"You must choose".
Stacey's POV
Me and White Tiger have bin here for a while now.
Right now she was making me run and dodge things using flips and other super cool stuff. How did I learn so quickly? Simple. Remember my sport's medals in my suitcase? About five of those are track so yes, I'm a fast runner and as for gymnastics, I have 3 medals, but I have completely forgotten how to do the back handspring because that's something that needs constant practice whereas I had pretty much quit on everything (sport's, music... Even singing.... I used to do that all the time.... How long has it bin? 4 years?) So I decided to give it a try when lasers started shooting out of a robot that materialized out of nowhere. I made one flip, then two,three, four and before I knew it a fifth and then a sixth until I sensed a laser aimed slightly higher than the others so I did the impossible; I did a double flip in the air and landed on all fours imitating CatWoman's position, facing the explosion that was caused by the two lasers that had touched each other when I had done... I did that? Wow! After four years I can still do that stuff and better? Cool!
"WhiteTiger! This is amazing!" I exclaimed doing a cartwheel out of delight and incidentally nocking out a robot I hadn't noticed with my right foot in the process making me look a whole lot better and experienced than I realy am.
Time skip to the others.
"How did you do that!?!" Web-Head exploded when I finally came out following White Tiger "You just got you're power's yesterday morning!" He continued, I just looked at him studying his features since he had his mask off for once just to make sure that he was seriously impressed with me and not just mocking me because he can do way better. Then deciding on the first one, I answered him with a "4 years ago I practiced 3 sports: gymnastics, track and ice skating." Danny looked like he was gonna say one of his fortune cookie lines until he was interrupted by Ava putting a hand on my shoulder and reminding me (since she had already told me when director Fury had sent her in the training room with me and I told her to remind me later) that "we need to see Dr. Conners about you're power's now.", so then we left the 4 dumbstruck boy's so that we could go see Dr. Conners about my new power's.
"You must choose." he said after running a few tests on me for about an hour or two at which point my patience was running real thin "choose what?" I huffed not bothering to hide the fact that I'm realy ticked off right now. "If you keep both power's, those powers will keep fighting each other until one annihilates the other but as a consequence you will die and..." "I should have died that first time anyway! So why me! You have over a million teens out there all alone with powers in you're world so why me?" He hesitated, a bit shocked at my reaction "Because you're power's were not ment for you're world and if you had made a bet far more bigger and serious, you could have destroyed the whole universe and no one could have stopped you being in you're world of only reality" "so what you're saying is that I'm a threat? And so you took me from my boring planet with no one to protect it to yours full of superheroes?" "I..." "Yeah, exactly! S.H.I.E.L.D hadn't thought of it yet? Well what a pity!".
And with that I hopped off the bed and went to my room where I found Peter submersed with papers and books with a pencil in one hand while the other hand was searching for something; I noticed a pencil sharpener on the floor so I picked it up and knelt in front of Peter holding it in front of him as I asked "Is this it?" "Huh? Oh,yeah! Thanks!". I gave him a small smile and walked over to the corner where all of my stuff was. I sat down on the floor and dug in my suitcase for something interesting... A CD of The Queen, medals, a track trophy, my ice skating outfit along with it's skates and the stockings that go over them as well as my legs (duh!), pictures, more CD's (Green Day, AC/DC,Skillet and Evanescence) and... Videogames.
I haven't played them for a while now and I wonder why I even brought them since... Oh yeah, S.H.I.E.L.D brought everything, I didn't do anything other than say which room was mine.
"Now what have you got there?" I heard a voice behind me ask, I smiled, it was Sam...wait! Why did I smile!?! "You've got videogames!?! Not to mention 'Assassins Creed'!?! Woah! Can I play them!?!" "They didn't bring my PlayStation so how..." "We can play them at my place!" Peter answered from behind Sam next to my left shoulder "Eep! Don't do that! You scared the 'you know what' out of me!" I screeched nearly jumping five feet in the air.
The to of them bursted out laughing not caring that I was glaring at them until I started a wind that spun all of Peter's home work around the two like a tornado. Then I let it go letting all of Pete's stuff fall down on the ground, one of his books even nocked Sam on the head, Web-Head laughed at him but it was short lived as I sprayed him with some water. "Don't laugh." I said and then turned around to dump all of my bags contents into my open suitcase and to put all of my videogames in it while Peter said "OK, sorry. Can't even take a joke sheesh!" "We're still playing right?" Nova asked "I'll come over to Peter's house so we can play my videogames if you introduce me to The Guardians Of The Galaxy or just Groot" I said to Bucket-Head "What about me?" Peter asked as Sam took off his helmet, grabbed his normal clothes and went to change in the bathroom as I turned around zipping up my backpack "If you could get me BlackWidow or if you can't get to her Falcon, that would be great". "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!"Peter yelled "You ruined my homework!" I just stared at the messy paper's then I decided to use my air powers to blow them dry with some wind. They still looked horrible but at least they were now dry and you could read them. Peter checked on the small pile of papers and said in unison with Nova as he came back from the bathroom "Deal". Then we took off so we could go play my videogames at Pete's place while they still had some free time to do so.
Time skip to the Parker's house.
I was wearing my usual: black hoodie, a half sleeved cyan shirt, black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knee's and black doctor Martin's. Peter rang the doorbell.
Honestly it's you're house! Why ring the doorbell? I wondered.
Then the door opened and out stepped Aunt May. Peter quickly introduced us "Aunt May, this thing over here is Sam" he said indicating Sam who just glared at him and shook her hand saying "it's a pleasure to meet you" as she bopped Peter's head with the other "be nice" she scolded him "ow!" I giggled a bit at that, "and this is Stacey" "Oh! Nice to meet you Stacey, you can call me aunt May" "Nice to meet you to aunt May" I answered as she stepped aside to let us in.
Peter's POV.
Aunt May stepped aside to let us in, I turned around as soon as she closed the door behind us to tell her that we'd be upstairs if she needed us only to see her dragging off Stacey for some 'girl talk' or something but before they were out of sight, Stacey managed to toss me her backpack while mouthing "remember our deal" and then they disappeared in the kitchen.
"Well... At least she found herself a new friend and... " he said nudging me on the arm with his elbow "now we have the PlayStation all to ourselves" he concluded with a wink while snatching Stacey's bag from my hands and running upstairs with me on his tail chasing after him yelling "You don't even know where my room is!".
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