Hogwarts: Fourth Year part 2
Professor Snape stalked through the castle in a fouler mood than usual. Not only had one of his "special" tutoring sessions with one of his young Slytherins been interrupted, he was being forced to bring up more healing draughts because the Potter brat had received another minor injury.
Snape found nothing wrong with the concept that a scratch on a Slytherin's arm was a major injury while he considered being impaled by a dragon spike a minor injury for a 'Founder'. The potion teacher's mood worsened even more when he saw the hallway in front of him was packed full of first year students making him to hate this as he can't get to the Hospital Wing now.
Before Snape could bellow out an order for the students to get out of his way, all of the male students except for one dashed to either side and pressed their backs to the wall. As soon as their backs were to the wall, they clasped their hands behind them. Snape allowed himself a small smirk at the thought that the students were finally paying him the respect he deserved.
The remaining male student was walking backwards, chatting with a girl he had made friends with and had no idea who he was headed towards. The girl was Ancient One like him and they had hit things off right after the sorting ceremony. Snape changed course slightly, so the young Gryffindor student would walk into him giving the Head of Slytherin house a good excuse to yell at a student for nothing really.
The small first year student walked right into Professor Snape knocking him back a step. The young Gryffindor, Casey O'Nell, turned around slowly and his eyes became wide with pure terror. Snape put on his special sneer/scowl that he had perfected in front of the mirror after hours of practice. He was about to bellow out a ridiculous deduction in house points, but the terrified shriek of the student made him pause for a moment as he figure he should hear this.
"Oh lord, no!" O'Nell yelled when he realized it was Snape he had backed into, his Irish brogue getting thicker due to stress. He had an uncle who had been arrested during the "troubles" back in Ireland and he had shared some of his horror stories in an effort to keep his nephew on the straight and narrow. O'Nell looked up at Snape, his eyes pleading.
"Please, Professor... please don't be burgling me bum. I'm too young to be a prison bitch!" He begged, his small frame trembling with fear. Snape slowly turned around in a circle and looked closer at the other male students. Not only were they all avoiding his eyes, but each one was doing their very best to hide their backsides from him. When he finished his circle, Snape was livid.
"Twnety-five points from Gryffindor for pure clumsiness and two nights of detention in my classroom for daring to imply that I would 'burgle your bum' as you so quaintly put it." he snarled. O'Nell's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fainted in fear of what those detentions might entail. Commotion from down the hall drew Snape's attention and his scowl grew even darker.
Potter's girls and Percy were storming through Hogwarts castle like a force of nature. Remus Lupin had taken point and he was flanked on either side by one of those insufferable Weasley twins. Hermione Granger, clutching one of her oh so precious books like it was a life preserver, followed close behind the old Marauder.
A large black dog that was somehow familiar to Snape brought up the rear, a low growl constantly rumbling from it's throat. While the first years gave way to Snape out of fear of being a victim to a greasy haired sexual predator, the clearing of the way for Potter's friends was based off either:
A) Respect for the one time professor or B) Outright terror at the thought of pissing off both a werewolf and the Ginger Demonesses plus the Sister-Hood Girls. Snape shouldered past O'Nell and made to block Lupin's way.
"I presume you had something to do with this... this slight on my reputation." Snape said in an angry whisper while making a sweeping gesture at the first year boys.
"Out of our way, Snivelous! Harry's hurt and we need to see him!" Lupin ordered as he put his hand on Snape's shoulder to push him out of the way. Snape slowly looked down at Lupin's hand and then back up to stare in his old classmate's eyes. Lupin withdrew his hand and then wiped it on the side of his robe to get rid of the oily feeling.
"I suppose it's fortunate for me that I intercepted you." Snape snarled. He reached into his robe's interior pocket and pulled out two vials of a thick, crimson potion.
"I'll let you take these up to Madame Pomfrey. It will let me get to the headmaster's office all the sooner to report this latest, unwarranted smirch on my spotless reputation." He said as he handed over the vials. Remus took the offered vials with his non-oily hand. Snape turned sharply on his heel making his robe billow majestically around him.
