The Rules
Grian's Perspective-
Grian hugged his parents before lining up.
He sniffed and wiped his eyes.
I can't believe I had to do this, I never wanted this! People normally die!
Grian looked up and saw the other people.
And they look a lot stronger than me...just great.
"Are you okay?"
Grian turned around and saw a guy covered in scars, looking concerned.
Grian shook his head.
"I d-didn't want this, it sucks." He hiccupped and the guy nodded.
Grian jumped and ran up, handing his letter to one of the Watcher's.
They looked at it and then lit it on fire.
"Go in." He snapped.
Grian nodded and quickly ran in.
This can't be the actual area where we play. He thought.
And he was right.
At the end of the hall, there was a button with the Watcher's eye on it.
Grian took a deep breath and pressed it.
He felt a shock of pain on his wrist and screamed.
He then was immediately teleported to a different land.
He looked up and saw the border.
So this is my life now, huh?
After a couple minutes, the Watcher's voices came booming in the arena.
"Welcome everyone to Double Life! This is the 14th series we're doing, and you all were lucky enough to get chosen for it! There are 14 of you, and each one of you have 3 lives. But there's a twist, you are soulbound to someone else, and you have to try and find them in order to survive. When you take damage, your soulmate takes damage, and when you die, your soulmate dies. The last person alive wins and gets to be a Watcher and help organize the next life series!"
Grian bit his lip.
Either try and be a Watcher or die. Both end so I don't see my family ever again.
"Ready? GO!"
Grian gasped as he took some damage.
He clutched his heart in pain and he saw a glimpse of color on his wrist.
He scrunched up his sweater in order to see what was there and his eyes widened.
That must've been what the shock was before I got teleported here.
There were three hearts in a column on his wrist.
A green one, which was lit up brightly, a yellow heart, and a red one.
"Weird." He muttered.
He started to gather wood and other materials when he came across a mountain.
"Ooo, a goat!"
He was going to pet it when it charged at him.
Grian yelped and ran out of the way, causing the goat to run full speed into the wall.
Its horn fell off and Grian looked at it.
What do I do with this?
He blew into it, and it made a noise.
Grian gasped, "Woah!"
"What's that I hear?"
Grian jumped and looked to his right, smiling as he saw two people.
One had cyan hair and a green outfit on and the other had a blue sweater on that had a cookie on the side of it.
"It's just a goat horn." Grian said.
"Cool! How'd you get it?" The guy with cyan hair asked.
"Oh, er- the goat charged at me, and I dodged him."
The guy nodded and started to snap at a goat, trying to get its attention.
"Do you mind if I use your what's your name?" The guy with the cookie sweater asked.
"Grian! You?"
"BigB. And that's Scott." He said, motioning to the cyan haired guy who was able to get two goat horns.
"Here B." Scott said, handing BigB one.
"Thanks!" BigB smiled.
Grian was about to say something when he felt a great shock of pain.
He screamed as he fell onto the ground.
BigB and Scott's eyes widened.
"Food! I need food, gimme food now!" Grian shouted.
Both of his friends, in a panicked way, handed Grian food.
Grian sighed as he ate.
"Your soulmate take damage?" BigB asked, helping Grian up.
Grian blushed and nodded.
"No, B, he just fell onto the floor while dramatically screaming for no reason." Scott said, rolling his eyes.
BigB shot him a look and Grian giggled.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
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