Prologue Chapter: Part 3
2 characters are standing on a wide arena facing one another, the first character is a female martial artist with short white hair in traditional martial artist attire fighting against a half-demon bounty hunter in a biker outfit with a sawed-off shotgun.
Himiko "The Wandering Fighter" vs Dave "The Demonic hunter"
Himiko dashes first and sent a high kick towards the bounty hunter's head, he blocks the attack with his arm to be pushed away by her attack, Himiko performed a roundhouse kick leading Dave to catch her leg and slam her to the ground
Himiko "The Wandering Fighter" - 84.6%
Dave approached the Martial artist and raised his foot to crush her, but Himiko rolled away just as he slams his foot down. She then performed a leg sweep, causing Dave to fall on his back, but before he falls, Himiko does a backflip kick before sending a quick combo of jabs and spin punches before performing an Axe kick and slamming the bounty hunter down.
Dave "The Demonic hunter" - 63.2%
Dave quickly stood up and faced the martial artist, only to be met with a tornado kick to the chest, sending him back, but she didn't relent. Himiko dashed closed to the bounty hunter to grab his legs and slam him to the ground before maneuvering on his back and breaking his leg.
Dave "The Demonic Hunter" - 26%
All the damage the bounty hunter had taken managed to fill up his special move meter. When Himiko rolled away, Dave hastily stood on his feet before unleashing his special move toward her.
The bounty hunter reached for his sawed-off shotgun and infused it with his demonic energy before shooting a volley of shotgun blasts toward the martial artist as she turns towards the attack and put up her guard, decreasing the damage dealt to her as he slowly chips away at her health
Himiko "The Wandering Fighter" - 61%
The bounty hunter then charged up his shotgun, giving the martial artist a brief window to jump in the air before he sent out a large ray of dark energy that engulfs almost everything in the arena but not The martial artist.
Once the attack was over, she dealt a downwards kick toward the bounty hunter before sending out a Special move of her own. Her whole body flickered blue before sending a spin kick towards the bounty hunter's jaw, sending him corkscrewing in the air.
After images then followed the martial artist as she deals out a flurry of spin kicks before grabbing his face and slamming it to the ground, destroying the ground as the bounty hunter bounces before settling to the ground as a large text appeared before them.
Player 1 Wins!
Trixie: "Oh, That is such bullshit!"
Kevin: "What can I say? I'm just the best"
Trixie: "Yeah right, it was basically unblockable"
Kevin: "I'm up for a rematch, sis. if your pride is up for it?"
Trixie: "I'll show you what's up for it"
Kevin: "Whatever you say"
They then went on a rematch, 1 became 2 then 10 to 50. The sibling's competition caused people to crowd around them and watch the two battle it out, cheering for every cool trick Kevin or Trixie might pull off.
They kept going back and forth, win and loss and vice versa until they knew it, nighttime fell upon them as their exhaustion is finally catching up to them.
Kevin: *yawn* "That's the 26th win for me, Trix"
Trixie: *yawn* "25th, the last match was a draw"
Kevin: "Ready to...give up yet?"
Trixie: "One more game"
A man then placed his hand on Trixie's shoulder, she looks over and saw a man towering over her with a menacing look on his face, this was paired with his mohawk black hair and wide body which adds to his menacing stance
Man: "Move over, lady"
Trixie: "Back off!"
Kevin looked over his machine that his sister seems to be being harassed by the large man.
Man: "You had your fun already"
Trixie: "Wait your turn!"
Man: "You kept losing anyways"
Trixie: "Hey! No, I'm-"
Kevin: "Hey, big man! Ever heard of Respecting the players?"
The man looked at Kevin more pissed off, Trixie shrugs the man's hand off her shoulder as she gave a snarky look at the man.
Trixie: "Yeah, can't you see we were having a competition?"
Man: "You two don't even seem good to even play"
Trixie: "Okay listen here Mr. Top heavy, don't think I'm not strong enough to beat your ass because I will break every bone in your body!"