He had no idea one of the twins had magically adhered a parchment to the back of his robe. The parchment read: "Registered Rump Robber." As soon as Snape was out of earshot, Moony started chuckling at the twins' antics. He looked down at his hand that he finally rubbed clean.
"I should have known better than to touch Snivelous' robes." He muttered. Remus noticed the twins' curious expressions and he nodded towards the passageway Snape had just left.
"Have you ever wondered how old greasy git makes his robes billow like that whenever he moves?" He asked them. Frederika nodded her head.
"Frederika and I spent an entire afternoon trying to get our robes to do that and we never even came close." She admitted.
"You wouldn't be able to without help. The only way to get your robe to act with that much body and bounce is to use Snape's patented robe conditioner as he gets them specially from Knock-Turn Alley. I found a bottle of it when I was looking through one of Knock-Turn Alley's less reputable potion shops down there and trust me on this, you don't want to be down there at all, girls.
I tried it out and my robe billowed impressively, but then I couldn't get my hair clean for a week. Never mind that though, Harry needs us." He reminded the group. He shook his head and started jogging towards the hospital wing again. The crew of the PMRRC never broke stride as they hit the hospital wing, slamming the doors into the walls.
Madam Poppy Pomfrey fixed the group with a stern stare due to the booming noise, but relaxed slightly when she saw who it was as she knows the girls came to her to check if they will handle pregnancy in the future.
'Now I know why. Damnn it, Mr. Potter! How do you handle it?!' She thought to herself as she knows he is on luckly guy.
"Stop right there you lot!" She commanded, pointing her wand towards Remus.
"I'll not have a circus wandering around while I'm trying to treat Mr. Potter." She told them firmly while she drew a curtain around one of her few reserved beds with her free hand. Remus looked closely at the woman who had been there for him during his "special" time of the month back when he was a student at Hogwarts and he didn't like the look on her face right now.
He had come to know Poppy well and his stomach fell when he saw traces of fear in her eyes. Turning, he turned to the girls and Percy as he knows Harry ia going to be needing them.
"Girls and Percy, I need you to take Snuffles over to that bed by the doors and keep him company while Hermione and I check on Harry." He suggested. His serious expression made them nod and walk off to stand where he told them. Remus bent down on one knee and looked the black dog right in the eyes.
"If any known Death Eaters come in through that door, sick balls." He ordered only half in jest. Padfoot gave a low growl, nodded his large furry head, and trotted off to sit to the side, so anyone rushing into the room would pass by him and give him a chance to attack from behind.
When Remus turned around again, Hermione put her hand on his arm as she was more terrified than she was at the Quitiched game during the summer as Harry made sure they were safe no matter what.
"Professor, what's wrong?" She asked in a terrified whisper. Remus covered her hand with his own trying to comfort her.
"I'm not sure, Hermione, but I can tell you the only time I've ever seen that expression on Poppy was when she didn't know what to do to help a patient." He told her. Since last year, Remus had grown to respect not only Harry, but Hermione as well. He wasn't about to lie to the smartest witch of her generation or the other girls as he doesn't want more boils on his skin.
He had done that once to Lily and the boils had taken a month to go away. Remus watched as Hermione bolted past him and dodged around Poppy to get to Harry's bed. Hermione gasped and the Goblin Dragon guide fell out of her numb hands when she saw the state Harry was in. He was lying in the bed with his uniform cut open on the front and sweat pouring off of his pale, feverish skin.
A low, mindless moan escaped Harry's lips as he thrashed back and forth. His shoulder was wrapped with a Muggle style bandage around the wound as if magic isn't working at all to save him. Hermione saw blood had already started seeping through the fresh dressing.
It took Hermione a few moments before it registered that Remus had joined her at Harry's bedside. Remus looked down at the dressing on Harry's shoulder and then up at Poppy, begging her with his eyes for her to explain what was happening to the only son of his best friends.
"The dragon's spike went completely through him, back to front." Pomfrey told him.
