ACT I: Save file 6
After appearing out of nowhere, Kevin stumbles forward before falling to the ground.
Kevin: *groan* "Sonuva- Not getting used to that"
Kevin went to retrieve his skateboard only to not find it beside him. He tried looking around for it but found it nowhere in sight.
Kevin: "Where did my- Wait, what!?"
As Kevin looked around for his skateboard, he saw that he was back in the middle of the skatepark, with the crowd minding their own business as if nothing had happened.
???: *groan*
Kevin was taken off-guard by a groan coming from behind him. Turning around, Kevin looks down and saw dan, unscathed, and holding his head in pain.
Dan: "What happened?"
Kevin: "Oh my- Dan...You're alright"
Walking up to Dan, Kevin helps him up to his feet as Dan tries to regain his bearings.
Kevin: "How are you feeling?"
Dan: "Ugh...Do I know you?"
Kevin: "Huh? We were having a skate battle not a while ago, you fell off a cliff"
Dan: "What are you talking about? There's not a single cliff here at SmallTown"
Kevin: "But that back there, what was-"
Alex: "Dan!"
Before Kevin could make Dan recall the events prior, Alex and his friends skate up to the two of them.
Alex: "Dan, you alright?"
Dan: "Yeah...Just got this crazy headache"
Dan rubs his head and soothes the pain in his head before looking down and picking up his skateboard.
Dan: "Hey, listen. If you ever want to grind a few railings, we're always here"
Kevin: "Yeah...sure. See you around"
Dan: "You too"
Dan hops on his skateboard before skating away along with Alex and his friends.
Alex: *distant* "That guy can skate?"
Dan: *distant* "That's what he told me, something about a skate competition or something"
Kevin: "The hell is going on..."
Woman: "You there!"
Kevin looks to the entrance to the skatepark and saw the Gothic woman standing by the entrance, beckoning him over before disappearing to the corner. Kevin hurriedly runs out of the skatepark, in hopes of catching up to the woman.
Woman: "I think Congratulations are in order"
Kevin whips his head to the side and saw the gothic woman leaning on the wall beside the entrance.
Kevin: "Who are you? And what happened to Dan?"
Woman: *shrug* "He challenged you to a duel, and he lost. Simple as that. As for who I am..."
The gothic woman pushes off the wall before flicking her hair behind her.
Woman: "You'll just have to find out pretty boy~"
The woman then turns to walk away, only for Kevin to pull her back and pin her against the wall.
Woman: "Oh~ getting aggressive now, aren't we?"
Kevin: "Stop messing around! Back there...what happened? First I was in some Skating arena with textboxes and floating numbers, next thing I know I'm back here...In the real world. I don't even know if this is real anymore or not"
Woman: "You'll get used to it, especially when there are 5 other people you have to defeat"
Kevin: "That's the other thing. Do you honestly expect me to just fight 5 other dudes just to get a chance with you?"
Woman: "But don't you want a Goth Girlfriend?"
The gothic woman shot a smug smirk at Kevin as he remained frozen in shock.
Woman: "Well, I just happen to be the only Goth girl in SmallTown. So chop-chop~"
Kevin remained frozen before subconsciously letting his arms drop to his side, freeing the gothic woman as she walks away from him. Her wavy black hair prompts Kevin to snap out of his state and follow her with his sight.
Woman: "I do look forward to seeing what else you're capable of, Zer0"
With those parting words, the woman walks away, leaving Kevin standing alone on the sidewalk.
Kevin: "Damn...Curse me and my Gaming Legacy. She does have point too..."
Feeling his phone vibrate, Kevin fishes it out of his pocket and saw that it was the alarm that he had set before leaving Gregory's.
Kevin: "It's still the same day...I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR MY SHIFT!"
Kevin then bolts back to Gregorys in fear of losing his job.
A few hours later
Kevin: "Thank you, come again!"
After another satisfied customer exits the establishment, Kevin took off his service cap and shakes his hair.
Kevin: "It's over..."
Kevin looks out the window of the restaurant and saw the sun had disappeared from the horizon, leaving the moon in its place along with the stars. His stargazing was cut short as his attention was brought to the front door where Trixie was seen entering her workplace wearing her uniform.
