Hogwarts: Second Year
Harry saw Dobby in his room making him to explain what Danielle told him as Dobby went to see his mistress to see if he can be her house elf. Lucius has nothing against it as he doesn't mind. Harry went to Gringotts to check on the vault making him to be happy as he wants it to be full invested up until both Frederika and Georgina were finished school which would make them happy.
Harry had made sure everything was set for them as it's going perfectly. The outside of the building was done and now they are working on the inside of the building to pure perfect. Once it is done, they are planning on expanding the inside with magic until the Weasley twins are out of school.
It is going to be very large inside the shop making Harry to be happy about that. Harry met the Grangers and he had introduced them to his friend Ragnok, the overlord or the king of the goblins, making the Granger family to give him the letter as Harry walks out of the building.
'So, that's what happened. I better explain this to them more. Harry really is an honorary member of the goblin nation.' Ragnok thought to himself as he brings the Grangers into his office to talk. Harry didn't buy the books as he brought the REAL defense books for his girls as he won't let them touch the books making him to call the Aurors as he doesn't trust that man.
The man was fined for what he had on the books while still having the common charms for the books making him to pay and swear to never do it again. Harry knows there is more as he will get to the bottom of it. Harry was careful with his girls as he won't let anyone touch them and he met Ginny Weasley who only loves 'Book' Harry Potter, not the 'Real' Harry Potter making him to ask Percy to keep her away from him.
Hermione and both of her parents have really understand what Harry was doing making Hermione to accept until there is love between them both as the girls like having her over. At the sorting, Ginny was placed in Gryffindor and there was a boy name Colin Creevey who also got placed into Gryffindor.
Ginny was upset Harry wasn't in Gryffindor. Harry saw a girl with long dirty blond hair, grey eyes, bottle cap earrings and cherry cheeks. She was sorted into Ravenclaw making Harry to have a bad feeling about her placement there in the Nest of the Ravens really.
"Found a new girl to add?" Harry growls low as his eyes darken and they saw why: the little one was getting picked on in her own house making Harry to have a bit of red energy coming from him.
"Down, boy. We'll prank them if they go to far." Daphne said as Hermione was shocked and plans to research this as Harry shouldn't be like that. Harry warns the Head of Ravenclaw who agrees. It was only two months with six attacks on muggle-borns plus a cat and the little one was looking unhealthy and she has scars on her and when she fall, she felt someone caught her and slowly rises with her in bride-style.
"Papa..." She let's his warmth, his magic and his presence keep her safe as she curls into him and she rests her head under his chin making him to sigh of relief before he walks away with her in his arms. The Founder House was for the heir of one or more founder heirs. Two boys and two girls, but it was only one heir inside with his fiancées and concubine inside. The heir is related to all four founders.
The said girls saw their fiancé and 'master' (AN: If a man has a 'mistress', then a woman has a 'master' since she is cheating on her husband) carry the little one inside into their dormitory. There is one other male inside the house and he is a guest of two girls.
He calls the Head of Ravenclaw and he get's the first-aid kit that the boy kept in the dormitory. The boy is Harry Potter and he was carrying Heiress Luna Lovegood, the little one in his arms. The Head of Ravenclaw shows up and saw his chick in the founder heir's arms.
"They shouldn't have done this. I'll leave it to the Snake Clutch to handle it." Hermione Granger, one of the girls and the concubine to Harry, has two familiars: a orange Kreazer cat and a albino baby Basilisk. All of Harry's girls have an albino version of the snake they have making Harry to wonder how that had happened as he knows with a new member, she'll have a albino version as well.
She was welcomed into the clutch and the cat helps the snakes catch rats or mouse around the dorm. Percy was a honorary member of the clutch making him to smile as he enjoys making their new DADA professor scream like a girl.
"She also called me 'papa'. Got any ideas as to why?"
"Her real father was killed by a Death Eater a month ago. She is a orphan and the goblins are watching over the vault until she is taking in. No one wants her and she is slowly losing herself. I believe she is a Seer and was born with the ability Site to see Magical Creatures with veils over them.
She saw a future where she has you as a papa." Harry nods as he treats her wounds and places her on the couch. Harry and his girls talked about it and choose to blood and magical adopt the little one. Percy was happy being an uncle early as he can help keep her safe from the ravens.
It was morning and Luna saw two bottles making her to see a note was beside them making her to smile as she has a lot of mommies now with a uncle.