"Yes, yes... We know that part." Remus sighed in agitation. He had watched from the Black private booth and couldn't get the image of Harry being lifted off of the arena floor by the spike impaled through his chest out of his mind.
For some reason known only to the dragon, after running him through she had gently pulled Harry off of her tail spike and eased him gently to the ground like a mother would when putting their child to bed. Poppy shook her head with a mixture of frustration and sadness.
"The wound has been resistant to any magical healing and his body has gone into some sort of magical shock. I called down for some more blood replenishing potions from Snape's stores. But I doubt they will work now." She sighed tiredly as she looks to them. Patient confidentiality be damned, she grabbed Harry's chart and thrust it into Remus' hands.
"Here are the results of my diagnostic scans. I can't make head or tails of them." She said. Remus flipped right through the charts a few times, noting the strange results. Harry's magic was fluctuating wildly. Obviously the dragon spike had something to do with it, but the dragon handlers had assured everyone that Hungarian Horntails were non-venomous.
A particular reading caught his eye and he flipped back two pages to compare it to another. Remus dropped the charts in shock as he couldn't believe it as it can't be.
"Bloody hell!"
"Professor?!" Hermione exclaimed at his outburst. Ignoring Hermione, Remus drew his wand.
"Expacto Patronum!" He yelled. A Vajrayaksa Overlord leapt out of his wand and turned to face him.
"Go find Prof. McGonagall. Tell her Harry is in dire trouble and we need her at once." He commanded. The strange patronus stood on his legs and snapped a nod to Remus before dissolving into a ball of silvery light that raced out of the hospital wing. Distracted for a moment from her patient's plight, Poppy cocked her head to the side as she looked at where Remus' patronus had just been as she couldn't figure what what she saw.
"That was the strangest looking creature I have ever seen." She commented. Hermione gaped open mouthed at where Remus' patronus had just been. Remus glanced down at her and his eyebrows crinkled in frustration when he saw she recognized his patronus.
He knew Hermione was Ancient One, just as Lily had been. For her part, Lily had never let him live down the form his patronus took when it manifested. Hermione shook her head to clear it and looked over at Madam Pomfrey.
"That wasn't a creature, Madam Pomfrey. It was a black Vajaryaksa Overlord." She corrected. Remus covered his face with his hand.
"When I was boy I spent a few overnights with my Muggle cousin during my safe time of the month that my parents would allow me to go on really which makes me wonder if they didn't want me to go. I must have imprinted on that particular image while reading a manga book on Saturday mornings at his house that he allowed me to read since he was older then me. I think I connected with how he had never gave up for his people." He stated. Hermione nodded, barely listening to Remus' explanation. She turned back to Harry and held onto his hand even tighter.
"Stay with us, Harry. We need you..." She whispered and then kissed his hand. Professor Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore was not having a good day and it wasn't just because he had been forced to sign his full name on more than one document that evening. Many people knew he was the one responsible for bringing back the Tri-Wizard Tournament and now two out the three Champions were seriously injured and he knows this is not his day.
Victor Krum was on the Durmstrang ship being treated for both the physical and mental trauma suffered after he had received a rather thorough rogering by an amorous dragon. The second Champion who had been seriously injured was the reason his Deputy Headmistress was in his office yelling at him so loud that he was sure he lost his hearing already.
IF LILY WERE STILL ALIVE, SHE WOULD HAVE YOUR SCROTUM AS A COIN PURSE!" She loudly yelled at him as she couldn't believe what he did as this shouldn't have happened at all. Dumbledore wisely stayed silent on the fact that after over one hundred and eighty years, his family jewels had sagged enough that Lily would be able to make not only a coin purse, but a full sized briefcase as well.
McGonagall's tirade was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a black Vajrayaksa Overlord with golden marking all over his body with four silver arms and has clothing on his body and his hair is silverly grey in the headmaster's office.
"My goodness..." Dumbledore muttered in amusement when the patronus took full form and looked around the office. He took out his half-moon spectacles and put them on the bridge of his nose to better see the unusual manifestation. The Vajrayaksa Overlord looked around the room and then looks to McGonagall before saying the message.
