Chapter One: Deal
What is this, you ask? This, my friends, is the original chapter of a story I called "Piper". Yes, that's right. Watch me cringe as I share this gold, supreme piece of literature xDD
My commentary will be in bold.
The cliff that the cloaked stranger was standing on was steep and jagged, a tower of rock that cascaded with rusty red and brown layers between the grays. The man let the brisk wind billow through the cloth, chilling him to the bone but somehow making him feel alive. The stranger cut a noble figure, alone on the isolated peak, surrounded by soaring clouds. He liked to come to the mountainous clearing to think, to clear his mind, to—
"Do you come here often?" (wait, clichés? who would have guessed even those would be here)
The cloaked figure jumped at the young voice, but didn't bother to notice the speaker as he replied, "Obviously more than you."
He smirked smugly beneath his hooded cloth as he heard the silence. (can we just..."CLOTH" and "SMIRKED SMUGLY")
"I only came to think. It's peaceful here." The absurdly feminine voice (ah yes, Shade, because only guys would be here) broke the temporary moment, and the smirk contorted into an agitated frown.
"So did I," The stranger said, gritting his teeth, "Alone." (as you can see, I knew a lot about dialogue rules. And structure. I was an adept writer. This was my prime, my peak. I will never be this good again)
Another spurt of nothing.
"I was only—"
The figure whirled around and faced the speaker of the nuisance. He blinked under his hood in surprise.
"You're a...lady." (WHAT?????!!!!!!!)
"What of it?" She folded her arms and looked at him accusingly, looking more like a girl than a young lady.
"Women don't usually climb up cliffs alone." The stranger said forcefully. (right of course you're absolutely right let me just...*jumps off cliff*)
"Here I am." The nuisance answered matter-of-factly, staring accusingly at the stranger before her. In the shadow of his face, there seemed to be a scowl within the creases of the cloak.
The girl was tall and lean, raven black hair practically spilling down her slender back. Her piercing and exotic cobalt-blue eyes gazed back at the stranger with an intensity he had never known.
"Why is your face covered, stranger?" She asked curiously and slowly, her bell-like voice tinged with mystery.
"No one likes what's underneath." The figure replied simply. (Marian: ugly???)
"Can I at least have a name?"
"No one likes that, either." He said darkly. (THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART LOLLLL)
"Well, I am Marian."
"If you expect me to give you my name in return, then you're mistaken." His voice hardened, refusing to say anything more.
"Fine. I'll call you Shade." She consented. A choking sound emitted from the figure—a strangled laugh, perhaps?
"Fitting enough." The smirk came back in a hurry,
"I'll...leave you to think now...Shade." Leaves crunched underneath her feet as the lady Marian left. (this part xDDD)
No answer. The mysterious stranger had turned back around and stood stoically in his spot, acting like the girl didn't intrigue him in the least bit.
As the sun had dipped deeper into the wild horizon of forest, the stranger Shade traveled back to his campsite within.
He held his calloused and worn hands to the fire, embers and coals blazing and warming him. The orange flames flicked around the wooden logs like dancers, prancing about with their heat and light. Shade stared at the ignited display, mesmerized at its oranges and yellows.
After the fire had died down, leaving a simple, dim light, the cloaked figure looked carefully about his surroundings. His eyes critically darted around, only to find nothing but the woods—no one in sight. He sighed, thankful with relief. Then, slowly but surely, he lifted his hood and let his face bathe in the fire's warmth. He recoiled at the stinging cold that met his features, but the burden on his shoulders was lifted for the moments he had at night.
"For someone who won't show his face, your hair looks nothing unusual." That voice again! In a second, the hood was returned to covering the stranger's features, heat rising to his face from a sudden adrenaline rush. Shade shot out of his seat at the sight of the lady.
"Why are you here?" He snapped at Marian. "Did you follow me?"
"Only a bit," She replied lightly, calmly tossing her hair. "You're an interesting figure, Shade. I wanted to know more." (ONLY A BIT OF STALKING DON'T MIND ME)
"You can't know more than you already know. No one can." He shot back darkly, his voice husky and carrying an aura of secrecy. Marian's arctic eyes glinted with interest.
