Chapter 37
Hundreds of sets of eyes held their focus on Tara, some determined and others still unsure. Nones held their heads up, trying to keep their wits about them, but the idea of having their freedom helped them in that task.
"Everyone," Tara cleared her throat, still wobbling against the shoulders of Gwen and Damien, "we're all here, some for different reasons, but tonight we have the power to change everything."
Tara turned her attention downward for a moment to look at Erin, smiling up at her. For the first time in her life someone was proud of her and she would fight to keep it.
"Dia has been running the furies for years, and I know all of you have heard the recent plans she had involving four other towns," furies put on their game faces, cracking knuckles, and nodding angrily,"how are we supposed to know that the justice we bring to this half of Maber is actually justified? How many lives have we already taken simply for that vile woman's greed?" Tara's voice grew stronger, her rage pouring out.
Everyone remained quiet, staring back and forth at each other. It was almost as if they were acknowledging a moment of silence for the lives they took wrongly without their knowing. They held their heads down, trying to mask the shame in their faces.
"We can't do what we were made for in this dungeon anymore, with a leader who holds all the wrong ideals," Damien and Gwen held on tight to Tara's thighs as she turned to face the crowd of nones, "Our rules apparently mean nothing anymore. Dia has shamed all of us because of her desire for just a little more gold to throw in her tower so as far as I'm concerned you all deserve your freedom." Nones smiled and nodded in agreement to one another.
"Some of us might not be the best fighters, but we're the ones with a cause and we can do this if we fight together!" Tara yelled, her cry ringing through the ears of the hundreds surrounding her. Cheer after cheer blasted through the tunnel sending chills through Tara's body.
"Are we ready?!" She yelled hard enough to make her voice crack. The noise of the people grew to its loudest with cries and jeers and the unified banging of weapons against the stiff earth beneath them.
"Ma'am, I've received word that they've begun to make their way up from the tunnels," Rina said. Dia stood up nonchalantly sipping on expensive wine.
"So, they have a little over a hundred furies and they expect to bypass twice that many to get to me?" She laughed to herself, unmistakably amused.
"Not quite--" Rina started. Dia's eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow in Rina's direction.
"What is it?" Dia demanded.
"They seem to have recruited hundreds of nones."
Dia placed a hand to her pale flawless chest and laughed until her lungs nearly gave out. Rina added a nervous chuckle while Dia attempted to regain composure.
"I can't wait to see what a bunch of nones are going to do to my fully trained ladies," one more laugh followed by a loud snort followed, "bring it on ladies."
"Keep the nones in the middle! We don't want to lose them to sneak attacks!" Gwen yelled. A group of furies nodded and made their way to the back of the mob.
The spiraling staircase made for a crowded fit, but the people pressed on. At the first floor, six furies stood waiting for the rebels with their weapons at the ready. Tara drew her sword and parried the first's attack. The fury's crudely put together spear gritted against the blade, dropping rust particles into the air.
"Pretty strong," Tara muttered behind clenched teeth, holding on the hilt of her sword and shifting her weight closer to the woman behind the spear.
"What can I say," the fury replied tearing her spear away from the sword. Tara fell forward, landing on her knees. The fury moved out of the way before spinning back around to face her, "I paid attention to our weapon training."
The fury raised her spear into the air and her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Tara looked down to see the tip of a blade peeking out near the fury's abdomen, blood dripping in small pear shaped drops down her cape to be lost in the blackness of it. She remained frozen in time, her hands still clenching on to the spear above her head before she dropped to the ground. Erin stood there holding a sword coated in blood as she looked to Tara with a small smile.
"Nice work," Tara grinned as she stood up and looked at the face down fury bleeding out on the floor beneath them, "I guess you didn't pay as close attention as you thought."
Beside them stood their sisters fighting against the women they had grown up knowing and training with side by side everyday. Sounds of equal ability echoed through the vibrations of steel against steel. Nones ran close by fighting for whatever punches they could throw in, some making it and others being taken out before their one shot at freedom.
"There's a group of furies split to each floor and we've sent in the nones as reinforcements," Gwen stated, winded and sweating profusely.
Tara nodded,"Good, we'll work our way up to Dia while everyone finishes off these furies," She began her walk up the stairs, "just make sure that we check each floor on the way up. If they need help then help them!"
Erin looked up to see Damien, holding a small dagger three floors above them. The fury he was fighting against went at him with such great force that when he moved to avoid imminent death she fell over the ledge, screaming as she hit against steel railings several floors below.
"Damien!" Erin yelled. Damien looked down to see Erin and waved with a silly grin plastered to his face, "get down here with me before you get yourself killed!"
And just like that, as quickly as he smiled, his face changed to match that of the fury Erin had previously gutted. Erin watched as his lifeless body fell to the floor and the mousey Rina was revealed, holding a wicked smile and a dagger dripping with Damien's blood.
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