"Woman. Remus's pup is in the hospital wing and he's in deep shit!" ObaRou shouted. Dumbledore frowned and pointed at him.
"Why did it call you woman and swear?" He wondered aloud. McGonagall rolled her eyes before answering.
"As you know, patronus have to act within the confines of how they manifest. From what Lily explained to me, Remus' patronus is based on a monster from the manga Re: Monster. As such, it is capable of swearing." She explained. Dumbledore frowned again.
"What's a manga?" He asked. ObaRou stamped his foot in irritation and tapped her shoulder to get her attachen and once he got it...
"HURRY!" He shouts at her.
"Of course." McGonagall apologized to the patronus before bolting out of the room. Prof. Dumbledore and ObaRou looked at each other for a few moments while they waited for the patronus to dissipate. Just as every patronus was unique, so was their way of fading out of existence. Some disappeared in a puff of smoke while others exploded in a burst of light.
The headmaster had never even encountered Remus' patronus before and was intrigued as to how this manifestation would expire as this should be a nice site to witness. His answer came when ObaRou turns to the side with Dumbledore and saw a giant red bear charging at them.
The patronus energy dissipated when the bear hit him with it's claws, leaving the headmaster's office empty save for the old wizard. Professor McGonagall was in such a hurry to help Harry, she paused for only a second to acknowledge the Weasley twins and the other girls who were guarding the door to the hospital wing.
"Girls." She muttered in greeting as she passed them. When she reached Harry's bed, the sight of him made her knees go weak with shock. She leaned against the wall for support and looked over at the school's nurse.
"Poppy... What..." Was all she was able to get out as she watched one of her favorite student barely clinging to life. Remus handed the medical charts to McGonagall.
"Look at page seven and then go back to page five." He instructed. McGonagall took the offered charts and looked at the pages Remus had said. She flipped back and forth between the pages three times to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Tossing the charts onto the bed next to Harry's, she let out a loud sigh.
"Mr. Potter, will the fates ever grant you a break?" She asked rhetorically. The fates heard her and will try to keep that promise as he is their's along with Hecate and Thantos's choosen child. Hermione couldn't take not knowing what was going on any longer.
"Will someone please tell me what is wrong with Harry?" She implored. Prof. McGonagall looked down and saw how Hermione was holding Harry's hand with Danielle. The old transfiguration teacher glanced back to the doors and saw the pained looks in the twins and the girls eyes as well as the look of despair in Padfoot's plus Percy making her to sigh.
She made a quick decision knowing that people assembled in this room were the ones best suited to help Harry on his new journey if he lived through the night. McGonagall drew her wand, muttered a spell in ancient Gaelic, and pointed her wand at first the doors and then the windows lining the walls plus the floor to make it more powerful. Mystical green vines sprung up out of nowhere and laced around themselves to make intricate Celtic knotwork shields over the doors and windows as to keep things or people out.
"That will keep just about anyone out of here until we are done discussing things." She announced. McGonagall turned her head and beckoned to the twins, the other girls, but Luna and Padfoot with her non-wand hand.
"Girls, please come over here so I don't have to shout... And yes, that includes you, Sirius." She commanded. At her words, Padfoot got up and then lept into the air. While in air, the huge black dog's form blurred into a black cloud that lengthen and then coalesced into Sirius' human form.
He was wearing a black robe tied loosely at the front, showing off the various mystical tattoos on his chest. He strode to Harry's bed leaving the twins to sprint to catch up with him. When they were all huddled around Harry's bed, Remus took in a deep breath and then asked.
"What do you students know about the animagus transformation?" Hermione fought down the urge to raise her hand and blurted out the answer as she needs to get it out of her.
"It's the process by which a wizard or witch transforms themselves into an animal almost like a werewolf, but they have the will to transform while the werewolf does not have that will. It is quite different from a normal transfiguration spell as it is an internal magic use.
It doesn't require a wand or incantation to perform it. It's also very difficult and less than 10% of the wizarding population is thought to have the power necessary to accomplish the transformation." Sirius nodded at Hermione's answer.
