Meeting of The Reds
Please listen to 'I Ain't Done' by The Crane Wives and enjoy!!!
Scott's Perspective-
Grian- Red Names come to the remains of the Red Velvet Cake'
'Pearlescentmoon- Does that mean us too?'
'Grian- Red Names only.'
"Red names only...that seems suspicious." Cleo said, looking at her communicator before pocketing it, "Wanna go check that out?"
Scott nodded and they left.
"I've summoned you all here to form the fellowship of the red. We've got four yellows left on the server, technically only two lives, and instead of just knocking each other out of the series, why don't we knock them out of their yellow lives?" Grian started.
"Agreed, you have my bow." Joel said.
"You have my steed!" Bdubs shouted.
"You have my crossbow as well." Etho said, shooting an arrow up in the air.
"Good, thank you."
"They're all over at Pearl's house right now." Bdubs said, changing the subject, "We just saw them."
"See Pearl, I think, is more of an asset than a problem." Grian said, "She's basically been red this whole time."
Grian was talking about how Pearl had been in her Red Name outfit since the beginning.
"So maybe our way forward is through-"
"Coming! Incoming!" Bdubs interrupted.
"Hi!" Pearl said, running over.
"Speak of the devil." Grian laughed.
Scott and Cleo exchanged shocked looks.
"Kumbajah- KILL HER!" Bdubs stuttered.
Scott covered his mouth to stop him from screaming in pain as he felt a harsh slash down his back.
"How do we get rid of the yellows? Has anyone got any ideas?" Grian asked.
"If Pearl dies, Scott dies." Joel said, making Scott's eyes widen.
"Excuse me?" Pearl asked.
"There we go, that's one down." Impulse said.
"No, there's no killing Pearl. That's off of the table, alright?" Pearl said.
"Let's follow what Joel said there." Etho said, "That actually makes perfectly logical sense to me. And I really wanna kill Scott. He's too good at this."
"Oh yeah, yeah. I'll give you an idea." Pearl said as she stood in powdered snow.
Scott started to shiver and take damage.
"Pearl, stop!" He whispered desperately.
"Oh perfect, yeah." Joel said, "So you do that, and I'll get the last hit."
Scott quickly ate and luckily, Pearl stepped out of the snow so they healed.
Scott sighed in relief.
"So Pearl," Impulse said, "You're friends with them, do you know where they are? Any info on Scott maybe?
"Just because Scott's my soulmate doesn't mean I know everything about him. I don't know where he is right- "
Cleo stopped digging.
She and Scott had been trying to get away, but now they were stuck.
"THERE'S SOMEBODY DIGGING!" Bdubs continued to shout.
"Keep going, keep going!" Scott rushed.
Cleo kept digging down, so whoever tried to follow them would most likely die from the landing.
"Don't go down there, there's no water." Scar said, looking down the big hole.
"Er- I just saw Cleo. Cleo's there." Grian said, digging.
"She's right under us!" Bdubs shouted.
"Cleo?" Joel and Etho asked at the same time.
"What was the plan there?" Grian asked.
"Oooh Cleooooo." Scar said spookily.
Grian looked down the hole, "There was a plan here."
"They were listening." Bdubs said.
"Pearl left too." Grian said, walking back to the remains.
Scott and Cleo rushed out of their hole and towards Pearl.
"Pearl! Pearl get back here!"
Pearl turned around and saw Scott.
"What do you want Scott?" Pearl asked, folding her arms.
"Look, I don't want to do this much either, but we have to. Me, you, Cleo, and Martyn are the last yellows. We have to stick together and get rid of all the reds. And since they're trying to target us, we have to do something fast."
"So you want to form an alliance?"
"A temporary alliance, yes."
Pearl raised an eyebrow.
"Look, we have to do this. Either that or we die."
Pearl shrugged, "I'm fine with that."
"Well I'm not. in?" Scott stretched out a hand.
Pearl looked at it before shaking it.
"I'm in."
Scott smiled, "Great. Now come on, Cleo and Martyn are supposed to meet us in the Deep Dark."
Grian's Perspective-
Grian and Scar were hiding from Cleo and Martyn, listening to their conversation.
"We're supposed to meet Scott and Pearl in the Deep Dark, come on." Cleo said, grabbing Martyn's hand and running off.
Scar smirked and started to follow them.
Grian and Scar looked around as they made it into the deep dark.
Grian heard a horn go off and he gasped.
"Scar! This is probably a trap!" Grian whispered, but Scar didn't listen.
"Come on, I want to kill him." Scar said.
Grian watched with the other reds as Scar ran after Martyn.
"What is he doing?" Joel hissed.
"I don't-"
Grian started to say, but it turned dark.
"RUN SCAR!" Joel shouted, grabbing Etho's hand and they and Grian ran.
"What?! Was that strike three?" Grian asked, running after Joel and Etho to get up high.
But Grian had his question answered when he heard rumbling and the Warden spawned.
Oh no, oh no, Scar run.
Their phones buzzed.
'Martyn was shot by Scar and Cleo drowned.'
"What? How did Martyn get shot but Cleo drowned?" Bdubs asked as he and Impulse joined them.
Grian was busy looking through his spy glass, desperately trying to find his soulmate.
There! Grian turned his spy glass towards a panicked Scar.
"Guys! It's all dark!" Scar said, running towards them.