'Dear fae childe,
The bottles contain the potion to blood and magical adopt you.
The first one has our blood inside of it while the second one contains our magic inside of it.
Percy was over the moon of being a uncle early. *dodges a Bamorda from the said Percy* Miss! He's happy to be your uncle. Whoa! *Runs from Percy* This is Susan Bones. While your papa and uncle are busy, you should know something.
By being both blood and magical adopted by us, you will need to know about the family magic. We all have the Lovegood blood and magic inside us to make it fair. Harry was digging the new look.
Hermione Granger here. I'm going to be looking up a lot of things as I need to learn more to handle the Magical World. If you need help with homework, just ask.
Love your papa and mommies,
Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis, Frederika and Georgina Weasley, Danielle Malfoy, Susan Bones, Blaise Zabini and Hermione Granger-Lestrange-Black
Percy wants you to know that he'll help protect you from the mean ravens.'
Luna was happy as she took both and then went to get her stuff when a house elf has it making her to smile as her mama's necklace was there was well, too. She was happy to have them as family. She placed a white silk, trimmed with gold dress with the dress having gold trimmings on the sleeves.
She even placed white shoes with golden trimmings on as well as her mother's necklace. Luna even has her hair in a messy bun with some hairs framing her face making her to look beautiful as she likes what she is seeing in the full length mirror as she couldn't believe what she is seeing inside the mirror.
Harry, his girls and Percy came back and they all fully saw Luna making the girls to squeal as they rush to her and started to talk making her to blush as Harry left her those clothing himself for her to change into.
"Papa..." Harry can tell she needs saving from her many mommies as she looks uncomfortable right now which he was no problem with as he doens't want her to go into a panic attack right there and right now.
"Yes, little one. I figured a dress would be a good idea for you to wear. I hope you liked it." She runs into his arms as she was happy to have them and the new clothing as well. Luna was now sitting at the Founder House table making many to wonder what is going on until they saw her new look and her hair style as well making many to be shocked at her.
Luna's hair is now to her ankles, her dirty blond color vanished and was replaced with just blond like Danielle with a hit of Daphne's blond color while having red highlights. Black hair was at the front of her face. Luna's hair was in a high ponytail with some hair framing her face which was the black hair with brown highlights.
Her eyes were doe like with her grey eyes looking like Tracy's eyes, but has the color being that of a aurorean light with freckles in her face. Her chest was now a firm and lifted forty-eight C with the border line of going into a D. Her skin is like Hermione's with her height being one inches more with her cloth being what her papa had giving her.
Everyone was shocked as they had never seen her like this before, but they saw Harry got up and had two bobby pins in his mouth as he brings the hair that is framing her face and wraps them around her high ponytail then pinned them with the bobby pins.
Everyone was shocked as her earrings are sapphire with rubies making many to be shocked as they don't get what changed her to be like this making her to giggle inside her mind. The Ravenclaw house was flaming as they are getting angrier and the whole Snake Clutch are going to prank them badly as they just shouldn't have harmed the hatchling of the clutch.
"Well?" Luna prods, the only sign of fidgeting being the slight twitching of her hands. Harry calms her down and sits back down as he is planning on using a good prank on them.
"I got a plan and I need all of your input on it with Percy as well." Everyone nods as they know Harry has a plan for the Ravens save their head of house as this is going to be major. It was that after-noon that Harry saw someone the floor and not moving. The caretaker saw him, but Harry was checking for wounds and found none.
He called six house elves to move the body to the hospital wing. Harry saw two more set of twins making Harry to flinch as both are petrified and they were pure-bloods making many to wonder what is going on. Harry slowly used his magic and un-petrified them. Cause of them owning him their life, he sent a letter like he did to the Grangers.
He had fully explained completely everything the best he can. Both replied back and wants to meet with him at Gringotts. Harry accepts with Ragnok being there to help support him since this is going to be a hard thing to do. He warns his girls and daughter making them to understand. Luna was happy to have four more mommies.
Harry swallows and left for Gringotts as he needs to go meet the parents, but he is scared as he had never done this sort of thing before and Ragnok was there to help explain before he met the parents.
"Good evening, Lord Carrow. Lady Carrow. Lord Patil. Lady Patil. My name is Harry Potter. It's a pleasure to meet you." Harry says while bowing as he needs to keep calm.
