Chapter nine
The thick, merciless heaps of snow I marched through numbed me immensely, even after having only just left the shelter of Miyuki's home. I shuddered and held myself as I trekked on, knowing that even though it was uncomfortable now, it was what I had to do. The harsh winter in spring didn't let up as I went on, and I felt the dizziness in my head trip me up. My head was spinning, and I lost all sense of direction.
Where was I going...?
I had even forgotten my objective as I aimlessly pressed through the frost, already losing the feeling in my limbs. I didn't know where I was going, but I did know that I couldn't stop.
I had to go...
I had to...
I had begun to feel so numb that I wasn't sure if I was still moving, the winter wind whipping around me.
I can't stop now...
When I opened my eyes again, everything felt like it was a dream. Had I ever left Miyuki's...?
I sat up in bed, immediately clutching my head, which throbbed at the motion. Rubbing my temples, I looked around to the familiar surroundings of Miyuki's hut. Had I never left...?
Despite my searching eyes, Miyuki was nowhere to be seen. Just as I was beginning to suspect he was out somewhere, the door opened and his familiar frame stepped into view, a basin of water in his armsー where he'd found it in the midst of everything being frozen I had no idea, but that was besides the point.
"Miyuki...?" I called tentatively, still unsure of the situation. He raised his head at the sound of my voice and turned to look at me.
"Oh! You're awake..."
I squinted at him, trying to backtrack enough to remember what was going on as he quietly came towards me, setting the basin down and sitting at the edge of the bed beside me.
"What... Why am I...?"
My questions went unanswered as Miyuki went ahead and examined my injuries.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me gently. "Does your head feel any better?"
I didn't answer his questions, instead asking my own.
"... What happened last night?"
I felt sure that I had left last night, going back to the kingdom... So how, then, had I...?
At my question, I could see Miyuki's face harden, even through the shield of his hair. This made my brows draw together as Miyuki answered in a low tone of voice.
"I should ask you the same..."
I paused, taken aback.
"... I wasn't going to confront you about it until I knew you were properly tended to, but..."
I didn't have much time to respond before I was met by a sharp gaze I'd never seen before etched in Miyuki's handsome face.
"I found you out there, Haruka. Frozen stiff, buried in heaps of snow. I thought you were dead."
My breath caught, and I couldn't find the words to respond as he went on, looking me dead in the eyes. "What were you doing? Being so reckless? You could've died out there, Haruka."
I winced inwardly at the harshness in his words. I knew he was right, but what could I tell him...?
"... Miyuki," I started slowly, not wanting him to be angry with me. "You've been so kind to me, and I want you to know that I'm grateful. For everything. But I have to go."
He tensed at my words, looking at me with a hard expression. I met it undeterred, resolve in my gaze.
"I have to, Miyuki."
His expression softened, looking at me pitifully.
"But why...?"
I paused, considering how I could tell him, and looked out the window at the snow.
"... This winter, Miyuki. It's spring. At least... It's supposed to be."
I returned my eyes to look at him, but I couldn't read his expression which was hidden behind his bangs.
"I'm not ungrateful that you've saved me, but I've been here long enough. My kingdom needs me to fix thisー I went out for a reason!"
Even through the blinds of his hair, I could see Miyuki's eyes grow wide.
"... You... What...?"
"Raewillow? That's my home. It's known best by its vibrant spring, and right now we don't have that. I need to fix it. I just have to..."
I felt my heart grow restless as Miyuki fell silent.
What was he thinking about...?
Before I could ask, he turned his head away. When he spoke again, his voice was so soft that I almost missed it.
"... You can't."
My face hardened and I looked at him resolutely. "I can! I know I'm small, but I'm stronger than you think! I canー"
"You can't stop this winter, Haruka."
My chest tightened and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"... Why...?"
I thought my heart would stop as Miyuki looked directly at me and uttered, "because I'm the winter."
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