Hogwarts: Fourth Year part 3
Harry wonders how this is going to work as they might get the same species as him and that's not right as cats hunt and none of them would be able to eat wheat, but Newt said that it likes to eat pumpkin pies and cakes a lot of the time which has flour in it. Not wanting things to spiral any further cause of Dumb and Dumber stopping them again, Hermione purposefully strode back in forth in front of the tapestry three times while focusing on needing a Calthamic conjuring circle to complete their ritual.
After her third time walking back and forth, an oak door that was stained a comforting brown appeared on the wall opposite of them. Without looking back, Hermione opened the door and hurried through. Harry followed Hemione in as the others followed into the room. They stood in the center of a cavern large enough to play Quidditch in.
They could barely make out the ceiling high above them, the light from the torches bolted to the walls just barely reflecting from that height. They were standing next to a conjuring circle carved into the rock floor. The circle had two outer rings that were full of strange runes that ran the entire way around it. Inside the innermost ring was a twenty pointed star with a large rune array in the exact center.
"So now what?" Harry asked as Hermione looked at a basket of herbs and flowers sitting on the ground a few feet away from the conjuring circle.
"Okay, here is what we do. We place those herbs and flowers in the center of the circle and then we each take a seat at one point of the star." She instructed them. Harry nodded his head and picked up the basket. When he neared the center of the circle, a large bronze bowl appeared in the exact center. Taking the hint, Harry dumped out the contents of the basket into the bowl. He then sat down at the point of the star opposite him.
The others soon joined him with Hermione sitting on his left. To her left George and Fred took the next two points of the star. Luna took the next point leaving Neville to take the point of the star on Harry's right. The others took a sit as well as this is going to be weird once they find out their animal forms. Once they were all seated, Hermione pointed her wand at the bronze bowl and whispered.
"Incendio." A thin string of flame shot out of her wand at the contents of bronze bowl. Soon, a sweet smelling, purple smoke lightly filled the cavern. After a few minutes of breathing in the smoke, they all started to giggle.
"[chortle]... Not that I'm complaining mind you, but when do we [snicker] Get to the part about our animal forms?" Georgina asked, a big dopey smile on her face. As if in answer to her question, Neville's eyes first crossed and then rolled back into his head as he fell backwards, his grin never leaving his face. Luna was the next to pass out. Georgina and Hermione lost consciousness at roughly the same time as the others. Frederika caught Harry's eyes and chuckled.
"See you on the other..." Before she fell over. Harry looked around at his family and shifted his legs out from under him, so he could lay down comfortably. When his back was on the stone floor, his eyes closed, transporting him to the dream realm. Harry opened his eyes and sat up. He quickly looked around to get his bearings.
He and his family were on a large stone circle floating in what looked like an endless, gray expanse. In every direction he looked, all he saw was swirling, gray mist. Not sensing any danger, he shrugged his shoulders and went to Hermione first and then to each of his other family members, waking them up. Once they had all had time to take in the boring landscape, Harry asked Hermione.
"What do I do now? You said I was supposed to guide you guys to your animagus forms." Luna answered before Hermione could.
"Actually, it's your animagus form that is supposed to guide us, papa." She told him.
"Oh... okay," Harry said as he cautiously walked to the edge of the circle. Keeping most of his weight on his back foot, he extended his front foot over the edge to test if there was something solid he could stand on. To his surprise, the mist held him and he was able to walk on it. Feeling more confident, he walked away from the circle to give him room to transform. He closed his eyes and focused on his feline side.
After a few moments, Harry opened up one eye and peeked at the circle where his family stood. He was still looking at them from his normal eye level instead of from above like when he was a giant feline. He closed his eyes again and he tried to focus harder to go into his feline form. When nothing had happened, he walked back to the stone circle defeated.
"Sorry guys, nothing." He apologized. Hermione gave Harry a reassuring hug before she bit her bottom lip, deep in thought.