"Love, he's nervous. Must be the first time he had ever done this. What did your girls think about this, Lord Potter?" Harry was happy for that as he got over his nervousness.
"I told them and they have really nothing against it. All four girls will be concubines until there is love between us as I don't want to force them into loveless marriage. That would be very rude of me to do so." All four agreed as this makes it easier for their daughters to get to know him better and the girls. Harry explains about Luna and they were shocked.
"You mean..." Harry nods and looks down thinking they don't want this to continue, but Lady Patil rubs his head as she was smiling happily as she had never thought Harry would do that.
"You're so kind to have done that for the little one. I have nothing against having her be blood nor magically adopted into the family." Harry blushes at that as he didn't think they would accept. The marriage contract was done with it activated when there is full-blow love between all five.
It is making Harry to be happy as Luna can see the future very well making him to be ahead of everything to keep his family safe from harm. Everyone welcomes the new girls in making them to be shocked as Harry explains making them to be happy as Harry wants there to be love between them. They even blood and magically adopted Luna while being blood and magically adopted into the Lovegood Family.
Harry showed the plan to them and everyone added a bit more into it and Luna is going to love it. Harry showed the house elves the plan and they agreed to do the lighting making Harry to smirk mentally. He explained how it's going to happen making the house elves to love it as it going to be perfect.
Even the Aurors are going to be there as Harry had to explain fully everything and did the very paperwork to do it and for the very adoption of Luna. In the Great Hall, everyone was eating their lunch and the Founder House was there as well, but Harry and Luna was with the Aurors collecting proof with who did what as his Ravenclaw Patil never did that.
The candles went out fast and everyone was scared as they don't know what's going on as they saw Lady Bones at the doorway of the Great Hall with a spot light on her. Harry and Luna showed up making many to see she changed again.
Luna now has a red dot in the middle of her forehead with her body having meat on all of her bones making her to have curves of a perfect lady to a noble family. Her hair was in a Indian hair style as well.
"I'm sure everyone is wonder what is going on and it will be explained in a short while, but first... House lights." Nothing.
"House lights." Nothing.
"Okay, the guys working the lights that are smoking weed, turn on the fucking lights." Everyone heard the house elves laughing as they were smoking weed as they turn the lights on, but over the whole Ravenclaw House.
"There they are." Everyone was very much confused as they don't really understand what is going on. One fourth year student knows and wasn't happy with Cho Chang as she plans to stop the marriage.
"Ravenclaw House, both Harry and Luna had collect enough proof to force you to go to court for harming Luna and for stealing from her. She was blood and magically adopted by twelve girls and Harry here. You are going to be charge badly for this. Harry already filled in the forms for this to happen and he also filled in the forms to adopt Luna both by blood and magical. He even did it for his girls as well.
Now, if you got anything to say... Save it for the court cause it will and can be used against you in the court. Now, come along. The court is waiting as Harry signed forms to have this happen today in two hours. Thank you, Lord Potter for letting us know about this." Harry bow to his aunt-in-law and walks with her as Luna was coming with them to court.
"Oh, Professor Lockhart! Mind explaining why you have pictures of my twelve girls and my daughter?"
"They're my fans, young man."
"Really? Cause I found out that they were..."
"Yes, young man?"
Lady Bones took a look and was looking ready to kill the man as he was nervous now and she even saw some of her members in the Auror Department being inside as well.
"LOCKHART! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR RAPING CHILDREN AND FOR FORCING YOURSELF ONTO WOMAN AGAINST THEIR FREE WILL! YOU WILL ALSO BE COMING TO COURT FOR THIS! Lord Potter. Where did you this from?" Harry didn't even looked guilty as he glares at the DADA professor who whimpers at the glare as Harry is out for blood if he even moves one inch which Harry only needs to attack him.
"His room. I also found his diary. It's filled with his stuff, not to forget that it had him actually writing down who he stole 'his' adventures from as I doubt he filled in the forms to do that." Lady Bones can tell Harry is keeping his family safe. Good thing all of Lockhart's vault keys were taking from him by Dobby as he doesn't need them anymore.
Harry found out he isn't looking after his mother, so he placed her into St. Morgue for the help. Harry even paid for it until she dies making her to be shocked as it helps her out more. The court was outraged at both as Harry didn't fill for the court to see Lockhart, but Harry said one thing.
