Hello all you beautiful people, and welcome to my first Q/A!!!
Real quick I want to that all of you who read my stories, vote for them, comment on them, and follow me! If it wasn't for any of you guys I wouldn't be where I am now, but enough of that!
On with the Q/A!
MidnightSenerade asks:
"I have a question for Author-Chan!
Please, will chu marry me?"
Ok so~........ I'm sorry I don't know how to respond to that! But I do think that your a lovely person! (*´︶'*)♡
lowk_depresseduwu asks:
"For Izu-chan: Can you see monsters that resemble humans?"
Izuku: I-I can actually! I think the f-first one I've seen looked like this.
T-They were really nice! They were a-also r-really good at hide and s-seek!
Blueberry083 asks:
"For Midoriya: Have you seen creatures that resemble memes and could you make your own creatures?"
Izuku: W-Well I have seen this one that was a f-frog on a unicycle saying something about 'that boi' or s-something like that. Also I-I don't create creatures because they're already there. Though I can h-help the souls of the dead transfer o-over to the spirit world, but m-most of the time they can move on on there o-own.
"What is your main source of inspiration when writing? And do you do art and if so could put some in this book?"
My main source of inspiration is was just reading and watching some bnha and looking through Google and finding some cool looking monster, creatures, ect. I guess everything else is just what I come up with when I put the two together. I don't know how else to describe it other than that. And for the art part of the question, I've thought about the idea of having my own art for the book. But you know what! For the sake of this question, I'll make sure to put a piece of my art in the next chapter!(*ゝωб*)b
Arewefriends2 asks:
"Question: Name all the fandoms you know and are part of."
Well I can't name all of them, but I can list a few!
Attack on Titan,
My hero academia,
Black Butler,
One Punch Man,
and One Piece are the only ones I could think off of the top of my head. Hopefully that's a good enough answer!
Uncreativity101 asks:
"If a person came up to you and said "You Smell Like An Otaku" how would you answer? Coz personally I'd be their bestie for life."
Hmm..that is a very good question! And my answer is~
I HAVE NO IDEA! \(•̀ω•́)/
Bakugo346 asks:
"Question: Have you watched, played, heard of, or seen Persona 5 in anyway shape or form?"
Yeah I've heard of it through a friend, but that's pretty much it.
Thank you everyone for being with me so far, whether you've been reading this since my first few chapters or have just started reading. I try to update when ever I can and I'm glad that you guys are enjoying it enough. I honestly can't express how thankful I am for all the support I've gotten and I know I say this a lot, but I can't really help it!
Anyway as always I'll see you in the comments! Bye!Bye!
(I love this! (☆/>u</) )
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