"I wonder..." She muttered. When she saw everyone was looking at her, she blushed slightly in embarrassment.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about what the instructions said. It said that once we found ourselves in the dream realm, the powerful wizard would call forth his animagus form. I wonder if it was being literal." She mused. Harry stood with his back to the outer edge of the circle.
"Okay... So what am I supposed to do? I still don't have a name for it plus I only named the species." Harry said as he looks to Hermione as he was right about that.
"Papa, why not name him Greystripe? I think it's a great name." Luna said which made a chime go off making the name stay permanently.
"O.K. Chimes to make the names permanent. Alright. Now what? Just yell out 'Come here, Greystripe! Here boy!'" He asked. As soon he stopped talking, Hermione's eyes widened as she looked over his shoulder. One by one the others followed suit. Shaking off the slight shock first, Hermione smirked at her shared fiancé and gestured behind him as she knows Harry is going to be shocked.
"Harry, I would like to introduce you to Greystripe." She offered. Harry slowly turned around and then took a startled step backwards when he found himself nose to nose with a very large, black multi colored tipped grey stripe backed cat.
"Holy crap! I'm huge!" He exclaimed.
"We know, Harry!" Georgina agreed.
"We've been trying to tell you that since that we saw your form!" Frederika added. Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Can we proceed?" She asked the twins. The twins gave her an unrepentant smile, but nodded their heads yes.
"Ok Greystripe, show time." Harry said, feeling slightly awkward since he was in all actuality talking to himself. For his part, Greystripe moved his head to the left somewhat and let out a loud Meowing sound. The mist where his head was pointed started to swirl faster and grow thicker.
The moment when they were able to make out a shape starting to form in the mist, Hermione felt drawn to whatever was coming towards them. She was surprised when a grey white stripped giant cat with angel wings showed and walked quietly up to her. This was obviously a pure-bred colossal species with angel wings seeing that it was easily two sizes smaller than Harry's.
When the cat reached the stone circle, it walked around Hermione as if it were judging her. As it stalked around her, Hermione saw something and just nods making the cat to lose that something. Eventually the cat stopped in front of Hermione and rubbed it's large head against her hand. As Hermione scratched the creatures ears, she heard purring coming from her.
"Woo Hoo! I was hoping something like this might happen!" Luna exclaimed. The rest of them looked at her, waiting for her to explain as Harry can feel that Greystripe likes the 'kitten' very much.
"Since papa's animagus form is a very magical Feline creature, I was hoping that the forms he lead us to would be of the same species as well to make it a pride with uncle as the advisor or baby-sitter. Mama Hermione's form is a very rare type that has angel wings only found near the county of Jerusalem.
This type of cat has developed the power of Holiness and Godliness. They have developed the ability to such a degree that they can just be reborn or choose to be a different species like a human-cat hybrid or a normal cat until the nine lives are over and go back a their old form." She stated.
"How do you know so much about them?" Hermione asked. Luna put her hand on her hip and gave Hermione a stern look, mimicking the older witch's "displeased pose".
"Honestly Mama Hermione, I would think the answer would be obvious. My family is known for their research into the rarest of magical animals. That and my great, great grandmother Alexandra Lovegood had one. It lose it's wing in a fight." She admitted.
Hermione really didn't want to think about the implications of one of Luna's ancestors who was named Alexandra owning a wingless colossal cat. To change the subject, she turned to look at the cat's pretty blue eyes.
"So, what should we call you? Hmmm... let me think." Harry put his hand on Hermione's shoulder and pulled her back slightly.
"Sorry, Hermione, but you know the know the rules. You aren't allowed to choose your own animagus name." He reminded her. Luna shot her hand up in the air.
"Yes, Luna. Do you have a name suggestion?" He asked.
"Yes, I do. Let's call her Silverstream." Luna suggested making the chimes to go off making Harry to know that if it's a good name, it's permanent. For her part, Silverstream nodded her head, sat down behind Hermione and started bathing herself by licking her paws.
Greystripe nodded his head in agreement with the name and meowed again, calling out the next animagus forms for the twins. The humans turned to face the outside of the circle to see what would come next. Twin meows from the center of the circle startled everyone, but Greystripe and Silverstream.