"He raped my girls and my daughter." Harry did the forms to adopt Luna and he even filled the forms in for his girls as well. His four new girls got Lovegood blood and magic inside of them to make it fair. Everyone was shocked at the proof and where his adventures are from making them to be outrageous as Harry filled the forms in to send them all to Azkaban unless there is a better punishment.
"Since Lord Potter signed forms to throw them all in Azkaban unless there is a better punishment for them, I want to hear what the court has to say." Lady Bones said making Albus to stand up.
"For the students since I didn't know about it, they will have sign a form stating that they won't go near nor attack Heiress Luna ever again. For Lockhart, eight years in Azkaban. Lockhart will also lose his magic after that and will be forced to do community service to prove he earns his magic back.
It will be for eight years as well." Harry nods, but the Chang Family wish to speak to Lord Potter first. Even the Diggory Family wish to speak to him making him to set the meeting at Gringotts for privacy. The Chang Family wish to have Cho forced to marry Harry as a sort of punishment if he would allow it.
"I don't force marriages on anyone. Cho will be a concubine until there's true love and I don't want her saying mean things about Luna. Why, Lord Diggory, did you wish to meet with me?"
"My daughter was engaged to Cho Chang and I wish to change it to you if you would allow it."
"Like I said, I don't force marriages on anyone. She will also be a concubine since she doesn't know me." Everyone was happy with that as they told their daughters about the meeting.
Cedrych Diggory had blood and magically adopted Luna with Lovegood blood and magic inside of her. Luna was happy with more mommies making Cedrych to smile as she did like the little one.
An Auror was picked to become the new DADA teacher making many to be happy as they don't like Lockhart. Those raped remembered and Harry's girls were really scared. Harry was there for them daily even making them to miss class until they were better. Luna just went on as usually, but she has tears coming down her face from nightmares at night.
Harry heard a snake talking before each attack and he went to the Chamber of Secrets with his girls and Luna as he is not going to hide anything from them making them to wonder what is going on.
§Open for the true heir of SSSlytherin.§ They sinks moved to show the doorway making the Patil twins, Padam and Pativa, to moan a bit as Parselmouths are known in India. Everyone went down and forty house elves were just done before they left.
Harry saw that the place has white granite stones for the walls with bricks for the floor until they reach a big space. The walls were done in marble with the floor being done in black stone. Harry saw the skin and he calls for a house elf to bring his accounting here for a quick meeting.
"Lord Potter. Whoa! Now I can see why you said a quick meeting. Fifty billion gallons." Harry thinks as Goblins love a good challenge.
"Seventy-five?" Goblin grin alert as he looks to Harry.
"Final offer: two hundred plus you can hang the skin in Gringotts."
"Sold!" Harry had the house elf help bring it to the bank with the money going to that vault making the goblin to nod as the money from that vault was being used to build the shop. They continue to walk and saw a doorway making Harry to shake his head as Salazar was stupid for doing this as there was other ways his snake can get into Hogwarts.
§Open for the true heir of SSSlytherin.§ They saw a snake going up as the other snakes move out of the way to open the door as they saw the next room.
"*Sighs* I got to get the house elves to find where the water is coming from so they can block it." It has water all over the floor and Harry saw Ginny Weasley on the floor making him to sigh.
"I should of known it was with her. It was a book correct, Danielle?" She nods as she saw someone walking to them and being confused to why there is so many people in the room.
"Harry Potter?" He waves his hand making him to see him.
"Tom Marvolo Riddle."
"Rearrange your name, Voldemor?" A flinch was enough.
"Let her go. I rather ask as she is going to be my sister-in-law. She loves 'book Harry', not the 'real Harry'. I don't like that. The books were marked as fiction and yet she thinks it's real. Stupid writers. Just let her go." Tom shakes his head and went to bring out the snake, but Harry beats him to it as he said it in a different way which shocks the spirit of the book.
§Oh noble sssnake, Queen of all sssnakesss. Hear the call of the true heir of SSSlytherin and ignore the fake who'sss ancessstor wasss blood adopted by my ancessstor, SSSalazar SSSlytherin. Come fort and let your sssecond eye lid down.§ Tom was shocked as the snake listened and the second eye lid was down making the snake to see a lot of people with one on the floor.
