The Happenings
Uh...long time no see? Lol hello I exist yes yes I do let yourself process and that for a minute before we dive in.
Okay here's what happened. I was in bed and I happened to look at my private library on Wattpad because I was like well maybe I'll reread some of my recent "Little Schiva" chapters so I can be better prepared to write some newer stuff tomorrow. And then I see this extras book LOL and I say to myself, "Why does this still exist if I unpublished 'The Fourth Piper'?"
Of course the immediate answer was "because there are glorious shorts in there and we must keep some semblance of Rowan on your profile for the nostalgia."
Basically I looked at this and opened it and decided to fill you all in on my plan. Not that you need to know it I guess but it gives me some closure and some accountability and it's exciting to share, so. Oh and by plan I mean plans and I mean big plans. Also I'm going to do this kind of like an FAQ but like of course none of these questions have ever been asked before by actual people lol I'm making junk up as if someone were asking me because honestly I asked myself these questions a long time ago. Lolll. That being said if anyone does have any questions feel free? To leave me a note? Comment thingy. And I can add the things and tag you and stuff. Anyway, welcome to my party aka Bri rambling about her questionable writing future at two thirty in the morning:
What's happening with The Fourth Piper?
Honestly, what isn't happening with it? Oh wait nothing lollll. It sits in my desk. Guiltily. Sad. Hand-edited and near worthless.
Really long story short, I'm eventually going to be almost completely rewriting it. It probably will not be on Wattpad ever again.
...which feels weird to say...but I committed by unpublishing it so that's the way it is right now.
What's with the title change in Little Schiva?
"So glad you asked that," I say as I make up all these questions myself just so the ramblings are somewhat organized.
In case you didn't notice, Little Schiva is now The Third Neriphé and has a new (but temporary? Maybe? I have too many complex desires for the cover that I can't accomplish without photoshop) cover. Does the title sound familiar? Vaguely? I know it's been a while. It should sound familiar, though...because it has to do with some big news. Well. It's big news for me at least. And the news is that I'm making The Fourth Piper (and Little Schiva now called The Third Neriphé) into a four-part series! That's the plan at least.
Why a series?
It all started when I just had to go naming characters and getting attached to them and writing about them. Mainly the main character in The Third Neriphé. What happened was I started writing TTN (I guess that's the new acronym? Too bad it wasn't TNT lolll) and began realizing that it was really closely related to TFP (The Fourth Piper for anyone new) literarily in both structure and thematics which got me thinking about making them a sort of duology. But the problem was, I couldn't stick a label on TTN because TFP was so independent as a stand-alone piece of writing. TTN couldn't quite be a prequel, couldn't be a spin-off, wasn't really an origin story...the best term I used for it was a sort of companion story, and it still never sat right.
That's when I started playing around with the titles of TTN, of course still called Little Schiva then. I thought it might be helpful to fit the title with TFP's to better connect them, which led to the title being The Third...something. Lots of things. Ridiculous things lol. But then my Type A personality was like, "Okay but you can't have a duology with the third and fourth of something that's so dumb? Where are the first and second somethings?"
And to my personality, I was like, "Where are the what."
So then I experimented with the idea of making four books. About some things maybe. TTN being the chaotic third book (like the third child in my family lol) and the entire series leading to TFP as the tragically beautiful closing. The idea grew on me a lot, and what started out as a tiny spark ignited into ideas upon ideas upon ideas. Most of them bad. But some were good enough to keep lol.
The reason I'm choosing to write a series for this is because I want more of an arc for Eracelli as a whole in a sort of roundabout way. Having a series allows me to make really sweeping overarching commentary about my world and the general, large areas of influence such as countries, politics, economy, etc. etc. all the world-building you ever wanted but vague because it's me and so on and so forth. It allows me to build up to and grow thematics in TFP I didn't get to develop earlier because the purpose of the plot of TFP didn't allow for it. So there yay series that's why.
What is the series?