Kevin: "Let him play"
Trixie: "What?! Nooo, I am not just gonna do what-"
Kevin reached inside his coat pocket and pulls out a small stack of cash and hands it to Trixie.
Kevin: "Here's the money for our dinner, meet me at the entrance later okay?"
Trixie: "Oh...Okay"
Trixie went to Kevin and grabbed the money before walking out of the arcade to buy their dinner. The man was about to sit on Trixie's spot but Kevin stopped him before he got the chance to pull out the chair.
Kevin: "You know, I was about to win. I was gonna sit around the house as my sister sulks in the corner of having her payday whisk away"
Kevin's eyes then seemed to glow as he stared threateningly at the muscular man.
Kevin: "Instead, I have to waste my monthly allowance just for your stupid ass!"
Man: *scoff* "Sounds like 'not my problem'"
Kevin: "You are one big douchebag, how about this? One match, I win you will never step foot in any arcade ever again. You win, any machine that you tell us we don't play, we won't. How do you feel about that?"
Man: "Your demands are idiotic, what makes you think I should play to those terms?"
Kevin: "I think it makes the stakes higher, having your Pride as a Gamer on the line. Of course, you're always free to walk away, throw that gamer pride of yours straight down the drain.
Man: "...Pick your character"
The crowd then erupts in cheer for another match, Kevin and the man swiped a card into the machine before selecting their characters. The man selected a berserk brawler as Kevin picked an Indigo-haired female spearman.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn" vs Kamiko "The Spear of Light"
The man initiates the attack, flicking his joystick toward his opponent and inputting combos towards Kevin. Kevin notices his charge and grins slightly as he pulls his joystick down and pressed 2 buttons.
Herkule charges at Kamiko, fist reeled back as it glowed orange before throwing a powerful hook. Kamiko ducks under the attack and thrusts her spear to his stomach, Herkule recoils from the attack before getting thrown back stumbling.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn" - 89.6%
Kevin and the man finally commenced their fierce battle. The man pushing his joysticks harshly while mashing button combos with intent, Kevin meanwhile moves his Joystick with precision along with his quick and smooth button presses making it seem as if his hands were moving at rapid speeds.
Herkule and Kamiko are in a fierce battle of their own, dashing across and crossing their weapons across each other. Herkule throws another fist-empowered punch, only to be countered by Kamiko as she dashes forward and thrusts her spear to his chest before swinging him overhead and slamming him to the ground, giving Kevin the round
Round 2!
Kevin and the man began the second round, Kevin now having a shaky start as his eyes started getting heavy. Leaving Kamiko open to Herkules's barrage of attacks, throwing an uppercut to send Kamiko to the air before throwing a barrage of haymakers and grabbing one of her legs, and slamming her to the ground multiple times before throwing her across the arena.
Kamiko "The Spear of Light - 54.4%
Kevin slapped himself awake, before eagerly grabbing onto his controls just as Herkule leaps toward Kamiko. She rolled away just as Herkule slammed the ground behind her, Kamiko sent a wave of light from her palm, sending Herkule flying into the wall of the arena which leads him to bounce back to Kamiko.
Kevin then let out button and joystick combos, as Kamiko twirled her spear in her hands and juggled Herkule before tossing him into the air.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn - 72.6%
But instead of following up his attack, Kevin accidentally activated his special move, leading Kamiko to charge up her spear with light before thrusting forward in a cone into the wall.
This gave the man an opening he needed to finish the round, Hercule immediately dove back down to the arena and made a boulder from the ground and threw it at Kamiko, sending her forward into the wall which caused her to bounce back towards Herkule.
Kamiko "The Spear of Light" - 50.8%
The man pressed a couple of buttons together, before flicking his joystick and began mashing combos.
Herkule grabbed Kamiko when she got close to him, spinning her around before getting tossed in the air. Herkule followed after and deals a few punches and kicks before holding her upside down and slamming her head to the ground, depleting her health and giving him the round.
