Chapter Six: The Court of Miracles
Loki had never been more worried in his life. Thanos knows where (Y/N) is? How? No one has ever been able to find the Court of Miracles is so how did Thanos find it? Thor came out from under the table.
"We have to find the Court of Miracles, before daybreak. If Thanos gets there first..." Loki didn't do anything, "are you coming with me?"
"I can't," Loki said
"I thought you were Maddie's friend.
"Thanos is my master. I can't disobey him again."
"She stood up for you. You've got a funny way of showing gratitude."
Thor paused while Loki turned away.
"Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch Thanos massacre innocent people. You do what you think is right," Thor said before leaving.
Tony, Nat and Steve gave Loki a look.
"What. What am I supposed to do? Go out there and rescue the girl from the jaws of death, and the whole town will cheer like I'm some sort of hero? (Y/N) already has her knight in shining armour, and it's not me," Loki told them, "Thanos was right. Thanos was right about everything. I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not."
Loki looks at his hand remembering what (Y/N) saw before looking at the still-burning figure of her. That's also when Loki remembered Maddie gave him a talisman to show him the way to the Court of Miracles. Steve handed him a cloak.
"I must be out of my mind!" Loki took it and went after Thor.
At ground level, Thor is exiting the cathedral. No sooner has he stepped outside, Loki hops in front of him.
"Thor!" Thor shouts out in surprise, "I'm coming with you!"
"I'm glad you changed your mind," Thor said.
"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for (Y/N)."
"You know where she is?"
"No, but she said this would help us find her," he pulls out the talisman and hands it to Thor.
"What is it?" Thor asked after acting like this was a great clue.
"I'm not sure."
"Hmm. Must be some sort of code. Maybe it's Arabic. No, no, it's not Arabic. Maybe it's ancient Greek..."
"When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand," Loki repeated what (Y/N) said.
"It's the city!"
"What are you talking about?"
"It's a map!" Loki points out where everything is the centre, "see, here's the cathedral, and the river, and this little..."
The two start talking over each other, arguing about who is right about the talisman being a map or not. After a deep breath from them both, ending the argument, Thor gave in.
"All right, okay. You say it's a map, fine, it's a map. If we're going to find Maddie and (Y/N), we have to work together. Truce?" Thor lightly pats him on the back.
"Well...okay," Loki slaps Thor's back who winces in pain, "Sorry."
"No, you're not," Thor said as they followed the map to the Court of Miracles.
They walked a long way from Notre Dame before arriving at an old graveyard. In the middle stood a tomb with a cross on it. The same cross that is on the talisman. Loki pulled off the lid to reveal stairs into the dark. They travelled down. They reached the bottom which was full of skulls, skeletons and sewage. It was the old catacombs that travel all over Paris. No one visits them anymore due to flooding, the fact that it's like a labyrinth, it was used as a grave and that you can get easily lost.
If you're very unlucky, you'd never come back. Loki didn't want to be there. He just wanted to warn (Y/N) about Thanos and go back to the bell tower where he belonged and out of trouble. Which reminded Thor that they should've run into some by now. A guard, a booby trap, or an ambush. The torch they had gone out and all around them were Gypsies dressed as skeletons and more torches. They jumped down and restrained the two. Out of the darkness came Peter.
"Well, well, well. What have we here?" Peter asked
"Trespassers!" One said.
"Spies!" Said another.
"We are not spies!" Thor said
"Can't you listen-"
They were both gagged.
"Don't interrupt me!" Peter said, "You're very clever to have found our hideaway. Unfortunately, you won't live to tell the tale."
'Maybe you've heard of a terrible place where the scoundrels of Paris Collect in a lair,' the Gypsies sang, 'Maybe you've heard of that mythical place called the Court of Miracles.'
"Hello, you're there!" Peter said.
'Where the lame can walk and the blind can see.'
'But the dead don't talk. So you won't be around to reveal what you've found.'
'We have a method for spies and intruders. Rather like hornets protecting their hive, here in the Court of Miracles where it's a miracle if you get out alive!'
Loki and Thor were taken up to a platform, where nooses are placed around their necks. Around them were all the Gypsies in Paris.
"Gather around, everybody! There's good 'noose' tonight!" Peter announced, "It's a doubleheader, a couple of Thanos' spies! And not just any spies! His captain of the guard, and his loyal, bell-ringing henchman!"
'Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles. I am the lawyers and judge all in one. We like to get the trial over with quickly because it's the sentence that's really the fun! Any last words?"
Thor and Loki tried to talk but they were still gagged.
"That's what they all say. Now that we've seen all the evidence.'
"Wait! I object!" Peter's puppet said.
"I object!"
Back two the boys, 'We find you totally innocent which is the worst crime of all...'
'So you're going to hang!'
Peter was about to hang them when (Y/N) and Maddie stopped him. They told him that Loki and Thor were their friends and what they did to help them. Loki with their escape from Notre Dame and Thor with the family in the mill. (Y/N) let them both go before Thor told everyone about how Thanos found the hideout. Everyone prepared to evacuate.
"You took a terrible risk coming here. It may not exactly show, but we're grateful," Maddie said hugging Thor.
Thor noticed Loki looking a bit depressed.
"Don't thank me. Loki," Thor said pushing Loki to (Y/N), "without his help, I would never have found my way here."
Loki's face brightens up, but only for a moment.
"Nor would I!" Thanos said from the entrance of the Court of Miracles.
Soldiers surround the people and take the gypsies into custody. Not one Gypsy escaped.
"After twenty years of searching, the Court of Miracles is mine at last," Thanos said before looking at Loki, "dear Loki, I always knew you would someday be of use to me."
"No," Loki said in sadness and disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" (Y/N) asked Thanos.
"Why, he led me right to you, my dear," Thanos said.
"You're a liar!"
"And look what else I've caught in my net; Captain Thor, back from the dead. Another miracle, no doubt. I shall remedy that," Thanos turned to all the gypsies, "There will be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow, and you're all invited to attend."
He told his men to take the Gypsies away.
"No, please, master!" Loki fell to his knees and grabbed a piece of Thanos' clothes.
Thanos looked down at him with a glare. Loki let go of him. He started to cry. All he wanted to do was save (Y/N) and now he's put her in more danger.
"Take him back to the bell tower, and make sure he stays there," Thanos told his men.
They dragged him to Notre Dame where they chained him up. A nice view of the crowd below him for tomorrow night. He tried his best to escape but he couldn't. He couldn't save (Y/N).
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