The humans quickly turned around to see twin giant cats about one size bigger than Hermione's on the ritual star. The cats had white fur with grey stripes all over their bodies. With a sudden meow and both are walking around the Weasley twins until they rubbed against them.
Hermione watched the twin cats and came up with an appropriate name for them. Her idea would also throw people off when they tried to figure out the identity of the Marauder Pride as they can't call themselves a clutch anymore.
"Let's call these two Feathertail." She suggested. The twins quickly agreed at the same time. Harry, Luna and Neville smiled at the twins reaction and they said in unison.
"Feathertail it is!" Sealing the name to the cats. Luna hopped up and down in excitement as Greystripe meowed a third time. A small disturbance around what they perceived as ground level in the mist drew everyone's attention.
Hermione had been trying to brace herself for just about completely anything knowing Luna like she did and was surprised when a cute, small dark flame-colored tabby tom with a pale orange belly. She has short, sleek, and thick fur, large ears, a long tail, and bright aurorean eyes hopped out of the mist.
The only thing to immediately mark this cat from any others were the wings as they looked sensitive and the whole cat was four sizes smaller then Greystripe. Luna clapped her hands happily and then suddenly reached out to stop Neville from approaching the cat as it's not a good idea to do that as she might lose her mate if he does that.
"You don't want to do that, Neville. She's a VDC." She warned softly. Neville turned to face her and swallowed in fear. He had learned all about, both magical and otherwise.
"A VDC?" Harry stated, clearly confused. From her expression, Luna could tell Hermione was confused as well.
"V-D-C. It stands for Very Demonic Cat. They are also known in some parts of the world as Yokai Nekos. Evil Spirit Cats." Luna explained. Seeing that the others still didn't quite understand what she was trying to say, Luna closed her eyes and conjured a simulacrum of Tom Marvolo Riddle with his Death Eaters, but the Malfoys and Carrows next to the kitten.
With a horrible cry, the kitten bared it's long fangs and viciously attacked the humans. Hermione turned away and buried her head in Harry's chest to avoid looking at the carnage. Frederika had jumped into the arms of her sister who was now holding her bridal style.
Neville and Harry were both finding a sort of sick fascination in watching their nemesis being torn limb from limb. Silverstream was looking over with some interest, wondering if the demonic kitten would share it's meal.
She got her answer when less than five minutes later, the kitten had devoured all of the humans leaving only their scraped clean skulls. Luna snapped her fingers and the image of the skulls vanished back into the mist.
"Her name is Echosong. Echosong, the Demonic Kitten." She proclaimed in clear violation of the not being able to chose your own nickname rule. The others were too disturbed by what they saw to argue with her. Greystripe turned his head to look at the mist beyond Neville while still keeping an eye on Echosong. He meowed a fourth time and soon afterwards a large disturbance could be seen forming in the mist.
Greystripe had a smug look on his face and then winked at Harry while subtly nodding his head towards Neville. Loud footfalls resonated from the mist as a meter tall cat walked out of the mist towards them. The cat was a plump, tabby-and-white he-cat Without any sign of fear, the large cat leaned down and licked Echosong. The wings were that of a angel while Echosong has demon wings.
"Why not name him Firestar?" Chimes went off making Neville to nod as he was happy that Luna can pick out great names really. Greystripe looks to the others at the same time and meowed making them to be shocked at their cat forms.
Theadora's form was a sleek-furred, predominantly white tortoiseshell she-cat with orange and black splotches, grey eyes and a stumpy tail. Antonia's form was a heavy, snowy-white tom with golden eyes. She has fluffy, thick, and long fur.
Cho's form was a sleek-furred, tawny-colored she-cat with bright blue eyes, and a dark tail and ears. Cedrych's form was a dark brown tabby she-cat with the tip of her tail missing. Susan's form was a black-and-white tom with a torn ear and yellow eyes.
