CHAPTER THIRTEEN: At the library
William sighed. Today was not a good day. There was so much to write about, yet everything he wrote was bad. He could write about the rehearsal of the first scene, including the right costumes, dances and props. But every word he used, did not seem to fit how he felt while seeing it.
It was magical – but he could not sell that word to grown up critics. The dancing was performed perfectly – but that was too vague for a connoisseur. The colours of the costumes were just right – but that did not include the right lighting yet, so he could not judge that. And finally the props were amazingly done – but he had already dedicated a chapter to the making of every piece of art behind the actors.
So instead of sitting behind his desk and writing the same useless words, he decided to look at other people's writing. He called for his carriage and drove to London's biggest library. He would often find a library when he did not come up with the right words for a review. Reading other people's work brought him inspiration for new words and sentences, and better comparisons than "blue as ice."
He entered the red bricked building and looked through old newspaper they had collected. He knew that some contained his works, and he refused to read those. He was glad he had grown as a writer, but his first reviews were simply ridiculous. Everyone could see that he was only just beginning.
It was probably about half an hour later that he suddenly heard someone say his name. Looking up, he found a woman with gorgeous brown hair and a golden dress. In her hands she was holding two books, and on her face she had a smile.
"Elizabeth," William said surprised. She walked to him and gave him her hand, which he kissed on top – a way of greeting a lady.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
He pointed at the newspapers on the table. "Reading reviews. To better my writing."
"I did not know you do that," she told him.
He shrugged. "There is a lot you do not know about me."
She looked at him with her head tilted. "I know."
Pointing at the chair on the other side of the table, he asked: "would you like to join me?"
She looked at him, then at the chair. She seemed to be doubting, but eventually smiled and said: "why not."
He pulled back her chair so that she could sit down easily, then went back to his own. She picked up one of the books she was holding and started reading it, while he pretended to be reading reviews. Pretended, for he could not concentrate when he knew she was sitting in front of him.
He tried for what felt like hours but was probably only one, until he noticed she had closed her book and was looking around.
"Are you alright?" he asked her.
She startled and reached for her heart. Then she smiled at him. "Yes, I am alright, if I do not think that you just startled me to death."
He laughed at her comment. "My apologies, I did not mean to. Do you want to leave?"
"My head merely needs a break. I can only read so much at once."
"Then would you like to go out for a walk? My head is full of review language as well."
She smiled at him. "Tis not the best time for you to write, then?"
"If you do not want to walk, that is alright for me."
A grateful smile appeared on her face. "I do want to walk. I just do not want to keep you away from your work."
"Mind not," he said while closing the newspaper. "My head needs some rest as well."
A few minutes later, they were both outside, lucky it was not raining. It had gotten colder since winter was coming closer, but Elizabeth had a coat over her shoulders and did not seem bothered by the weather. Giving her his arm and allowing her to wrap her hand around it, he smiled at her, then guided her down the streets of London.
There were not many people walking about. Autumn was not the most sought-after season to make a walk, but William remembered how Elizabeth had once told him it was her favourite season. He did not understand it, but he used to do anything to please her. Now he merely wanted to talk to her, for he liked that.
He did not want to think of the past or anything that made either of them angry. He wanted to befriend her so that he could see her as a friend and not a past love. But a part of him feared that he would not stop at befriending her. A part of him wanted more than mere walks and talks. That part could not forget how she looked in a single robe or how her lips tasted when he kissed her.
Yet he also had a part that was careful, that did not trust her. That part told him to stop when they were friends and to think over every word she said. It made him doubt if she was still lying, or if she truly had changed. Could a person change so much that all her opinions are different?
"Tell me," Elizabeth suddenly said, pulling William out of his own thoughts, "what is your favourite play you have ever seen?"
"Pfff..." William sighed while he thought over her question. "I have seen so many. I believe I do not even remember all of them."
"If they are not worthy of your remembrance, then they must not be all that good."
"Good point," he said while he thought of all the plays he still remembered. "I have seen Sleepy Memories last Christmas with my family, and I truly enjoyed it. But Born to Chase Music was also really good. And The Big Blue Sky had gorgeous music, and probably the best actors."
Elizabeth turned her head to look at him. "Those are all romantic stories."
William shrugged, annoyed that she knew. "I believe everyone has a weak spot."
"And yours is romantic plays," she laughed. The sound of it made his heart flutter. O how he enjoyed making her happy. "Then you must hate Pondside."
"No, I do not," he answered. "Yes, the story is about falling out of love, but they both find love in another's arms. And besides, romance includes dealing with bad times. They are still very kind to each other."
"Do you not think that if they tried hard enough, they could be together in the end?"
William looked her. Was she still speaking of the play, or about them? Either way, William answered as well as he could. "Do you believe they still love each other? After the mean words they have told each other, do you think they both came out of the fight unharmed?"
"No, I do not. And I believe it has changed both of them drastically. But that does not mean the love is not there anymore."
"And you think that if they try, they could still be together?"
She nodded. "They will both have to take a leap of faith."
He looked at her, but she kept her eyes on the street before them. Was she truly speaking of the play still, or was she asking him to take a leap of faith with her?
"Do you not think they have been scarred too much to take that leap, to trust each other?" he asked.
Her head turned and her eyes finally met his. "Was it not you who said that romance includes dealing with bad times?"
William opened his mouth to respond, but closed it again, for he did not know how to respond. He had said that indeed, but he did not mean to indicate that their relationship would stand every fight. He did not want to give her hope, but most of all, he did not want to give himself hope.
In the intent to change the subject, he asked her: "have you ever been to the circus?"
"The circus?" she asked, probably surprised that he changed to a very different topic. "No, I never have."
"You should. Tis very spectacular."
"I have heard of it," she admitted. "But I am not certain if a lady is to attend it."
"Anybody is to attend it," he told her. He had already been to the circus a few times, and each time he was surprised by how many people of higher status would attend. He never stood out as a lord. "Would you like to see one? I believe there is a tent just outside London."
Elizabeth looked at him, surprised. After thinking for a while, she smiled and said: "yes. Why not."
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