I don't have an official title for it hm. And low-key all of the titles I do have for the four books are kind of tentative and still in the works? But who even cares because I'm not even sure how much of this I'm going to be uploading to Wattpad in the future, so here's the sequence:
The First Eravarin
The first book follows a story about the Eravarin, or emperor, of Pingaera, the ancient, United empire that existed before Eracelli and the surrounding nations. But it's not about how this guy becomes ruler. Oh no. This is about how Vyrael of Gardor (nicknamed Vil) becomes capable of ruling. Basically some officials at a city on the mainland near his home island screw his people over while he's in charge of his family while his dad and brothers are away and he's not having it. And a bunch of stuff happens. He's a riot and you'll love him and you'll love seeing glimpses of who he becomes throughout and I die.
The Second Son
The second book is about none other than the second son of the Eravarin, Asoriel, as well as a rogue Singer named Liuasana who goes by Li. Asoriel, you see, is his father's favorite and everyone knows it. But what does he care since he's everyone's favorite anyway? And although his older brother Cyramis gets to be coronated, Cyramis is determined to be able to rule out from under both his father and his younger brother's shadow. The issue is that there are four other siblings...and they all have opinions about this and they either take sides or make their own side(s). Pretty soon Pingaera, what the Eravarin had worked so hard to unite, becomes a divided land soaked with the blood of war between siblings. Asoriel, you see, is the founder of Eracelli, the graceful daughter kingdom of noble Pingaera. And did I mention Li is very special? To him? And me? And the entire story? Did I also mention I fully expect a full-sails ship from y'all if I post this someday?
The Third Neriphé
Big time skip! Hundreds of years pass.This is the only thing on Wattpad right now lol rip. It's about this awful boy Loschal Wengall and the big rival kingdom of Eracelli: Cetador (which Cyramis founded lolll). Cetador finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel of rivalry when it spots chinks in Eracelli's armor and explodes with planning. After an incident with the Cetadorian cavalry, Loschal is launched into the middle of all these plans and soon leads one of the most nuanced military operations in Cetadorian and Eracellian history alike. Cyramis would be proud yess. This gets him filthy rich and drunk off power (among other things you can get drunk off of) so he slowly turns into even more of an awful person but like in this sad way? Lolll I'm doing an awful job of explaining these I'm dead lolll
The Fourth Piper
All of you should know about this one right? I know I took it away from you rip. Basically surprise surprise Loschal is the main antagonist and in Cetador's efforts to stomp out Eracelli, Eracelli somehow has the absolute audacity to do it for them to itself lolllll. When this starts to happen, Rowan son of Fiel starts to get it in his head that these people need help. So he tries to do it all himself because he's hopeless and news flash it turns out to be impossible so he quick makes friends because he needs to get the Pipes to play the Final Song to save everyone. It's...way angstier than I'm making it sound lolll these descriptions got so bad I'm dead
Anyway that's the run down. The first two are in the earliest stages of development as you can tell. They're very new and exciting and ahhh! I might do like oh I don't know. Maybe one of these days I'll do a q and a about the two new books where you can ask me or the characters things. Except you don't know very much...I mean that's what a q and a is for I I'll have to think of something fun to do if we want to maybe party a little.
I could go into so much more detail about how the series all fits together but also not and how there are pairs everywhere and the thematics and the parallels and ohhh my goodness I've got to keep me mouth shut if we're going to do anything special later. But all things aside, it feels good to be excited about this. Really good. I was in such a rut you would not even believe lolll it was so much worse than anyone knows. But I'm back with canon material, even if only in vague ideas and three in the morning thoughts. you've heard my rambling spiel. What do you think? What do you want me to do on Wattpad with this if anything? There's no guaranteeing what I'll do, but I think it's valuable to ask and to know what you want if there's anything.
I will say though that I'm promising myself to finish TFN before I begin the first book and rewriting TFP is going to happen throughout. This is so I don't get scattered loll but it feels weird knowing I'm technically writing out of order. Also I do want to publish these someday...if I can ahhh sadness it's so hard plus you need to actually have a full written actually good novel so—
Okay okay okay that's all I don't even know why I wrote this but it took me an hour and it's absolute trash LOL so enjoy this insanity and let me know all the things you think! I want to hear from youuuu
Alright that's really all now lol
Love (because for some reason it feels like a weird newsletter?),
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