Jumping off the bonnet of the car, Love moved to the driver's seat as they decided to go leave.
"Can I drive?" Leah asked.
Throwing the keys in her direction she gave her the 'take care of her' look, before walking past Leah to the passengers seat. Before the two could get inside the car they heard a scream. Raising their heads up from the car, the two of them looked at each other with the car separating their shivered bodied. Without saying a word they tried listening to anything further, but pin drop silence surrounded them, leaving only the minute sound of the crisp autumn leaves move with the music of the air.
"Let's go Leah," Love said getting inside the car, keeping the door still wide open.
"We can't leave," Leah stated.
"What do you mean by, we can't?" Love asked.
Leah looked at Love, confused at her sudden indulgence. Narrowing her eyes at herself in the image formed under the evening sun on the body of the black car, she said, "We just can't," before looking into her sister's eyes, the one's which had a certain level of love and uncertainty in them.
"Fine," Love said as she shut the door of the car, putting the gun behind her back in the belt of her high waist black jeans.
Moving towards the direction the scream came from, the two moved in unison listening to the brown vine maple leaves crush below their feet as they walked on the jungle trail. It had been five minutes of a walk when they saw a mansion amidst the tall jungle trees.
The mansion was surrounded by guards as seen from the distance. Signaling the presence of two more of them on the watchtower of the mansion, Leah looked back at Love. The job was difficult, if it even was a job. The two of them took the guns out of their packs and prepared for a sudden fight. Moving closer to the boundary of the mansion, they hid behind the trees while their eyes analyzed the security guards and cameras. Moving the neck to the mansion with a jerk, Leah signaled Love to handle the left wing of the boundary, while she'll handle the right.
Not sure if the pampered one could handle the whole thing by herself, Love didn't move an inch as she widen her eye balls at her commands. That was until Leah used her convincing eyes to make Love's foot move in the direction she was asked to go. This was Leah's super power. She could convince any son of a bitch to do what she wanted them to do. Everyone how powerful and dangerous that could prove to be, but the goodness in her heart was something Love believed in. Love wanted the kid to stay out of this. To built a life for herself, a normal one, with a lot more drama, and laughter, and a lot less of the sins they dealt with each day. And with a lot less enthusiasm to actually do it, Love was forced to do what she was asked to do. So she took down one guard right before the security camera could turn on her, and holding his lifeless body in her arms she moved behind the pillar right before the camera fully turned in her direction. Lowering the body on the floor, as soon as the camera turned around, she moved towards the other side of the wall, stepping her foot inside the gates of the mansion.
Leah, on the other hand had grabbed a man by the neck, making him fall asleep in a second, and while he almost dropped to the ground, she kicked off the other guard balancing herself on her left leg. And as the second guard fell on his back, Leah balanced herself on both her feet, and kept the first guard's head slowly on the floor, ensuring he doesn't hit the floor hard. She walked towards the back door of the mansion ensuring no other guard was watching her, and keeping an eye out on the cameras. Entering the boundary she kept herself hid until the camera rotated to the other side.
The watch tower had to be handled. So hiding and running towards the gate of the tower, Love took out the silencer from her ankle, and rolled it in front of the gun as she entered the circular top old styled wooden door. She placed the hands on the gun as she kept it low but stayed active and ready so as to act on the reflexes. She looked out of the round shaped window next to the staircase as she rushed up, only to see Leah do a somersault while her foot made contact with someone's chin. Raising her eyebrows to that, she took a second to digest what she had seen, thinking 'the girl's got some skills.' She hurried back up the tower while she midway handled two guards single handedly. And as she reached the top, she stood behind the guard watching down the tower, and before he could place his eyes on Leah, Love placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Woah, easy there tiger," she said, as she looked into his eyes, while she kept both her hands up in the air. As soon as looked into his eyes, she could read all his next moves, so blocking his way to the alarm button which was exactly behind her, as his thoughts had lead her, she smiled at him. He pointed his shot gun at her. Smiling at him again, she knew he hadn't yet loaded it as his thoughts were shouting this out loud. So in another swift move, she handled his gun and kept it on the railing slab. And with that the man attacked her, kicking right on her cheek. But before he could move another limb on him, she locked his hands in one of hers and kept one finger on his neck, knocking him out for an hour or two at least. Placing his head softly on the wall as he sat down, she loaded his gun and placed it next to him, jamming its lock. At least the man wouldn't get shot by his master for his careless mistake.
Descending the stairs, before she could leave the tower, she noticed the stairs that lead to the basement. Walking down the stairs she looked inside the surveillance room through the glass holes on the wooden doors. She pressed the small button behind her Z-watch, which mind you was given to them by Zee. The jammer was enable which would block all the signals in a ten meter radius. She took the gun out of her back and removed the lock as she took a sigh before moving inside the room. The Z-Gun, was specially manufactured and Z-bullets which contained a sleeping compound. And as she acted on her reflexes, even before anyone could get up from their chairs, they were all hit by the small injection, and within a minute the room had pin drop silence. Switching off the entire system as she encoded the system with her codes. Moving past the sleep heads, she locked the room from outside. And before walking out of the door of the watch tower, she placed her little wrist watch on top of the circuit box, which was at a height of six feet. Thanks to the heels and height, she thought.
Leah had already handled a number of guards, as she move her way across the garden to the main building. Entering the mansion from the left side door. She walked through the hallway, and hid behind the big, exquisite flower pot right in time to be noticed by a big muscular man who had closed the big wooden door behind him. The big muscular man walked towards the flower pot, as he was sure of seeing something or someone move there. But before he could move any further, he felt someone grab his neck, right before blackness took over his eyes.