Her has sleek fur and a lean frame. Padma's form was a pure white she-cat with green eyes. Partiva's form was a black-and-white tom with a white belly. Percy's form was a tall, lean, mottled, bright tortoiseshell-and-white tom mixed with ginger, black, dark brown, and white patches, a face that tapers at the muzzle, and a thick, brown-and-white, curving tail which is bushed at the tip.
He has pale yellow eyes, large, wide-spaced, tufted ears, a long, thick, sleek, soft pelt, a broad head, and fur around his neck that stands like a sun-shaped mane. Flora's form was a tabby-and-white she-cat with amber eyes. Histia's form was a sturdy, thick-furred, massive, tall, reddish-brown tom with green eyes, a broad head, a muzzle criss-crossed with scars, a smooth pelt, and a torn ear.
Danielle's form was a speckled, golden-furred she-cat with cloudy, dark amber eyes. Blaise's form was a sleek, mottled, raven-black she-cat with green eyes. Tracy's form was a massive, tall, sturdy, heavy, thick-furred, dark brown tabby tom. She has unusually long, sharp front claws, a broad chest and shoulders, and wide, pale amber eyes. One of her ears is split in a deep "V" shape near the top, along with a scar on the bridge of her nose, and her pelt is crisscrossed with long battle scars.
Daphne's form was a sleek, pale ginger tabby she-cat the color of ripe barley. She has a small nick in one ear, and yellow eyes. Everyone was shocked at their forms as Luna jumps up and down.
"Mama Theadora is a hunter which is why she doesn't have any wings as they will get hurt. Mama Antonia's is the same along with mama Cho and mama Cedrych as well. Mama Susan with mama Padma and Mama Partiva are the healers of the pride while uncle is the adviser to papa. Mama Flora and Histia are what you would call the look out scouts. Looking out for danger.
Mama Danielle, mama Blaise, mama Tracy and mama Daphne are what you call the soldiers. Their wings are might to be bigger to get farther to the enemies." Luna said shocking everyone as they can see what she means.
"But couldn't the hunters hide their wings or something?" Theadore asked as Luna shakes her head.
"It would of hurt to hide their wings plus these species can't all have wings as some aren't meant to have them." Harry can see what she means as they females looked shocked at Luna.
"But... Some can actually breathe underwater to go fishing as sharks, killer whales, squids and octopuses are what they eat when fishing. We can eat all of that and land meat as well. Cause of us being colossal, we will be needing to eat a big meal every four days." Luna said as everyone wonders how the school will handle this once the news comes out about them being animagus.
"I'll deal the paperwork for this. All females will be inquire to know healing spells incase a healer is sick in the pride. All of us will hunt together as a pride. All of us will be inquire to know runes to protect ourselves as I got a few ideas to do with them." Harry said as they can see a leader in front of them making Harry to blush when they said that out loud.
McGonagall was happy for them and calling themselves a pride was the right idea to do. Harry asked if a normal cat can become a colossal species and Luna said only if they're on their ninth live and a colossal ask them to join them. McGonagall was shocked and gentle refused since she doubts she could join like that, but will send them information on the world making them to like that.
Harry had a potion poured into her cup to keep her around longer. Harry doesn't know which one of his girls to take to the ball and Krum had the gust to fully ask Hermione to go with him to the ball making Greystripe to hiss at him as that's one of his mates. McGonagall got there in time and told Krum:
"Hemrione was taking already and a restraining order was asked to be placed on you towards her and the other females of Harry plus Percy and Neville." Harry was happy for the help and Hermione doesn't mind Harry sharing a dance with the others making him to smile as Neville had asked Luna to the ball.
Harry has finished the paperwork for their animagus forms with him as the leader of their Colossal Cat pride and Percy is the adviser to the whole pride. The Minister was shocked, but allowed it since it was done through paperwork.
Dumbledore was not happy as now he can't control the boy and since he got audited by someone, all of the classes he removed was back and he was paying for it with teachers and everything was updated as well. He even has to pay for new cleaning supplies, a new cat for the caretaker and hire him twenty helpers with each house having a second head to deal with the younger years and a med-wizard.
