Hogwarts: Third Year
Harry saw Potter castle and was impress as he wonders if there is a way to add people to the wards as it's actually a ten layer ten level war wards that's around the whole island. Harry allows each of his girls to have their own rooms and Luna was enjoying herself as lots of magical creatures went to the island for safety.
It is making Harry to have the expert of Magical Creatures and the author of Fantastic Beast and Where to find them to check them out for them. New magical creatures and he was happy to add them to his new book as it keeps updating the book from the main one plus he has the dragons from Charlie really.
Harry has nothing against it as his family can move in to study them. Harry bonded the house elves of Potter castle and the Minister didn't know about the very move making Luna to chuckle at him as Harry knows his family is going to be safe. The wards were powered up by all of them making it extra strong and powerfully as Harry wants to make sure they're happy.
Harry managed to get Sirius to Potter castle where he lives. Harry saw that his consorts are slowly feeling love for him which was a good thing as Theadora doesn't have to worry about her father anymore. Harry had checked the library and saw a lot of books.
They weren't organized and he had to do it himself. He was tired after he had sorting them all out with new ones as well as from the past thanks to a spell his family had created to do so. The girls were shocked as Sirius had moved all of the books from the Black Library and placed them into the library to keep them more safe.
Harry took out every book in his vaults and placed them into the library. Hermione was shocked at the amount of books and she wonders how long it took to have the amount they had before more was added into it. Harry took a look at his gamer room and he still has space for new games.
Harry went to see Ragnok and saw that his Salazar Basilisk vault has over two billion pounds in muggle money and two trillion gallons in wizard money making Harry to be shocked. He had half of the money being transferred into the vault for his pranking twins as the shelves and floors for the shop is going to be next since they were expanding the inside for two more years to hold more inside.
Harry was happy everything was going great with a 'Notice-Me-Not' Charm on the whole shop to keep it safe and hiding from the pranking twins as it's a surprise for them. Padma, Flora, Partiva, Histia, Thea and Antonia are part of it as they actually like to do pranking, but not all the time making Harry happy as Sirius is helping as he has twenty ancient ones and twenty half-bloods who needs a job.
Harry is doing a good job hiding the shop as he is going to surprise them which will make them shock and angry at him, but a surprise is a surprise and Harry plans to fully make sure it's ready when he enters sixth year. They went to the train station and went to Hogwarts and Arthur Weasley had to take Ginny to see a mind reader and she won't be able to go to school until they see she is fit to go.
Percy had to explain this to his sisters making them upset with Harry cheering them up. Harry wonders what will happen this year as Sirius's innocents was told in the Daily Profit. Dumbledore was still trying to talk to Harry, but he can't seem to have a moment with him as things stops him and Lucius seems to be cleaning house with the Carrows as well.
Lord Nott is in Azaban and Lady Zabini lost custody of her only daughter is not making sense plus Lord Lovegood dying shouldn't have happend nor the adoption of Luna either as well. He can't seem to understand it as he hopes Remus Lupin can help him out with this as it doesn't make sense to him at all. Luna warns them as Harry doesn't like it as that is manipulation right there.
All of his concubines are fully in love with him as he treats them properly and allows girl time over tea in the garden where potion ingredients are in another garden. The girls have the garden to do tea time and plant flowers inside of it which Hermione showed them in books to have them understand them.
Harry has a third garden for medical plants only. It's to make shave cream and medical stuff with all forms filled in and the active of his ten layer ten level war wards were also filled in with a reason making them to understand.
"Sandrea likes her new home at Potter castle. She really likes it and had never mated when small before." Cedrych said as Harry smiles happy as all baby female snakes have grown and mated with James. They are expecting eggs and with Newt being there, all of the babies can survive. Harry showed him a video and Newt was impress as Harry asked the females first after showing them the videos.
Harry made sure to sign forms for both Hermione and Cedrych to own a Basilisk as familiars with mating them to a normal snake called a King Cobra. Newt signed forms to study the new breed. Sirius had a talk to Remus and he almost snapped at the man if he didn't have his two cousins to calm him down as they help explain making Remus shocked.
Harry was at the Founder House's table where every male was looking at Harry with jealousy in their eyes as Harry has a lot of girls sitting with him at his table. Thea, Antonia, Padma, Partiva, Flora and Hestia had changed houses when Georgina and Frederika couldn't as they are in fourth year of their schooling. Luckily Percy doesn't mind them staying inside the Founder House.
Remus was teach the DADA position making Harry to be on alert in case Dumbledore uses Remus to talk to him as Harry is going to be very busy and just wants a peaceful school year. Dumbledore tried again to talk to Harry for three months and Harry had filled a complaint in about it making Lady Bones to have a talk with him personally.
Dumbledore left Harry alone as Harry is calm now as he can focus on his school work and his girls. His gaming is done only when he has the time after schoolwork is done. The news in the game world heard his has a fiancée making them to know he is taking and might not have the time for tournaments, but Harry does as he is the undefeated champion ever.
Remus was confused to why Harry sent in a complaint and Amelia Bones showed up to talk to Headmaster for four hours before leaving the school and now Headmaster is leaving Harry alone. Harry was going to have a normal school year as Ron was still looking for Scabbers not knowing he was actually Peter Pettigrew, the true betrayer to the Potters making Harry to smirk.
Percy found out on his own and sent a letter to Lady Bones and he explains about the spell and the fact he should of died already even with the care he got making her to check and take the rat away. Peter is in Azkaban more closer to the Dementors by Sirius's request making Dumbledore to have a headache.
Harry realized the school had never been audition since the time of Headmaster Dipple's time. Harry sent a letter explaining about this to the head of the Audition Department and they started to check and it was true making Dumbledore to not have a fun time as Harry is doing this as a war general.
Harry was playing his life like a game as he was too good at them since he was three making him to wonder about a real tournament, but he doesn't want to enter any until he is of legal age. Sirius agrees with and signed forms for Harry to enter any kind of tournaments when he is legally seventeen years old. Harry would be safe of any even if someone forced entered them.
Neville and Luna have been getting closer, but Harry can see Neville is scared of him since he is Luna's new papa and he is also scared of her new mommies and her uncle as well, too. Harry spoke with him and allowed him to date Luna as long as he looks after her alright and treats her properly which had Neville to agree.
The girls liked how Harry had handled that. The Founder House has won the House Cup once again for three years as Remus wonder which one Harry is related to as this is weird and Harry has been only sending ideas for the school.
"I do wonder what's going to happen next year. I hope it's a quiet peacefull year as I would like that." All of them agreed as Neville has changed into a new boy with a new wand as well, too.
"I hope so. Dad is still cleaning house." Danielle said as she couldn't believe how much her father is cleaning as there is too much and their becoming Light than Dark. Even the Carrows are cleaning up as well, too.
"Us as well, too." Harry knows the three Fates are trying to keep him safe and allow him to have a normal life, but one thing slipped from their finger triggering the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
"Oh no!"
"What do we do, Lord Death? Lady Magic?"
"We don't know, but Hecate has this under control. She'll keep an eye on Harry." Death doesn't know how this will change the Fate's chooses as they want to keep Harry safe from any harm fully really.
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