When you open your eyes all you could see was nothing as you looked around all you could see was an endless void until a screen showed up.
Welcome Gamer to the World of Dragon ball z
know please choose a race
Frieza Race
Saiyan Race
Majin Race
now chose a race gamer.
N/a: I chose the Saiyan Race, the Frieza race the ability to breath in space, and the Majin regeneration if I'm able to do that.
You can do that Gamer know to choose your Gender
N/a: Male
What do you what to be called
N/a: Light
Your name is now Light
Do you what your old memories
Light: no
As you wish gamer, good luck out there
When Light opened his eyes again all that he could see was that he was in a pod when he tried to move. Light notice that he could move when he stared at his body he notices that he was a babe that's when he heard someone talking as he listens closely he was able to make out what they were saying.
???: You're not going to check out your newborn son!
???: Why he is just going to have Raditz power level.
???: He is your son Bardock!
Bardock: Fine.
As Bardock walks in front of his son he scans his power level.
Bardock: That's my boy a power level of two thousand!
???: That's not your son that broly your son is the other one.
Bardock: Oh, Let's see here a power level of one hundred well, I'm leaving!
Before Bardock left he asked kon hows the other child that was next to Kakarot is and whats his power level.
Kon: Well that will be the Light the son of John and Milagros and his power level is close to Vegeta power level.
Bardock: King Vegeta, the plant or Prince Vegeta.
Kon: Prince Vegeta.
Bardock: Well I have to hurry and meet my team!
When Bardock left you felt tired for using all your energy to hear there converstion. But when light fell asleep he didn't notice that his parents walked in and were happy to see you.
Milagros: You're going to do great things when you grow up Light.
John: You're going to be the one to bring the saying race to the top and overthrow anyone that gets in your way even gods!
Milagros/John: You're soon going to be sent to conquer a plant and hope you survive Will miss you son.
When they left you were put in saying pod and was made to leave in ten minutes.
Time Before the Destruction of Planet Vegeta 15min and 54sec
A/n: I hope you like this chapter, Please comment so I know that your guys like it.
Word Count: 448
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