Chapter 4 tldr
The howling wind chilled frostpaw, she shivered. "How much longer will it take to get there?" Frostpaw meowed to her mentor, Cederclaw, " it will probably take another day, but hopefully we can get there by nightfall" Cederclaw meowed in reply. "Hey! I got a signal" Meowed Applepaw.
"Who wants to be in my snap too weaselface?" Frostpaw rolled her eyes but walked over anyway. "I do!" Meowed beepaw, suddenly wearing a full face of makeup and a very adorable outfit.
"Me to!" Squeaked dawnkit, appearing out of thin air. "Okay, come here!" Said applepaw, flipping the hair of a wig she was wearing a few times to give it some volume.
Applepaw held up the camera to take a selfie, when out of the blue a hawk started to decend towards them. Frostpaw let out a cry of destress.
The hawk swooped down, just barely missing frostpaw, and...snatched applepaws wig!!!
Applepaw wailed. "My picture is ruined!!" Beepaw gave Applepaw a sympathetic glance,
"hey, maybe it's a sign to just show weaselface your natural beauty, he should love you for you!" Frostpaw gave beepaw a confused look, but applepaw just sighed. "Maybe your right, after all, i am very naturally beautiful!"
Dawnkit rolled her eyes at the older cat's antics. "We should keep going! The less breaks we take the faster we get there!"
Frostpaw laughed "says the one who isnt feeling the wind!" They all chuckled and continued to walk, after a long day, they found a small cave to sleep in.
Applepaw, beepaw and frostpaw curled up together, keeping eachother warm from the cold harsh wind.
The next day they awoke, and started back on thier journey. After quite a bit of walking, suddenly Mossmist stopped, "this is it! The Tribe Of Rushing Water." Frostpaw looked at the seemingly desolate land. "Really? I expected it to look...different" she meowed. "Just wait! You'll see, it gets better." Icegaze purred out a laugh. "So, what now?" Beepaw meowed. "Now we wait for a patrol to come by, it would be rude to wander into their camp." Replied Cederclaw.
"I hope one comes soon," Applepaw mumbled. "I'm cold!"
Shortly, a Group of tall, lean mud covered cats came and padded over "Greetings," a cat who frostpaw supposed to be the leader of the patrol meowed.
"What busniess do you have with us?" The Cat meowed in a chrisp tone.
"We are visitors from Thunderclan," replied Cederclaw.
"Ah, Thunderclan, how nice to see you again." The cat said in a much more friendly voice. "I am Leaves That Blow In Wind, but you may call be Leaves." "Come, we will take you to our camp and you can have somthing to eat."
Leaves lead the thunderclan patrol to the camp, it was covered by a waterfall, and had a stream crawling through it. " Ah, it seems the prey-hunters have returned. I will go tell stoneteller of your arrival now." Leaves stalked off, Leaving the forest cats alone with the tribe.
Cederclaw turned to his clanmates, "it appears we are free to roam now, why don't you all find sombody to talk to?" And with that, he padded off across the stone clearing. "Look over there! Those cats seem to be around our age." Beepaw meowed. Frostpaw glanced over to where Beepaw was pointing her tail.
Sitting over on a rock we're three apprentice sized cats, two toms and a she-cat from the looks of it. But the one that caught frostpaw's eye was sitting right in the middle. He was a lean bluish-grey tom with soft brown eyes. And he was the most handsome cat she ever had seen, other then weaselface she supposed. "Earth to frostpaw" Beepaw meowed, snapping frostpaw away from her thoughts.
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