Gender Girl
Age 16
Sexuality Lesbian
Likes girls, scary things, yanderes and anime
Fav color pink
Dislikes boys
About her
Alice is nice most of the time tends to have no Fear, She was almost Raped by a man at the age of 4, Her mom saved her thats Why she dislikes Males. She Has blond, long hair and green eyes and skin white
Gender Female
Age Has been 16 for hundreds of years
Sexuality Lesbian
Likes People who try to be friend her with out her asking them to aka Third way to win the game Alice and killing Saying ticktoc after a question and laghing after words
Fav color black
Dislikes People who try to ruin her fun aka Her game
About her
Rose was murder by her Father on her 16 birthday, she blamed her mother for her death so her spirit came back and she killed her mom and father Now she plays a game with who ever enters her house, she makes the rule to the little death game she plays her house her rules. She has the power of illusions and can create food. She wants to kill them but not with hunger. She has blond hair, One blue eye one red. She dose a creepy lagh befor she talk and after
Gender Male
Sexuality Bi
Age 15
Likes Staying in safe areas the sun
Fav color dose not have one
Scary things
About him
He gets scared really easily And is always trying to get out of scary situations. He dose not like to admit hes scared. He has Brown hair And Hazlnut eyes. skin latino
Gender Male
Sexuality straight
Age 17
Likes His girlfriend
Fav color ?
Dislikes ?
About him
Dante is dating mary people know he likes her but that basically all they know about him. Dante is really mysterious Has black hair and red eyes. skin white
Gender female
Age 15
Sexuality bi
Likes sweets and sour things and Dante
Fav color red
Dislikes Spicy foods and the color blue
About her
She is super kinda to her friends but if you mess with one of them watch out, she has a strong punch. knows dante's fav color. She has pink eyes, red hair skin latino
Gender male
Sexuality gay
Age 15
Likes Chase and occult things
Fav color yellow
Dislikes bullying and fighting
About him max is a very chill person. He loves protecting others with out using violence. He has brown hair and black eyes. skin black
Might add more later in the story
When writing like this it is someone's thoughts.
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