Harry was smirking on the inside as dumb and dumber is going to be too busy as Harry is paying the Audition Department to go all the way to Headmaster Dipple's time making them to like this. Harry can see that the fight in the Longbottom family is going to be continuing, so he had six counselors to help sort it out before blood is slipped in the House of Longbottom.
The Yule Ball is the difficulty one for Harry was he had never danced before and his girls had a turn teaching him and the dances that belong to their countries where their family came from. Percy and Neville felt bad for Harry as Luna teaches Neville how to slow dance. Sirius was loudly cracking up laughing as it was recorded for him to see as this is not something you miss.
Even Snape was enjoying it as he had a smirk on his face since James was the same and Lily enjoyed torturing him by teaching him how to dance with Sirius and Remus which made them pale at the memory.
Harry hated the party as he never liked the attention he got as the males were hitting on his girl who were with their brothers and fathers. Ginny went with her dad who was happy to do so as he feels special to her. The next task was underwater with a treasure you need to get as it will be what you miss the most which Harry understand was a person making him angry as he just walked into the meeting.
"A person?! A person?! Are you crazy?! The mermaids would kill them once the task is over and once the champions didn't get them! Have protective charms on them with a warm charm as well. Better to be safe than sorry. Also a contracts must be signed by all us of as if anything were to happen, we pay for it and we pay for the treatments if the wounds are very bad." They agreed and the contract was signed.
Harry made sure that everything was set up with a camera to watch really everything under water live with his three girls doing the play back again. Hermione, Frederika and Georgina got the plan and got everything set up.
"Hello, everyone and welcome to the second task. I'm Hermione Granger with me are Frederika and Georgina Wealsey." Hermione said as she starts the channel with Remus and Sirius, who is in his dog form.
"Thanks, Hermione. Now the second task is the champions getting a treasure from the mermaids with the time limit of two hours. It was suppose to be one, but Harry changed it to two so the champions can think of a plan."
"That's correct, sister of mine. I heard it's a person and there is charms to keep them both warm and safe all signed on a contract. Harry wanted to make sure that everything is safe for the 'treasures' in the water." Frederika said as she looks to the people listening to their channel.
"We have a special message for the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore from the Griffin. Keep your gayness hand away from the boys in the school. That is all." Georgina said as everyone gasp as that means Dumbledore is fully gay. Griffin was actually Godric Gryffindor making Sirius to bark laugh at the old man.
"From my understanding: Sparkling lilac robes with purple as the color would mean gayness, but there is some in the wizardry world that we, the PMRRC, have anything against. We just felt sorry that in the Muggle World, it's looked down on along with Lesbians as well. I, for one, support all relationships. I do know for a fact that Severus Snape is being shared between Lucius and his wife.
I heard he was in a relationship with another man and he was blind folded before fuc- I mean his lover forced himself into him. Lucius had to buy him just to keep him safe since it was for four whole months. Hope the professor doesn't try to kill him for the bad past as he seems very happy with his life right now.
A question for our special guest today, Amelia Bones, Head of the Auror Department in the Ministry. If you knew about this, would of thrown him in Azkaban or would you have killed him in the spot? I would of done the later one if it was a friend and yes, everyone. I WOULDN'T FUCKING CARE IF I GOT TO FUCKING GO TO AZKABAN FOR IT!"
"Well, to answer the question. We would of have all the proof to send the man to Azkaban. And make sure the victim is alright and give them a choose to forget the whole deal and their love for them really." Snape was shocked as he knew Danielle was behind this.
"Thank you for your time. I'm sure those in a abuse relationship will feel comfort in what you said today, Lady Bones. Now onto the tournament." Hermione said as Lady Bones left the booth to go sit beside her niece.
"We have a special made camera to view what is happing under water with a potion to allow Aurors to breathe under water to get the champions out of danger if we see any." Frederika said as she likes how Harry got this done.
"Now once the cannon goes off, the tournament will begin. *Hears cannon fires* And the champions are in the water! Krum is a half shark to allow him to breathe under water." Georgina said as she watches the whole thing.