Kevin: "Damn...I'm slipping"
Kevin looked around in the crowd and spots a teenage boy beside him. He has Auburn hair and green eyes, he's engrossed by the match in front of him, not noticing his tightening grip on his drink. Kevin decides to approach the teen, tapping his shoulder to gain his attention
Kevin: "Hey, what time is it?"
Teen: "Umm...Half-past 10 o'clock"
Kevin: "Oh god, I've been awake for 24 hours?! I'm getting rusty"
Kevin spots the teen holding an energy drink tightly in his hands
Kevin: "Can I get a sip of that?"
Teen: ""
Kevin: "Thanks! *long sip* Oh yeah, that's the good stuff"
Kevin then wipes his mouth with his scarf and went back into the game just as the round is about to begin.
Final Round!
Kevin began the round this time, moving his Joystick and mashing buttons faster than before, surprising the man.
Kamiko dashed towards Herkule and thrusts her spear to his stomach, before swinging her spear upwards towards his chin. She then slid under him before unleashing a flurry of spear attacks and sending a wave of light from her palm again. All the momentum from her attack built up into Herkule so when Kamiko deals out the wave of light, Herkule got sent away to the end of the arena and hit the wall.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn" - 68.9%
Kamiko teleports toward Herkule just as he bounced off the wall in great height due to the remaining momentum. Herkule hovered over Kamiko just a few meters, but it was enough for Kevin to initiate a quick button combo for Kamiko to follow Herkule upwards as she stabs her spear to his back and maintains in the air before going back to the ground.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn" - 43.4%
Trying to retaliate, The man activates his character's Special move. Herkule rolled to his front and let out a battle cry before pouncing on Kamiko. Before the attack could land, Kevin flicks his joystick to the left before pressing together 2 buttons.
Kamiko then swung her spear around, intercepting Herkule's Special attack and sending him away.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn" - 37.6%
Kevin then activated Kamiko's special move, thanks to his combo filling up his special move meter. Kamiko charges her spear with Light once more before thrusting forward and hitting Herkule.
When Kevin's attack landed, She sends herself along with Herkule into a pocket dimension resembling that of a chapel. She then conjured dozens of spears made of light and sends them toward Herkule, draining his health as Kamiko finishes it off by shooting a large pillar of light, engulfing the screen before fading back to the arena.
Herkule "The Berserker of Narn" - 0%
Player 1 wins!
The crowd erupts in cheer for Kevin's victory. He stood up and waved to the crowd smug as he took his card, it is a white card with purple accents and pockets it before walking over to the man who looked at his screen in disbelief.
You Lose
Kevin: "It's hard to believe that you lost to the best, don't worry it's not just you"
Kevin noticed a card similar to his own but the color was black with gold accents, he slammed his hand over it and slid it towards him. The man quickly grabbed Kevin's hand to stop him as he looks down saddened
Man: "Wait, Please. I won't step inside any arcade ever again just...don't take my Gamer Tag"
Kevin: "I hate to do this too but we had an agreement"
Man: "And I'll uphold it just don't take it away from me!"
Kevin: "Don't you get it? Without this you can't play a game ever again, this is also payback for what you did to my sister"
Kevin pulled his hand away from the man's grip and took his card or 'Gamer Tag' and held it in-between his fingers before getting near his face.
Kevin: "The pride of every gamer, without it they're nothing. So remember what you are now, a nobody. Nothing"
Kevin stood up straight before walking away to meet his sister who was waiting outside the arcade.
Trixie: "You finished your fight?"
Kevin: "Yep, it was still easy. Can't believe I stayed up for 24 hours and I'm already tired"
Trixie: "Don't worry, we had tomorrow off"
As the two walked away, the teen that Kevin approached looked at the screen and checked the name that was over the health bar before staring with a look of shock.
Teen: 'No's Zer0"
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