"Yes, that's exactly what the Ministry approved books say. The problem is that information isn't quite accurat." he told her. Before Hermione could voice her outrage, Sirius went on.
"The truth is that only about 10% of the wizarding population carry the genetic trait necessary to be animaguses and it has nothing to do with how powerful you are. Look at Wormtail. I've never met a dimmer Lumos spell than him. All of his spells were weak cause he didn't have enough magic inside of him.
Guess even if he does marry, the woman needs to be power to keep his line going. Also, the part about how difficult the process of becoming an animagus has been greatly exaggerated by those of us who have completed it to scare off those who don't have the strength or will to master it." He added.
"Huh?!" The twins asked in unison. Prof. McGonagall took over the explanation.
"Becoming an animagus is easy for those with the right heredity. Controlling it is quite another matter. After my first transformation into my feline form, I had a few embarrassing incidents before I mastered the process." She admitted.
"Like what, Professor?" Georgina asked. When McGonagall didn't answer right away, Sirius spoke up.
"It takes quite a while to learn how to get your clothes to come back when you change back into a human. Even then it takes a good bit of concentration." Sirius said as he knows the girls are going to try to be animaguses as well.
"You can imagine my embarrassment when I showed up nude during my first few months as an animagus." McGonagall pointed out. The twins looked a little ill when they imagined their Head of the House in the buff. Even though they knew she was a young woman back then, they could only imagine her as she looked now - a woman in her eighties which made them scared for their life.
"There is also the difficulty of mastering one's animal instincts after one's first transformation. I lost count of the number of times I caught myself licking my hands in order to bathe myself during a class." She chuckled. Remus, who by his nature as a werewolf, was incapable of becoming an animagus, looked thoughtful for a moment and then pointed a finger at Sirius with a serious look on his face.
"That explains that one time I came into our dorm room and caught you trying to lick your own..." He started to say before Prof. McGonagall cut him off by clearing her throat loudly. Sirius' cheeks turned a slight shade of red.
"Um... actually, I had already mastered my canine instincts by then. I had received a weekend detention for one of our pranks and wanted to see if I could do that in my human form to pass the time." He admitted. Both Madame Pomfrey and Prof. McGonagall hid their faces with their hands and shook their heads sadly. Before the twins could ask if it was possible, Hermione spoke up.
"That's very interesting, but what does it have do with Harry?" She asked.
"Like we said, being an animagus is a hereditary trait. While the trait can skip a generation or two, having one of your parents be an animagus greatly increases the likelihood that you will be one. Having both parents be animaguses guarantees that their offspring will have the ability. Such is the case with Mr. Potter here." McGonagall stated. This time, it was Remus and Sirius' turn to say it.
"Lily and James! Prongs and Roxy!" McGonagall smirks as she helpes Lily become a animagus and had her form registered once she turned sixteen making her happy as she she sneaks up on students making them to scream which McGonagall chuckles at.
"Now then , I'll explain what this all has to do with Harry. On very rare occasions, an individual whose parents are both animaguses can spontaneously transform into their animal form without any prior warning or training. Usually, the person experiences some great level of stress that triggers the transformation.
We refer to these people as 'Unexpected Animagus' for obvious reasons of course. The trauma of having a dragon spike shoved through his body has triggered such a response in Mr. Potter." McGonagall said. Everyone looked down at the very human looking Harry Potter worried as Frederika raised her hand.
"Ok, I'll ask the obvious question. If Harry is an unexpected animagus, why isn't he... well, you know, more animalish?" She inquired.
"That's a very good question, Mrs. Weasley." Remus said as calling her "Mrs. Weasley" was much easier than trying to figure which twin had spoken.
"Several of Harry's magical readings are off the chart. It's almost as if Harry's body is trying to assimilate some other type of magic into his own. This conflict is making his own magic field fluctuate wildly. I would be willing to bet that this fluctuation is what is causing Poppy's magic not to be effective on him." He postulated.
No sooner had Remus stopped talking when Harry let out a loud, bone chilling moan. A moan that didn't sound like it should be able to come from a human throat. A bright, swirling light began to form above Harry. The light swirled around Harry and then started getting brighter and brighter until Hermione had to let go of Harry's hand to shade her eyes.