"Why not?" She suddenly sat next to him by the fire. Shade recoiled at her presence, stiffening. "Are you a famous outlaw?"
" could say that, I suppose."
"Jon Fletcher, perhaps? You look tall enough, although your hair is a bit light for him, isn't it?" She dared to mock him, of all people! (the AUDACITY)
"Jon Fletcher isn't near as feared and resented as I am," Shade's voice was low, "You'd know if you saw."
"Show me, then. Who's under that hood?" Marian smiled, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and warmth. (who's a good boy? who's gonna lift his hood up? you, yes you are! good boy)
"Someone I hope you never know." (PFFT) Shade coldly turned back to the softly glowing embers of the dead flames and warmed his fingers once again, acting like she wasn't there and nothing had happened.
"It suppose all is well if you don't tell me," The hood turned and cocked his head in confusion, "on one condition."
"Name it." Shade spoke with his eyes sparkling, unbeknownst to Marian.
"I travel with you. Wherever you're going, I want to go too." She stated simply.
"No. Absolutely not." The cloaked stranger hardened and his head lowered cynically.
"Why not?"
"You can't—I won't let you!" Shade stood up with a spurt of energy. (easy big guy)
"Be reasonable, Shade. I could be some help!" Marian insisted. (yeah listen to the stalker!)
"The only thing that you could help with would be to leave and let me be." The stranger clenched his fists and spoke firmly through his teeth.
"I would help! I could make food, and navigate, and I have connections with people, and I could make up excuses for your cloak and your hidden identity, and—"
"Stop! Stop following me! When you're with me, you are in danger. Don't you understand? I have to—alone!" Shade shouted, flustered. (0.0)
"Then I'll just follow you." The lady crossed her arms in defiance. The madness!
"You can't." He protested.
"I will," Marian held her chin high with disregard. "Then I'll find out who you really are."
"You won't."
"Why not? Why do you cover your face? Why hide your identity?"
"Because I am someone that no one should ever see or know." Shade said dangerously, "You have to stop now or you'll die." (ROFL)
"That doesn't make any sense," The lady scoffed. (you're telling me)
"Are you a noblewoman?" He asked suddenly, suspiciously.
"I've never—" Marian stopped at the cold, stony stare that was undoubtedly under the green hood. "Yes, I am."
"Then leave me alone." Shade started to trudge away, leaving the lady speechless in certain respect for him. He smiled, knowing his task was complete.
"Shade...wait!" The noblewoman called. Shade whirled around, fury suddenly boiling and his voice raising. Out of all the nerve— (the NERVE)
"I wait for no one, especially the likes of you! And if you think I'll just let you tag along for your own selfish pleasures, I will strike you down! You of all people know nothing about what I must do." He raged, pointing at her and shooting her icy glares. (LOL THIS RANT THO—I WILL SMITE THEE)
She only stood serenely, hands clasped and eyes glassy. (cringe oh gosh) Shade fumed—did she think she could persuade him with her noble tears?
"I want to come with you because, well...I have nowhere else to go," The hooded figure stopped at her words, "That is, I have no family to go to. They were killed in the war when I was young and my relatives were old. I want to come with you, and...I promise I'll help you in every way I can, but I'll never ask again if you say no." (aw poor gorl have you asked your parents if you could play Stalker?)
The war...that certainly changed things. Guilt settled upon Shade like a blanket of fog. Yet, there was too much...she couldn't...
"You can''ll be in too much danger..." Shade protested quietly.
"It doesn't matter." She looked at the ground with conviction. The stranger bit his lip.
"You'll help?" He dubiously asked.
"I promise."
Hesitant silence—a pause.
"Come at your own risk." The stranger lifted his hands in surrender and turned to walk again. Marian beamed through her teary eyes and caught up to him in a run.
"So it's a deal?" She extended her delicate hand and Shade shook it reluctantly with his blistered, rough hand.
"Deal." (Shade: FINE)
There you have it xDD
There are literally four more of these chapters (actually thirty-seven more but who needs thirty-eight cringe-fests hehe?). Comment and vote if you want more of this xDD
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