§He fakesss!§
§Oh ssshut up! Green eyesss are hereditary from SSSalazar himssself and hisss blood adopted ssson didn't gain it! Me and my mom inherited them! He'sss a sssoul ssshard ssstealing the life from the hatchling in front of you. The book isss holding him here. Bite it to remove the sssoul ssshard.§ Harry said making the snake to bite the book and destroyed the soul shard. Ginny woke up and hugged her sisters.
The snake looks to Harry and then bows to him. Harry bows back and asked if she would like to become a familiar to someone and chosen Cedrych making to her curtsy to the snake. Harry shrinks her to allow her to move around and she'll go big to protect everyone making her to like it.
Ginny asked if Harry saved her, but Frederika shakes her head making Harry to sigh. With a life debt from Ginny, Harry just frees her from it without her knowing about it as he doesn't like her. Sandrea allowed them to go into her master's house.
Flawks took Ginny back to the castle as the hat stays with them. The Sword of Gryffindor was giving to Harry as it's his by right of heir to Godric Gryffindor. Harry saw the house with his girls making them to be shocked.
There was lots of books, fabric, potion ingredients, dragon eggs, eggs to other magical creatures and there was paintings that weren't completed yet. Harry was quick to finish the paintings and woke them up once they were on the school walls. The girls were shocked as the dragon eggs were sent to Charlie in Romania making him to be shocked at the eggs as they must of been very old if they were placed under a spell to keep them safe.
The eggs hatched shocked the dragon tamers as there are ten of each species of dragon that had thought to have been dead. A short letter from both Frederika and Georgina was enough for them to know more. The other founder chambers were the same as there was even more dragon eggs that got sent over to them making the place to have too many dragons until Harry sent over spells to expand areas really.
It is making them to be happy with the spells they got. Harry finished ever single painting that weren't completed and woke them up after placing them on the walls to be with other paintings of the castle. Professor Dumbledore was the one to fully explain to each one making them to be happy.
Lucius was told by Danielle that it was destroyed making him to sigh of relief as he is cleaning house and he is treating house elves better now. Danielle managed to explain the house elves to Hermione. She accepts them and tries to keep them being marked as Dark Creatures since they aren't and Harry plans to keep them safe. He saw a follow student being picked on and when she saw Harry, she ran into his arms.
"Tck! Can't get him angry!"
"Too late!" Harry blasted them all with his magic making them to be badly wounded. The girl was named Theadora Nott and she was just going to visit Danielle when they attacked her. Harry kept her in the Founder House making her to feel safe as she was sleeping on Danielle's laps. She cried herself to sleep as she was holding it inside of her for far to long.
Harry was thinking as he had seven fiancées in the beginning, then had added one more in as a concubine, then added four more as concubine as well and then he got two more. Harry wondered how he has gotten fourteen fiancées with now a new one making him to wonder if he'll have to move from his pent house, but he had realized he can expand it and add more rooms to it.
Thea was happy as she doesn't like her father making Harry to glare as he plans to have Thea living with him and his girls. Danielle will be sharing rooms until they get a bigger place. Harry called Ragnok and he had explained both the house and Thea's problem making it easier to deal with it as the Potter castle has lots of room for them to live in and Ragnok said that he'll deal with Lord Nott.
"How many rooms are there in the castle?" His girls could never ever figure out how he can use a phone nor call from Hogwarts. Harry tossed them his books for them to read as he was very much busy making them really.
"Over one million bedrooms and the same can be said about the bathrooms with a chamber to do training and lots of house elves. There is even a large garden to plant your very own potion ingredients. I would recommend for you to move to the castle to make it easier for you. I can have goblins check it out thanks to that mini airplane you created to spy on people." Harry smirks as he was going to be loving this.
"We'll move into the Potter castle. The girls would love the extra space *whispers* and the Minister can shove it up his fucking ass." Ragnok was laughing on the other side very loudly as he really likes Harry.
"You got it, Lord Potter!" Harry told his girls their new home making them to be shocked as Harry laughs in his mind to keep from getting hexed at.
"Ragnok is even handling Lord Nott as well, too. Thea is going to be very much staying with us." Luna cheers as she hugs her new mommy making Thea to blush as Danielle explained everything. Thea's friend, Antonia Goldstein was worried about her friend making Harry to have sixteen fiancées now as he wonders if he should stop and leave it all be at the number that they are at.
School was over and Founder House has won the House Cup again as Harry has Dobby to help pack as they are moving to Potter Castle to live with the war wards, that are level ten, to be activated full-time to keep them all fully safe.
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