Stuck Outside
Hey guys! Before we begin, I just wanted to tell you that Lizzie and Mumbo become really close here! Like they go out to get lunch together! BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY'RE DATING ALRIGHT THEY'RE JUST CLOSE FRIENDS GIVE ME A BREAK.
I don't think most of you will think they're dating, but some of y'all in 'I Was Going Somewhere' seemed to think that Jay and Jimmy started to like each other when they went out to get lunch together and it said that they were growing close. GROWING CLOSE AS FRIENDS.
FRIENDS EXIST GUYS. I know this is a fanfic and there's a lot of shipping, but I'm not shipping Mumbo and Lizzie! Alright? Alright.
Lizzie's Perspective-
Lizzie grumbled as she couldn't see her brother.
Where is he-
Lizzie's thoughts got interrupted as everyone gasped.
"What? What happened?" Lizzie asked, standing on her tiptoes.
The guy standing next to her said,
"Jimmy just died."
Lizzie gasped.
"He WHAT?!"
The guy clutched his ears and winced.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout."
"It's okay." The guy said, smiling, "So you're Jimmy's friend?"
"I'm Lizzie, his older sister." Lizzie said.
The guy nodded, "I'm Mumbo. I'm Grian's friend."
"How's he doing?"
"Well, he's not dead. There was a terrifying point where he almost died. I felt my heart drop."
"I don't understand why they do this." Lizzie said, looking down.
"What do you mean?" Mumbo asked.
"I mean...why do people find fun in this?"
"I used to, but now that my friend's in it..."
"It's nerve wracking." Lizzie finished.
"Because one of them has to win and everyone else will die. There's like a 7% chance Grian or Jimmy will win. Those odds aren't good."
Mumbo nodded and they overheard a conversation by some older males.
"Who do you think's gonna die first?" One of them asked.
The other guy barked with laughter.
"Definitely gotta be that idiot Jimmy kid. He already died once!"
Lizzie growled and was about to punch them when Mumbo held her back.
"Woah, let's not do that." He said, laughing nervously.
"Here, why don't we get something to eat?" Mumbo asked and Lizzie nodded.
They walked into the Moon's restaurant and sat down.
"So," Mumbo said, folding his hands on the table, "You're really worried about your brother?"
"How can you not be? He might die and I will never see him again."
"Well, either way I don't think you'll see them again. If they become a Watcher, they're gone with the others, and if they die well," Mumbo shrugged, "They're dead."
Lizzie looked down, tears in her eyes.
Mumbo bit his lip, knowing that he said the wrong thing.
"You know, my grandfather told me a couple days ago that there was once someone who won but they were able to get one wish granted instead of becoming a Watcher."
Lizzie looked up, "Really?"
Mumbo shrugged, "I'm not sure if it's true, but my grandfather said that the person was able to bring back one of his friends and they returned to the town. The only consequence was that the guy died a year later."
"Well, again, this is all just a story from my 89-year-old grandfather who has dementia. I don't know how much of this is true, but if it is, the winner will have a choice between getting granted a wish of their choosing, but dying a year later, or they end up becoming a Watcher."
"Well, I hope whoever wins brings back Jimmy if he dies."
"And I would wish they would bring back Grian."
Lizzie laughed softly, "I guess neither of us can get what we want."
Mumbo smiled weakly, "I guess so."
They took their orders and started eating in silence when Lizzie said,
"Hey Mumbo?"
Mumbo looked up.
"If Grian dies, what do you think you're going to do?"
Mumbo looked down at the table.
"I'm not really sure." He said after a second, "I would feel terrible and wish that I will never get picked."
Lizzie laughed bitterly, "Same."
"Do you think Grian or Jimmy will survive?" Mumbo asked.
Lizzie shook her head, smiling weakly.
"Jimmy's never been great at that stuff. And seeing as he's already died...I don't think he'll make it."
Mumbo nodded.
"What about Grian?" Lizzie asked.
Mumbo chuckled, "I think he might. But seeing as his soulmate is Scar, who seems very reckless, I don't think he'll make it. They seem like a good pair though, Grian's very smart and thinks ahead, and Scar likes to just go for the blow."
Lizzie giggled, "It'd be interesting to watch, that's for sure."
Mumbo nodded and smiled, "Definitely."
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