The light became even more intense, preventing anyone from looking directly at Harry. With a flash and a loud sound like a spring being released, the light vanished, taking Harry with it. The adults and the students assembled in the room stared at the empty bed Harry had just been in. They didn't notice the magical vines Prof. McGonagall had conjured glow blue and then fade away.
They assembled people did look up however as Dumbledore strode into the room humming an old, cheery song. If the sight of Sirius black in human form concerned him at all, the Headmaster didn't show. He walked over to stand next his assistant headmaster. Dumbledore had seen everyone staring at the bed, so he looked at it as well. After a moment, Dumbledore cleared his throat.
"Forgive me, but since I came in late, I was wondering if someone could tell me what we are all looking at?" He asked no one in particular. Hermione started to sob. Frederika took up the job of explaining.
"Harry was just here. He was surrounded by a blinding light and then he just vanished along with the light." She said. Dumbledore stroked his beard thoughtfully.
"I see, well actually, I wasn't here to see it, but I believe I understand what you are telling me. Was Mr. Potter's sudden departure heralded by a loud noise, such as a 'boing' or a 'kerchunk'?" He inquired.
"Um, I would call it a 'boing', wouldn't you, dear sister?" Frederika asked Georgina. Georgina looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Well, it definitely wasn't a 'kerchunk' really." Georgina stated as Hermione shook her head to clear her thoughts and stood up.
"What does it matter what sound was made when Harry vanished?" She asked angrily. Dumbledore tilted his head, so he look over his spectacles at Hermione and saw she is in fully love with Harry like the other girls.
'Not part of the plan, but the contracts are in blood. Nothing I can do without having them all be killed cause of it.' Dumbledore thinks to himself.
"The different sounds magic makes often gives clues as to what had happened, Miss Granger. For instance, when the castle forcefully removes someone from it's halls do to them being a danger to her, a clearly audible 'kerchunk' noise similar to a catapult being fired accompanies the bright flash of light. When the removal is for both the safety of both the castle and the individual, it sounds more like spring being released. The castle takes much more care to see to the individual's safe landing during the second scenario." He told her. Prof. McGonagall frowned in thought. It was times like this that reminded her there was still much to learn about Hogwarts and that perhaps Prof. Dumbledore wasn't as senile as he seemed.
"I'm sure Harry is quite alright." He assured everyone while thinking that it won't be good if he has full control of his animagus magic.
"Be that as it may, I suggest we start searching the grounds for Mr. Potter." McGonagall stated.
"If his animagus crisis resolves itself, it will leave a very confused and more than likely frightened animal with human intelligence out there which wouldn't be a good thing at all. The longer he stays in animal form during his first transformation, the stronger the animal instincts will be when he changes back into human form." She warned everyone. At this proclamation, Dumbledore only raised one bushy eyebrow. McGonagall took him by the arm and led him out of the hospital wing to explain it properly to him.
"I'll explain while we search the grounds around the castle." She told Dumbledore. As she was walking away, McGonagall looked back over at her shoulder at Hermione.
"I'll leave searching the Forbidden Forest in the capable hands of the PMRRC crew." She said, letting slip that she had been one of the ones listening in on the pirate broadcast. Harry Potter slowly swam back to consciousness. The last thing he remembered was being skewered by the Hungarian Horntail's tail spike. The fact that he wasn't in any pain had him worried a bit.
Keeping his eyes closed for the moment, Harry ran through a list of body parts, flexing that part as he got to it to make sure everything was working alright and nothing is broken. Hands and fingers, check, he thought to himself as he moved. Feet and legs, check. Harry then stretched and rolled his shoulder blades to keep from feeling stiff there.
He unfolded his two pair of wings and swished his tail, letting him know that everything was in working order. It was when he finally comprehended the last two checks that Harry suddenly opened his eyes. Harry craned his neck around and looked at the rest of his body. Instead of his usual muscle teenage boy body that he was used to, he saw the body of a giant cat with dragon wings that have Flawks's feathers instead of leathered skin.
