Chapter 24
Izuku's pov
Dad said that he wanted to talk to me and Checkers about something important. So here we are sitting in the living room, Mom is out shopping so it's just me, Dad, and Checkers.
"S-So, what do you w-want to talk about?" I asked nervously.
Dad cleared his throat before saying, "Well, do you remember when I told you about my hero identity right?"
"O-Of course! How could I f-forget?!" I exclaimed surprised by the question.
"W-Well, there's something else I want to tell you. I-I mean more like ask you-! I mean you guys!" He said nervously scratching the back of his neck.
I tilted my head in confusion as to why Dad would be so nervous to ask me about. Checkers meowed in response also slightly tilting his head in what seemed to be amusement.
"The thing I-I want to ask you is. . .will you be my successor?"
I started to giggle and so did Checkers.
"W-What's so funny?" He asked in confusion.
"Oh nothing! We just think it's kind of funny how nervous you are over a question like this!"
Checkers explained.
"What do you mean by that?"
"What he's saying Dad is that, ever since I was little I dreamed about being a hero just like All Might! And learning that he is you, I lost my marbles I guess you could say. And not only asking me for my approval of you proposing to my Mom, but now you're asking me to be your successor! It's all so over whelming! I'm not even sure how I'm processing all of this at once and I-I just can't believe any of this!" By now I'm bouncing up and down in my seat, kicking my legs like a child with stars in my eyes.
"Ok then! What about you Checkers?" Dad laughed.
"I don't know why you're asking ME. If Izuku accepts your offer then I don't see why not. Heck look at kid, looks like he's pop!" He snickered along with my Dad as I tried to calm down.
After that day me and Checkers, well mostly me, started training with Dad which involved me cleaning a beach, running laps in the park, working out in the scrap yard where I would usually look around for different parts and things for some of my projects, and other stuff!😊
During the months of training I've noticed some changes to my physical appearance and how my quirk behaves. I remember I was moving a large tire off of the beach when the pile almost fell on me, my shadow turned into a monster and stopped the pile from falling.
Mom and Dad we're out on a date so I had the house to myself. I was in the bathroom washing up after today's workout when I started to stare at the bottom right cabinet underneath the sink. I was tapping my finger on the marble counter as my mind went blank, still starring at the cabinet.
*Little bit of a warning for the next part!*ヽ( 'ω' )ノ
"You're going to have to stop eventually ya know."
I sighed saying, "I know but..."
"It's up to you whether you want to stop or not, I can't do that for you."
I took a deep breath reaching down into the cabinet, opening a secret compartment in the back left corner. I pulled out a thin, sharp piece metal that I've come to know for so long. I looked down at my wrist that was now clean from any puncture or injury. I thought back to when I first did it which was before my training started, and due to my training I've never had the chance to do it. With all the changes to both my quirk and schedule I wanted to test something. I slowly pressed it to my wrist and watched it glide across it. What I didn't expect was it to heal as soon as I removed the metal. It looked as if I didn't do anything to it. I guess Checkers must have caught on.
"It seems like your body says otherwise kid."
I tried pressing the metal down a little deeper, dragging it through my skin. When it went through that time I saw a bit of crimson run down my wrist and into the sink. But it healed nearly just as quick as the first one, barely leaving a mark. Out of slight frustration, I slashed my wrist a tad too close to my vain, causing me to flinch as bright crimson ran quickly down my wrist. I felt someone lightly grab my left forearm and pat my right shoulder. I looked to my left seeing Checkers in the same form he used when we were at Kacchan's house.
"S-So you seem to like th-this form h-huh?" I said shakily with the feeling of tears running down my face.
(In case you guys don't remember!(*ゝωб*)b
"Like I said only you can choose to stop, and from what I can tell-."
He showed me my wrist to see that it already healed, but there was a scar where it was. Now that I actually look at it, there are also scars where the other ones were too.
"Your body seems to agree with me." He chuckled as he took some toilet paper and cleaned my wrist.
"I-I'm sorry." I whimpered.
"Why do you say that?" He asked as he flushed the paper.
"B-Because it was s-stupid of me to d-do something like th-that.
E-Even when I-I knew what would h-happen." I sniffed as I wiped away tears that we're threatening to fall.
"It's ok Izuku, that's just how you humans learn."
"D-Didn't you burn yourself because you w-wanted to see if a hot stove top would h-hurt you?" I snickered thinking back to it. His face grew a red tint as he exclaimed, "T-That's only because I wanted to see of my form affects how my body reacts!"
We talked for a while until I heard my Mom's car pull into the drive way.
"Wait what time is it?!" I quickly asked.
"11:32." Grinned Checkers as he knew exactly why I was freaking out.
"I completely forgot about the entrance exam tomorrow!" I quickly ran into my room and landed face first into my pillow.
"G'night Checkers." I mumbled as I felt myself fall further to sleep.
Checkers' pov
As I watched him dart out of the bathroom, I picked up razor and done what I should have done a long time ago. I felt my mouth grow hot as I opened my mouth and dropped the flimsy metal in. I closed mouth, turning into my cat form, and made my way to Izuku's room to see him curled up in his All Might themed blanket. I jumped onto the bed and curled up next to him, feeling the metal melt in my mouth like ice.
"G'night Checkers." He mumbled as he got more comfortable in the sheets. I licked his nose in response and felt asleep as well, even though I don't need it.
This chapter felt kind of out of place, but the next chapter is going to hopefully turn out the way I hope it does. Also I couldn't think of any other song so-
Any way sorry for the wait, I hope you guys are having an amazing day and I'll see you guys in the comments! Bye!Bye!👋(↑ω↑)
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