Chapter 41
Shoto's pov
As we walked I could see Izuku's powdery, pink cheeks as he hugged the bouquet of orchids. We turned the corner to reveal little bakery called 'Honey Dew'. I hold the door open for him as we walked in.
"Hello! Welcome to Honey Drew, how do ya do!" said the girl at the register.
Izuku giggled as the girl led us over to a corner table with cushion seating. After we sat down she asked us what we wanted to drink. Izuku asked for chocolate milk while I got strawberry, and then I led to them talking about school because the waitress went to UA. It went on for a few minutes till who I assume was her manager yelled at her to get back to work. She quickly apologized and ran off to the back; to which I huffed and put my head on Izuku's shoulder.
"Oh sorry Shoto, was I ignoring you?" He asked only for me to look away in embarrassment for acting childish.
"Aw Shoto, it's okay to want some attention silly kitty." He giggled before realizing what he had just said.
"W-Wait what?" I questioned as I felt blood rush to my now bright red cheeks.
"O-Oh my gosh, I'm s-so sorry! I-It's just that I th-thought it was c-cute w-when you- OH MY G-GOODNESS!" I watched as he struggled to explain himself before he just covered his. bright red face with his hands.
Now we're both sitting here with rosey cheeks as a waiter came by with our drink and food?
"W-We*clears throat* We didn't order anything." I said embarrassed by my stutter.
"My quirk is future vision, so you didn't have to!" He grinned as he gave me a piece of strawberry cheesecake with pretzels,caramel popcorn, and a caramel drizzle, Izuku a piece of chocolate cake topped with raspberries and powdered sugar, and a woven bowl of honey rolls.
(Here they're waiter ( ᐛ )ᐟ )
"Enjoy your meal~🎶" He then waltzed back into the kitchen area.
We sat in silence for what felt like hours when Izuku broke it saying, "S-Sorry I made it awkward."
"It's fine. It just surprised me if anything. My sister used to call me Mikeneko all the time when I was young; she still does actually." I laughed as I thought back to her making breakfast with Mother. It was on the days when HE was at work, so I could spend time with Mother, Natsuo, Fuyumi, and. . .
. .
I sighed at the thought of my brother who I hadn't seen in 10 years.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Izuku giving me a concerned look as he proceeded to rub circles on my back.
"I know that look Shoto. Why don't we get some to-go boxes and head back to the dorms okay?" He asked in a soft tone as I just nodded, not fully trusting my voice.
As we walked Izuku held my hand, rubbing circles on the back of my palm talking about random things like how fedoras kind of look like mini cowboy hats, which broke me. (´◡')
We were both laughing by the time we got to the dorms to see a large blanket for that had a sign saying, "Fort String Cheese".
I opened the door to my dorm and flicked on the lights while Izuku sat the food on the coffee table. We ended up watching 'The Lynx Queen' and ate our cakes; while wrapped up in a large fluffy blanket.
Hello everyone, it's been a while! I kind of don't know what to say here, other than thank you all for being patient with me.
I love you guys and I hope you've enjoyed reading the book so far!
I'll see all you lovely people in the comments! Bye!Bye! o(〃^▽^〃)o💕
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