. This is going to be amazing.
"Griphook, get a vault ready for the Weasley twins. It's for their prank shop once they leave school and Harry wants to buy a plot in Diagon Ally for the shop.
The plot should be completely one or two hundred meters long and wide with the building being the same in height, length and width. It should have a basement to build the prank products. There should be a lot of shelves to place them on. The sign should be a male version of one of them and one arm sticking out a window.
The arm moves from the top part as the arm is going to the head. The face has a smile with pink gums showing only the bottom teeth. The head has a rabbit that vanishes when the hat is placed on top of the head and then removed as the rabbit comes back the same way it vanishes.
The inside will have the expand charm spell used inside forty-eight thousand times as there will be stairs and lots of walk-ways inside to go to different shelves and floors. The address 93 Diagon Alley is up for sell. Buy it and expand it as much as you can as that plot will be used for the shop to be built on as we have five years to build the shop up from the ground.
It's a business between them, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Malfoy, Mrs. Zabini, Mrs. Greenhouse, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Bones. Let's get started right a way." Griphook nods as he carries out the Overlord's will. Harry hopes his pranking twins loves the gift. He plans to make sure nothing happens to them.
When trying to figure out if they should live with him in the Muggle World or one of his properties in the Magical World. Harry explains and wants them to choose since it's their lives and Lord Malfoy came up with a though that might work for all six to be happy with Harry.
"Can we see your memories of the place?"
"It's nothing special. It's just a pent house with eight bedrooms, a kitchen, a library, a study, a theater room, a gamer room, a dinner room and six bathrooms. The gamer room is for my games since I earn money from playing them. They go into a vault in Gringotts.
Don't know how much is inside, but there must be a lot since I also have a self-sustaining system connected to the vault as well, so I make lots of money. Just don't know the amount." The girls were shocked as Harry has a lot of money coming in. Their parents were also shocked as Harry sure knows how to look after himself.
"What about your relatives? We haven't seen them yet." Harry gains a dark look as he makes a fist that cause him to draw blood on his hands.
"My muggle relatives love to abuse me and if they find out about my money, they would of taken it for themselves. My godmother is in the hospital and my dad/godfather is in jail.
I lived alone since age three." Everyone was shocked as Harry shouldn't have to live alone like that. Blaise doesn't like it as Harry should be loved, not abused like he was. Lord Malfoy went to get a trail for Sirius Black with a mind healer and proof for the trail thanks to Harry. The others were wondering if Harry will be alright with them living with him.
"You can get to know us better with one of the adults dropping by to check up on us." Harry nods as he sees nothing wrong with it as he wants to know them better. The Weasley twins are so going to be having a hard time with their mother whom won't allow them to move out, but a letter from Harry got her to allow it.
The twins didn't know what Harry wrote to their mother. Everything was set and Harry showed them around with each one having a room for themselves. The twins will be sharing in case an adult needs to crash if too tired to floo back home which Harry agreed with them both completely really.
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