Chapter Seven: The fight for Notre Dame
The next night, (Y/N) and Maddie were tied to a beam to be burned at the stake in front of Notre Dame. Maddie wasn't supposed to be burned with her sister but she tried to defend her so Thanos declared that she'd be burned too. Thanos tried to reason with (Y/N) to save both her and her sisters life. Choose him and they would be let go but they would be his, or they would burn. (Y/N) spat at him. While all that was happening, Loki watched from where he was chained. Nat, Tony and Steve tried to break him from the chains but Loki had given up. Loki told them to leave him alone so they did.
Loki stepped closer to the edge to see what was happening. Thanos had put a burning torch on the bonfire to get it started. Now finding some strength, Loki pulled and tugged at the chains keeping him where he was. The bells chimed as the Cathedral rumbled at Loki trying to break free. Trying something new, he turned into his Jotun form and made the chains freeze until they finally snapped, and some of the Cathedrals pillars fell from all the pulling of the chains. He didn't know he could do that. But he wasn't in shock right now. He had to save the sisters.
Grabbing a rope, he tied it to a gargoyle and swung down to the side. Maddie was clinging onto life while (Y/N) was unconscious. Loki swung down to the platform and untied (Y/N) and Maddie. Maddie told Loki to leave with (Y/N) while she ran. And that's what he did. He used the rope to go back to the Cathedral. He climbed up with (Y/N) over his shoulder. Once he got to the highest level in the middle of the Cathedral, he held her up yelling 'sanctuary'. The crowd cheered with him. Loki then put her in a room to rest while Thanos ordered his men to seize the Cathedral.
Loki and his friends then started throwing anything and everything down the Cathedral to stop everyone from coming in. Thor had managed to escape the cage he was in thanks to Maddie and helped the rest of the Gypsies out of their cages. Using a beam Loki threw down, the guards tried to pound open the doors of Notre Dame. The Gypsies and the townspeople fought Thanos' army with Loki and his friends defending the Cathedral from inside.
Tony and Nat even tried a catapult which they didn't use right but still worked perfectly for Tony. Steve got the birds that kept following him to help. Then they tried one last thing to keep the guards and Thanos out. They dumped some lava into the drains where water would go and pour out the mouths of the gargoyles. The lave pooled down making the guards run. But Thanos was already getting into the Cathedral. Using the sword he had on him, he broke through the rest of the door and headed up the Cathedral to Loki.
Loki burst into the room (Y/N) was in saying they beat them but she didn't respond. He tried to make her drink some water but nothing. She was dead. Thanos killed her. Loki burst into tears and cried by her side. He was too late. He didn't save her in time. Thanos walked in and put a hand on Loki's shoulder.
"You killed her," Loki growled.
"It was my duty," Thanos said, "horrible as it was. I hope you can forgive me. There, there, Loki, I know it hurts. But now, the time has come to end your suffering, forever."
Thanos raised a dagger ready to stab him, but Loki sees the shadow. He turns and struggles with Thanos only briefly, before wresting the dagger from his hands and backing him into a corner.
"Now, now, listen to me, Loki," Thanos said cowering.
"No, you listen!" Loki said, "All my life you have told me the world is a dark, cruel place. But now, I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!" He threw away the dagger.
(Y/N) weakly called out for Loki. He quickly went to her side, relieved that she was still alive. Thanos took out his sword so Loki ran with (Y/N) in his arms. Thanos followed only to see they were both gone. They hadn't run around the corner otherwise Thanos would've seen them. He looked over to see Loki hanging into a gargoyle head with one hand and (Y/N) in the other. Thanos swung the sword at them as Loki kept dodging, hitting his side on a ledge at one point. Loki helped (Y/N) back onto the Cathedral while he continued to try and escape Thanos.
And that's when he finally revealed to Loki that his mother didn't abandon him, but tried to save him from Thanos just like Loki is trying to save (Y/N). Now it's time for Thanos to kill Loki like he should've done twenty years ago. He knocked Loki off the gargoyle he was standing on but he dragged Thanos with him. Loki hung into Notre Dame as Thanos held onto the cape Loki was wearing. Loki, however, was losing consciousness. Whether it was from the abuse or the smoke, he didn't know.
Thanos managed to swing to a gargoyle head and stand on it, ready to kill (Y/N) and Loki at the same time. (Y/N) was trying to make sure Loki didn't fall into the fire below. But the gargoyle underneath Thanos began to crack and break from under him. He stumbled and fell but hung into the gargoyle. It came to life, scaring Thanos before it finally broke off from Notre Dame causing Thanos to fall into his fiery grave. (Y/N)'s grip on Loki was slipping until he fell too.
But Thor caught him and brought him back on the safe grounds of the Cathedral. Seeing Thor, Loki hugged him as a Thank you for the save. (Y/N) ran down relieved that Loki was Okay. She ran to him and hugged him. Not before she kissed him on the lips. Loki was flustered. This was his first kiss. (Y/N) led the way before Loki finally kissed her back properly. Maddie came over to see the two.
She smiled for her sister before doing the same thing with Thor. Loki pulled away and smiled at (Y/N). And she even confessed that she loved him. I mean, who wouldn't? He's such a sweet and amazing person. Loki now felt really happy. He finally has someone in his life that loves him.
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