His body was covered in iridescent black fur with a long grey strip along his back starting at the top of his head while the tips of his fur by an inch was red, blond, silver, gold and magenta. He was two meters tall and a meter wide.
Harry even saw sharp teeth that was actually drippings venom mix between a baskilisk and a Norwegian Ridgeback making Harry to be scared if he bites anyone and he saw in a saw lack that his eyes were cat like, but still the same color as his human eyes.
A twig snapped startling Harry greatly. Without thinking, he swung his head around and jumps at it in the direction the noise came from as he didn't expect that. Harry had a brief glimpse of something that looked like a rabbit with a bent horn on the top of it's head before he snapped the neck killing the creature. Harry dropped his head down to the ground and he closed his eyes.
He wished really hard that he would wake up from this nightmare that he is having right now. He kept his eyes closed when he heard soft footsteps approaching. Using just his senses of hearing and smell, Harry tracked the person as they walked calmly towards him. When the person was just a couple of meters away, they finally spoke and he knows that voice as it belongs to only one person, his daughter Luna and he was happy she found him.
"Hello, papa. What are you doing out here?" She asked him in her usual dreamy, cheerful tone. Since Luna obviously recognized him, Harry saw that Luna looked a lot more smaller than he had really remembered than she was before confusing him greatly. He sighed loudly, some hissing came out of his mouth fron frustration when he realized he was still a magical creature-like thing. Harry swung his head towards Luna.
{How do know who I was?} Luna shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Luna closed the distance between them, so she could reach out and touch his huge head.
"Sorry, papa. But I don't understand 'Meow Meow' and if you were asking how I knew it was you: You still have your scar." Luna told him and placed a small, gentle hand on the famous lightning bolt scar that was on his forehead. The fur were small and were a dull white instead of black. Luna rubbed the scar on his forehead and then stepped back.
He crossed his eyes in an effort to see his own forehead, managing only to make himself dizzy. Luna giggles at that as she thought it was funny which had him fully bath her and tickle her with his tongue making her to burst out laughing as her cloth were gone and Harry was bathing her.
"Papa! No more! Papa!" Harry kept it up for ten more minutes and then he stopped as he was happy to be with his fae childe. Luna saw the rabbit and know it startled her papa, so she won't ask about it. He heard a lot of movements and knows the smell of them. Luna places her cloth back on as she doubts Neville is ready for that anytime soon and she rather not scare him as she also want to wait until the time is right.
"Mommies! Uncle! Grandpa! Neville! Over here!" Everyone got to them and was shocked at what they are seeing. Danielle took a picture once they have better lighting and sent it to Newt as they need to know about it.
"Newt thinks it's because of you being prepared for war that you needed a form to fight fire with fire and take people out with speed and strength as I doubt they can win against you, really. If someone has your blood inside of them by force for a ritual, they will slowly feel pain and no cure could save them which would be bad as it would be like plosion to them with no antidote to it really.
Hermione created a crystal to see if she can find others with the ability to become an animagus like you. I think all of us are able to transform into animals I believe actually."
"Agreed there." Blaise said as Luna is taking a nap on her lap while Sirius is allowing her to cuddle him in her sleep. Harry thinks as he went back to normal cause he wanted to hug his family. He didn't expect to go fully naked and show off his nine point five inch cock to everyone.
It was making the girls to blush before Sirius gave him clothing to use for the time being. McGonagall was shocked was Harry explained what he knew about his animagus form and she gave what animagus eat for different forms to help him and the girls out.
"I would like to name my form the Winged War Cat or the colossal species of that cat." Harry said as he thinks of his animagus form since it's a new one.
"I got it completed!" Hermione shouted as the crystal glows before it was tossed around to every girl plus Percy and Neville as it glows before Harry touched it and it glows brightly before it went black and smoke was coming from it in his hand.
"Sorry about that Hermione." Harry said as Hermione shakes her head as she explains before they all went to the Come and Go Room as Hermione has a idea to trigger their animal forms together.
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