Chapter 34
Izuku's pov
It had been about two weeks I think since school started, and so far it's been pretty great!(❁´◡'❁)
Today Momo-sama invited the entire class, including Shinso and Monoma, to a party at her house since her parents wouldn't be home. Sadly I couldn't go because I planned on visiting my Mom today, I even made her a bunch of slightly large doughnut holes with chocolate hazelnut filling and they look like piggies!
I was packing my bag with things like my notebook, sketch book,
pencils, pens, headphones for the train ride, and some seal shaped mochi with blueberry and strawberry filling that I made for Ginzo and Purin.
proceeded to grab my phone, wallet, and keys to my dorm before leaving my room with Checkers on my shoulder, my bag slung across my chest, and a container of mochi and a container of doughnut piggies!
(His bag looks like this but green)
I stood there for a moment waiting for the elevator to come up to my floor and when it finally did the doors opened to reveal Kaminari wearing a pokemon shirt, ripped blue jeans, and a black and neon jacket.
Hi Kaminari-kun! You look nice!" I said as I walked into the elevator and he pushed the button for the first floor.
"Thanks and you look cute- I mean nice today too!" A bit of pink dusted over his cheeks unlike my bright red face. That's when I noticed that his hair isn't the usual pointed and slightly curly, but instead more smoothed down like Shoto's hair.
"U-Um Kaminari-kun? Why is you hair like that?" I tilted my slightly in confusion as his face started turn in pink. He looked at himself in the reflection of his phone before slamming his palm into his forehead. "Dang it! I forgot about that, thanks Izuku!" He then raised his finger and used his quirk to spike up his hair.
I could feel the blood rush to my face even more when he used my first name, which I thought was kind of unfair.
"H-Hey Kaminari-kun?"
"Yeah Izuku?"
"I-Is it ok if I c-called you by
y-your first name? S-Since you k-keep using mine I-Is mean!" I looked up at him for an answer while I nervously played with my fingers.
"Y-Yeah of course! I-I don't mind!" He said as the doors opened to a mildly full commons area.
"O-Ok then Denki-kun!"
"Need some help there bro?" asked Kirishima-kun who was wearing a grey jacket, black shirt, and white pants.
"N-No I'm fine. It isn't heavy silly." I giggled as a thin layer of pink dusted over his cheeks too.
"A-Anyway I better get going so I can c-catch the train!" I said as I continued out door and off campus when I passed by Aoyama.
"Ah! Just the person I needed to see!" He said excitedly.
"W-What's up Aoyama-san?"
"I want to know what you think of my new outfit?" He then struck a pose with his hand on his hip. He's wear round, orange glasses with white rims, a whitish-blue blouse, and high waisted jean shorts that have large blue peace over his stomach.
"W-Wow~! You look great Aoyama-san!" I said while giving him a big toothy smile.
He seemed taken back by my little out burst before regaining his posture and saying, "W-Well thank you Izuku!"
We said out goodbyes as I continued towards the train station, with my bag, treats, and Checkers all with me.
The train ride was peaceful with the slight rocking of the train as it sped down the tracks, the quiet chatter between other riders, and the occasional sounds and nuzzles from creatures that were on the train as well.
I texted Mom that I'd be here at around 10:30am and it's currently 10:27, so I'm early then! I knocked on the door and patiently waited when Checkers got off my shoulder and turned into his usual human form and asked, "May I hold your things?"
"S-Sure, why?" I said as I handed him my stuff.
"You'll see." He said with a grin as he stood to the side.
When the door opened I was immediately tackled to the ground by two big balls of fluff.
"Oh dear!" Mom laughed as Gonzo and Purin wiggled their large fuzzy tails.
Ok so I know what you're thinking and no they aren't dogs, well not exactly.
This is Gizno!♡(*´ω`*)/♡
And this is Purin! ♡(*´ω`*)/♡
They're raccoon dogs and they are the best the best bois!!!
Even though Purin is a girl, she's still the best!
We all walked in with both of the fuffies eyeing the container full of mochi, so I sat everything on the table and opened the container of mochi. They immediately jumped onto the table, wiggling their furry bodies in excitement as I removed the lid.
"Ok ok, I get it!" I giggled as they nuzzled their cold little noses on my arms, face, and neck. I pulled two out and handed one to each of them, who started eating them the second it got in front of them.
As I fed them mochi, Mom was enjoying the doughnut piggies made.
After a while of eat doughnuts and mochi, we were all sitting on the couch with Gizno laying across Mom's lap and Purin curled up in mine. As we talked Mom said that she was about to get up to go make dinner when the sound of soft footsteps stopped her. We turned around to see a ToToro holding two double layered bento boxes and smaller blue one next him holding a tray with hot chocolate on it.
"Aww thank you!" Mom said as she scratch behind the small one's ear and the larger one leaned down so he could get the same treatment, along with me also scratch behind their ears and saying 'thank you'.
It felt like a few minutes turned to hours as we spent more time together, and I loved every second of it. Sadly I soon realised that it was 7:46pm and that I couldn't make it back to the dorms before curfew.
"Why don't you spend the night then? I think these two would love it!" She said scratching Purin's belly and Gizno's chin.
"I-I didn't bring any clothes though."
"Not to worry honey, because I'm always prepared!" She then walked down the hallway and came back moments later with navy blue pants with stars on them and a green, stripped hoodie.
"Thank you Momma!"
My face turned bright red at what I had just said only for her to kiss my cheek saying, "You're welcome baby," and pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned.
It's now 9:41pm and Dad isn't home yet. 'Guess he's working late.' I thought with a slight frown on my face as I sank further in the soft blanket Mom gave me. I was currently sleeping in my old bed with Gizno asleep behind my legs and Purin asleep in my arms.
"G'night guys." I lazily mumbled as I felt sleep over take me.
"Night Izuku." said Checkers as he curled up at the end of my bed in his cat form.
Hello everyone! As you can see I change my profile pic and I'm actually really happy about it! I've never really thought about changing it till I started writing this book and talking to you guys! The point of me saying all this is because I just want to tell you guys just how much joy comes out of seeing you all hangout in the comments and being able to talk to you guys makes feel like I'm not alone, even if I'm just sitting in room.
I feel so lucky to have you guys here with me, and no amount of compliments and shoutouts will ever be able to express how happy and bubbly I feel when ever I open Wattpad and see all your votes and comments on not just this book, but books that belong to other authors.
Wattpad feels like a second home to me and you guys are like my family, and just writing this is going to make my cry, so I'll see you guys in the comments! Bye!Bye! ♡(*╥﹏╥*)/♡
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