It's Her
Heya guys🙋
I am back with the next update 😊
She remembered his last words to her.
" You are such a obnoxious girl, Ms. Sahayay, who don't even want to listen to other people. Not even once. You judged people without knowing them. You never realized the truth in my words then and you are never going to find the probity in my words now. "
She staggered back gulping, so disappointed to herself. She remembered how she blamed him on his wedding day.
" How can I believe on a girl like, Kavita.!!! How dumb you were!!! She said right. You are so naive, Ragini " She patronized herself.
" I have to talk to him. " she said with determination and left from there.
Ragini came back to office and went straight to his cabin only to find it empty.
She huffed a sigh and sauntered towards her seat, waiting forr him to come back.
" Is he there? " came Rohan's voice making her come out of her reverie. She looked at him confused and he shook his head and repeat his question.
" Can I go inside? I am sure he is not busy." he flashed his perfect smile to her but frowned to see her blank face.
" He isn't here. Infact, he is not here for more than four hours. And I don't know where is he? " Ragini said hiding her guity emotions.
Rohan frowned and took his phone from his pocket and dialed his number. He waited for him to pick the call but got no response. He dialed again but got the same.
" Did something happen ? " he asked worriedly. " Because, he never ignored my calls "
Ragini bit her lips nervously as he looked at her anxiously. He ran a frustrated hand in his hair when she nodded her head.
" What happened? " asked he impatiently and Ragini narrated him all that happened from the hospital argument to kavita's conforntation.
" God, Ragini. Why did you do that? You don't even know what all happened with him after his marriage day. " said Rohan sadly.
Ragini bend his head guiltily. " I didn't know Kavita was ..."
" Ofcourse you didn't know, but if you tried to know the story of other side of the coin, maybe the things would be different now. " he said with a sympathetic smile.
" He lost everything that day, from his love to his family. Everyone blame him of the things he never did. Even his family didn't support him and abondonded him without even listening him. " he said with a bitter chuckle. " So much trust they had in their son "
Ragini felt more n more guilty after listening this. And all because of her, because of her one judgemental decision, because of her navity. Her eyes got teary without her knowledge.
" I know, I did a mistake. But I promise you Rohan. I am going to correct it. " She wiped her face with the back of her palm and he looked surprised to see the determination on her face.
" But he too did so much things to you. Why did you want to help him? " asked he still surprised.
Ragini remembered all their encountered, how he tried to apologize for her father's condition, how well he treat her mother, how he aid her ankle that day. A small yet sad smile spread on her lips remembering all this.
" He did so many things, but now I know the reason why? I don't forgive him for putting my dad in this condition but I don't completely hate him either. "
" Your dad? " asked he alert. " What happened to him? "
" Nothing. Could you do me a favour ? " He nodded and she wrote her number on a paper. " Whenever you got in touch with him, please do tell me. I have to talk to him. " She forwarded her number and he nodded and turned to leave.
" Mr. Sahayay ? " he thought looking at the last time in her direction before leaving from there.
Sanskaar was sitting in a bar gulping shots after shots. His phone kept ringing but he wasn't paying much attention to it.
He just want to forget all the things around him, all the things that hurt him, all those people who didn't trust him.
" Sir, Your phone was ringing from half an hour, Maybe someone's worried about you. " The bartender who was receiving him, said to him politely.
He gave him a sardonic chuckle "Worried for me ? Haah..!!! No one is worried for me, buddy. Not even my parents " his words were full of sadness as he kept drinking without any break.
After about an hour his head hit the table as he fall totally drunk, loosing his consiousness. Bartender received the call as his phone rang again.
" Thank God, you pick it, Sanky. I was hell wo-"
" Sir, This man is dead drunk here, laying unconsious. Please pick him up from here "
" Tell me the address. "
Ragini was standing in her balcony gazing towards the star.
" Bhoo " she jumped starled and glared at Laksh who gave him a cheeky smile.
She turned to the sky again and his brows furrowed.
" What's the matter? " asked he and she sighed.
" I was wrong in judging him. "
" Judging who? " he asked confused.
" Sanskaar Maheshwari. He didn't do anything wrong, It was all Kavita's doing. "
His eyes widened. " You mean he didn't impregnen--- Wait..!!! Did you just say Kavita? "
" Yeah..!! " she looked at him confused to see his reaction.
" Strange..!! " He chuckled " I just had a date with a girl, with the same name "
" What was her full name ? " asked she slightly curious.
He furrowed his eyebrows for a second to reminisized her name.
" God, Lucky. Limits yaar..!!! You didn't even know her full name of the girl you just had a date " She shook her head in disbelief, chuckling softly.
He scoffed then smirked. " Don't belittle me. I perfectly remember her full name. Her name was Kavita. " She was about to say something sarcastic when he completed. " Kavita Desai "
Her face lost it's colour as soon as she listened the name.
" Kavita Desai ? "
He nodded smirking and she mumbled. " No, she can't be her. "
" Do you have her pic? " asked she suddenly anxious.
He frowned but show it to her nevertheless. She stood dumbfounded for a moment before uttering the words.
" It's her"
He looked at him confused " The girl who faked her pragnancy with Sanskaar Maheshwari "
Laksh stood blank for a second then ran his hand in his hair frustratedly.
" Damn..!! "
She looked at him concerned. He put his hand upwards before starting his complaints.
" O God..!! What sin did I do, in my last birth that you can't even give me a good girl. " he stomp his foot dramatically and she rolled her eyes.
" In whole world, you got only that Kavita Desai for me. " his shoulders slugged as he continued. " Please send a decent girl for me soon naa..!!! I don't want to become old being single. What will I tell my grandkids, that I didn't even had a single giirlfriend of my whole life. "
Ragini chuckled to see his drama and smacked his arm playfully.
" Stop being dramatic. And stay away from that girl. "
" No, I am going to marry that psycotic girl and make your life hell" he said giving her a teasing look and she smacked on his arm again, but this time seriously.
" Ouch..!! It hurts..!! " he rubbed his arm and looked at her pouting.
" Shut up..!! And tell me how should I rectify my mistake " she said, telling him all that happened from the begining till the end.
No, RagSan Scence! Awww..Don't be sad. They are going to come soon too.😊
Till then
Be happy and keep smiling
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