"The Warden spawned!" Joel shouted, "Oh no! Run Scar! It's behind you!"
Scar turned around, but because he was blind, he believed him.
But the Warden was still several feet away from Scar.
"WHERE?!" Scar said, clearly freaking out.
Scar, please be quiet.
Then Scar took off running towards the exit.
I need to go too.
Grian was about to jump off when Joel grabbed his arm.
Grian turned around and saw Joel pointing towards the Warden, who was sniffing around, looking for prey.
Eventually the Warden went back to sleep, and they took off running in different directions.
"Thanks Joel." Grian whispered as they ran off.
One more shrieker and the Warden will spawn again. Grian thought as he ran towards the exit that Scar went through.
Grian was about halfway to the exit and Joel and Etho had clearly found their exit because they shouted, clearly trying to set off the shrieker.
And they succeeded.
Grian tried to run, but since the Warden spawned a couple of feet away from him, he had to freeze so then the Warden didn't find him.
I have to run.
Grian said, watching the Warden nervously.
Then his phone buzzed,
'Scar: Grian? Where are you?'
Grian sighed as he started running towards the exit.
His phone had caught the attention of the Warden and it started chasing Grian.
I think this is the right way, come on, come on. Please ware off darkness!
Grian ran as fast as he could and...
Scar's Perspective
"Okay, I just have to regroup with Grian and then we can-"
Scar said aloud to himself when he found a horse.
"Well, hello there."
Scar got on the horse.
"Now I just have to-"
Scar clutched his heart,
Scar tried to start eating when he fell off the horse.
"Oh no. That scared me." Scar said, staring at his dead body.
He was a ghost now.
They had run out of lives.
You can't just do that to a man alone at night! With a full moon of all things!
Scar then turned around, watching as Joel and Etho chased Scott.
Kill him guys, show him no mercy.
Joel's Perspective-
Joel loaded up his crossbow as he ran after Scott.
"COME ON SMELLOW! JUST DIE!" Joel shouted chaotically as he shot Scott.
It missed and Joel growled.
Etho ran up and Scott yelped as he ran to the right.
Joel caught up and shot another firework, killing Scott.
"YES!" Joel shouted in celebration.
Etho smiled and kissed his soulmate.
"Nice job, babe."
Joel smiled and blushed.
They put Scott's stuff in a chest and then left.
"Come on, let's go get Bdubs and Impulse." Joel said as he and Etho walked towards the modern house.
'Impulse: Joel and Etho, we need your help in the nether. We're trying to collect some lava'
"Oh, sure." Etho shrugged.
He and Joel walked over to the nether portal and got teleported.
"W-what?!" Etho shouted, not getting teleported yet.
Etho got teleported into lava and all he could hear was Joel's screams as they took double damage.
"Etho, I'm so sorry." Joel sobbed.
"It's okay, Joel, and I'm sorry."
Etho held Joel's hand as they looked at each other one final time.
"Boat Boys forever."
Impulse's Perspective-
"Come on Bdubs, let's go lure someone into the Deep Dar- "
"You want to what?"
Impulse and Bdubs looked up and saw Pearl standing there with a sick smile on her face.
"Hi guys!" She said chaotically.
"H-hi Pearl." Impulse said nervously, "All alone today? Where's Scott?"
"Ditched me. And you know, I noticed that I'm missing a couple of my dogs, you know where they went?"
"N-nope!" Bdubs said, smiling.
"Oh...I thought you would since, you know, you killed them!"
She shot an arrow at them and all her dogs started to attack.
"GAH! RUN IMPULSE!" Bdubs shouted.
They split up and Impulse hurried to take out his lava bucket.
He poured it on some of her dogs and Pearl snapped her neck and started chasing Impulse.
"YOU KILLED TILLY!" She shouted, running up to him and slashing him with her axe.
Bdubs came up from behind and almost killed Pearl.
She fell to the floor and Impulse and Bdubs walked up to her.
She laughed chaotically.
"You know? That's one of the good things at why Scott's not here." She looked up at them and stood up, "It's because he can heal for us."
She then jumped up and slashed down at Bdubs and Impulse at the same time, killing them.
She landed, breathing heavily.
"And that's why having your soulmate here sucks."
She stood up and slung her axe over her shoulder, looking down at her dogs.
One of them barked and whined and she saw that they had got a good cut.
She took out some meat and fed it to them.
"Eat up, we still have one last fight."
"That's right you do."
Pearl looked up and saw Cleo and Martyn.
"Well, well, well, looks like we've got a crazy dog lady." Martyn said.
"And it looks like we have a heartbroken jerk who ditched me and the girl who stole my soulmate."
Martyn and Cleo death stared Pearl, who returned the look.
"Ready for a fight?" Pearl asked, patting one of her dog's head, "Because we are."
Woo! 1,850 words! And yet I was still able to end it on a cliffhanger! But not much of one as we all know what's going to happen lol.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter, because I feel like it's kind of rushed. I also realized afterwards that Scott and Pearl became red before Grian and Scar finally died (i think)
Look, I'm writing this off of my memory, the only thing I went back to watch was how Impulse and Bdubs died bc I never watched their perspectives. But everything else I'm going off of memory (and copying and pasting from my very old Double Life fic. But since it was only in Scar and Grian's POV, I had to guess on a lot)
But let me know how you're liking the story! And I hope you have a wonderful day!
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