Trixie: "Hey"
Kevin: "Hey...Listen, I'm gonna clock out for the night"
Trixie: "Cool"
Trixie walks up and kisses her brother on the cheek before walking to the locker room.
Trixie: "Be safe on your way home"
Kevin: "Yeah, yeah..."
After changing back to his normal attire, Kevin walks to Judy Ruth's Bar Where he was met by Fred standing behind the bar wiping some glasses.
Fred: "Oh, Master Zer0"
Kevin: "Kevin, please. Call me Kevin"
Fred: "Sorry. Uh-Kevin...What would you like today?"
Kevin: "Not in a mood to drink"
Fred: "Oh...Then why are you here?"
Kevin: "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today?"
Fred: "Really?!"
Kevin: "Yeah, unless you're busy"
Fred: "Nah, it's cool. My shift's about done anyways"
Random Drinker: *distant* "Can we get 2 whiskeys on the rocks over here?"
Fred: "Kick it to Judy, pal"
After removing his apron, Fred walks around to the other side of the bar before walking out with Kevin and into the snowy night.
Fred: "So what do you have planned? Go to a nearby arcade, crank in a few games?"
Kevin: "No...I think I'll skip on videogames for the day if that's okay?"
Fred: "Okay...that's cool. So what else do you got planned?"
Kevin: "You a fan of comic books?"
Fred: *scoff* "Who doesn't?"
Kevin: "There's a comic book store I used to frequent, you're gonna love it"
As Kevin and Fred walk around the corner, they were immediately blinded by floodlights shining into their eyes.
Fred: "Argh! My eyes!"
???: "Kevin Gatsby!"
Squinting his eyes, Kevin uses his hand to cover most of the shining light to see 5 silhouettes standing in front of them. Each silhouette has different shapes and sizes, one having a tall and muscular build while another looks to be a normal and slim build.
Kevin: "Who's asking?"
???2: "We'll be the ones asking the questions here bucko!"
A smaller, child-like silhouette called out.
???: *clears throat* "Pardon my colleague"
Kevin's attention was then redirected to the slim-built silhouette.
???: "On behalf of the Order of 5 we humbly congratulate you on your Victory against Dan"
Kevin: "Let me guess, you guys are the ones waiting for her response to your advancements?"
???: "That's correct"
Fred: "Holy biscuits. Dude, we're in some deep trouble"
Kevin: "You know...seeing you in person, I kinda feel sorry for all of you"
???2: "The hell do you mean by that, huh!?"
Fred: "Dude...Order of 5, remember?"
Kevin: "Falling to her feat, following her command like some loyal dogs. Making her rule your entire lives on an answer that may or may not happen at all"
???: "I admire your efforts in dishearting us, but it is futile. Our passion for milady is rivaled by our unquenchable thirst to defeat her. She is our Rival and our Soulmate in life"
Kevin: "Get to the point already"
???3: "He's right"
Kevin looked to the farthest from the group and saw a feminine silhouette seemingly preoccupied with her phone.
???3: "I want to wrap this up too, I got somewhere else to go"
???2: "Yeah, me too. That campaign isn't gonna make itself you know"
???: "Very well. We the Order of 5 challenge you for Milady's honor"
Kevin: *tch* "And what makes you think I'll accept that?"
???: "In the event, you do refuse our challenge, then we have no problem bringing the competition to you. You are now competing against us and we see you as a supposed threat, thus you should be eliminated"
Kevin: "Whatever, can we go now?"
???: "'ll be first in to compete as our resident 5th seat"
Brian: "..."
Kevin looks at the towering silhouette and can't help but feel a sense of familiarity with it.
???: "That concludes our business, if you have any concerns. Then do keep it to yourself until your fight comes"
Kevin: "Hey, wait!"
The lights then abruptly shut off, relieving their visions from the strain the light had brought them.
Fred: "Oh, thank Mary. I can finally see"
After taking the time to readjust his eyes to his environment, Kevin looks back to where he saw the silhouette, only to find them nowhere to be seen.
Fred: "Phew! A scary bunch those guys were"
Kevin: "Yeah...they sure are"
Fred: "Hey, listen. Those guys, they don't mess around. You sure you'll be alright?"
Kevin: "Don't worry about me...So, comic books?"
Fred: "I-...sure, I guess"
Kevin: "Great! Come on, it's right around the corner"
End of ACT I
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