"Fleur has a bubble around her mouth. There is a chance that it will pop and she will have to leave the dangers of the water which she won't have any points from it." Frederika said as she knows about that charm.
"Harry has transformed into a giant cat with wings as he is swimming to the mermaids. I hear this colossal species can breathe underwater to hunt for sharks, killer whales, squids and octopuses as that is what they eat when fishing. They can eat all of that and land meat as well." Hermione said as she looks to Harry.
Dumbledore was shocked as he wonders how Harry had gotten a magical creature for an animagus form. He couldn't get it at all as this is very weird as no animagus has ever gotten a magical creature form before and he doesn't know about the others either.
Sirius and Remus was happy as Harry knows how to look after his pride and Percy is going to be moving to Potter castle once he finished school. Harry saw where Luna is and he senses protection charms and warm charms on them.
"Looks like Harry got to the mermaids first. Thanks to a scanning spell, there is protection and warm charms on each treasure to keep them safe and warm." Frederika said as she looks at the screen.
"ALERTING AURORS! FLEUR IS BEING ATTACKED BY DARK MAGICAL CREATURES! I REPEAT! FLEUR IS BEING ATTACKED BY DARK MAGICAL CREATURES!" Hermione shouted loudly. The screen shows the attack to really everyone and the Aurors jumped in to save Fleur as she was badly hurt. Poppy went to look after Fleur as she keeps saying "Gabriella! Can't leave her!".
"Don't worry, Fleur. I'm sure Harry will get her for you just in case the mermaids turn their backs on the contract." Georgina said as she knows Harry heard her.
'Luna needs to tell us if we can talk underwater.' Harry got close and the mermaids swimmed away as Krum rushed to save his sister, Victoria Krum shocking the pride. Harry cut the rope on Luna and did the same to Gabriella before he starts to swimming up to the surface with both as they gasped for air. Harry swimming to the others as Krum came up with Victoria.
"Ladies and gentleman! Harry Potter has broken the water before Krum has making him to have first place for this task!" Frederika said as the whole pride was cheering for him as Sirius and Remus are honorary members.
"Fleur won't have any points for this task, but I think she's just happy to have her sister with her." Hermione said as she looks at the screen happy for the two as Harry went back to normal. They are in the Come and Go Room as they need to talk.
"Fae childe, can we actually talk underwater if we can also breathe underwater?" Harry asked as Luna thinks before she spoken as she did forget to mention this to them.
"In matter a fact, yes. We can, but not when hunting as that scares the prey away." Luna said as Harry nods making this to be important.
"What else can we eat?" Hermione asked as Luna thinks.
"Fruits, vegetables and sugar. Sugar to keep our sugar levels high since we need them to keep our sodium levels low as we don't need to have a lot of it really." Luna said as Hermione writes it down.
"Is there anything we're missing?"
"Mating cycle. They mate every two years, but if the females have kittens then they don't go into heat as the kittens are their first job." Luna said as that calms everyone down.
"But what about the males?"
"They can't go into heat either if they are a parent." Harry, Neville and Percy calms down at that. Harry saw Zara Thomas and Fiona Finnegan were getting hurt, but Percy walked in.
"What is the meaning of this, you four? Attacking follow students? Sixty points taking from Slytherin for this plus you will be writing lines with Professor McGonagall as well for two weeks. As the host to the tournament, we can't be showing this to our two school guests." Percy said as he sent them all to the office of McGonagall.
Zara and Fiona had gained a crush on Percy, but they didn't expect him to look after them. Harry got their animagus forms and Fiona was a sturdy white tom with light blue eyes making her to have wings that can go on fire if angered while Zara has a black and brown tom with brown eyes and wings for lightning.
Percy has his two mates making him to blush as both lightly tease him making to lightly tease them back as they blush right back at him. Harry can tell that Arthur is happy for his three children. Ginny is doing good and might go back to school, but will graduate when eighteen-years-old making Frederika, Georgina and Percy to be happy as Ron is dating Lavender Brown now.
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