"Love," Leah sighed as she took the hand Love had offered. The two of them moved towards the grand door, from which the macho man had come out of. Taking the attacking position behind the door, Leah stood with the gun in her hand, while she waited for Love to open the door. And as she opened the left half of the door wide, Leah pointed the gun inside, before the two of them took the first steps inside the room, which looked like a study. With wooden flooring and furniture, which had olive green leather quilted stuffing on the chairs and the study couches, the room looked exquisite. A fireplace to the left side stood right opposite to the wall which was covered with books from end to end. Closing the door behind them, they looked over to the wooden table top, where a file with 'CONFIDENTIAL' typed on top of it stood. Before Love could open the file to read it, a high pitched scream echoed through the walls of the mansion.
Love and Leah stood rooted to the spot, glaring at each other before rushing to the door.
"What is this?" Leah asked.
"What?" Loved whispered as the two stood behind the closed door, waiting for someone to come bolting in. Leah pointed at the rectangular structure formed under her jacket.
"File, you duck-head," she said.
"When did you put it in?" she asked.
Love sighed, listening to the question which was of no priority now that someone might be coming for them. Opening the door just as much as a crack she looked through if anyone stood in the hallway. Finding the hallway clear, they rushed out of the study. Walking down the hallway, Leah stopped in her tracks as she looked outside the big glass window of the lounge whose door was half open.
"What?" Love asked as she hadn't yet realized what froze her sister. Moving back to look right through the door where Leah stood, Love couldn't believe her eyes. There stood a man, in all his glory, as five to six guards stood next to him, while he shot another life out of a body, as he probably would have had done to the other two bodies that lay on the grass among thee well manicured bushes.
Looking back at Leah, Love how it would have affected her. The girl was like a child, pure and pious. Away from the cruelty of the world, but now that she had to be one of the seven, Love couldn't help her but push her out of it, one last time.
A couple of footsteps where approaching them, and as soon as Love realized it, she pulled Leah by her arm, keeping one hand on top of her lips as she rushed to the door behind her which closed behind them leaving them in total darkness. She felt something wet on her hand. It was a tear, a scared tear from the one who had to be fearless. That was the moment Love knew what was right for Leah, and no matter what, after they finished it she had to go back to a normal, decent life.
Armed men crossed the hallway from right outside the dark room they were in, as Love had her ear pinned against the wall, since the supernatural hearing didn't work that way. And as they had crossed the room, Love removed her hand from Leah's mouth, as she looked outside the creaked door to see if anyone still guarded the way, but finding it empty she moved out of the room, as Leah followed every moment, now that she knew she had made one mistake, getting overwhelmed while working on a case. She felt relieved that it was Love who was with her, and not Dalilah. Love will let the matter slip, but Dalilah would have thrown tantrums at her.
Analysing every step that they took, they moved up the huge mansion staircase, only to see a long white marbled hallway going in two directions. Purity wasn't the one trait of the people who lived there, that was for sure. So the two, looked at each other and without saying a word, loaded their guns, and turned around to walk in different directions. They analysed each room, carefully holding the gun in the right, while opening the door and closing it back with the left hand. And as the hallways turned in directions, Love stopped to look back at the little one ones again before moving any further. But to her surprise, Leah wasn't in sight. Just the empty hallway. So taking a deep breath in, she wished for her well fare before entering the maze.
And as the hallway twisted, she knew she was getting into it deeper. And if things went haphazard with her sister she would be the one who didn't stop her, or in the first place who brought her here. As soon as she turned back around to go back to her, to be her backbone, she heard a few cries, followed by the door being shut with a loud bang. And as the footsteps approached her from the end of the circular hallway, she knew she had to hide. So opening the door behind, she tried to push it, only to realize the door was locked. Before she could move towards any other door, it was too late. Two men pointed their guns at her, from the distance as soon as they saw her. Raising her hands in the air, she didn't answer any of their questions.
"I asked, who are you?" The taller one asked for the third time, this time closing the distance between them, and as soon as he was at an arm's length, Love acted on her reflexes as she took out the spare injections from jacket behind her neck, and injected it on the hand that held the machine gun. The guard fell on the Italian marble. The second guard loaded his gun to shoot Love but before he could do it, he was stunned to hear his name from the black outfitted girl's mouth.
"Ray?" Love called out, as she had had a moment to look into his eyes to know everything she needed to know about him.
"How'd you know name mine?" The guard asked lowering his guard on the gun, which turned out to be his biggest mistake, as Love took out the Z-gun from her jacket and shot him right on his shoulder. The Italian marble met with another hit guard now. Opening one unlocked door, she dragged the sleeping bodies into the room to cover a few tracks. Moving towards the room with the cries, she reached the last of the hallway, where stood one guard, again armed.
"Hey, hey," Love said as she moved her hands up in the air, "The boss sent me here."
The guard narrowed his eyes at her, and as Love tried moving closer to him, he tightened his grip on the gun, "I'm no fool, step back," he said.
"Okay, listen to me," she said as she looked into his eyes, "Eric?" she asked.
"How'd you?"
"Exactly, the boss sent me, I met Ray on the way up the stairs," she said.
The guard lowered is gun at her after trusting the words that came out of her mouth.
"What does the boss need?" he asked.
Moving closer to him, she leaned in to whisper to him, "Don't trust everyone you met," she said as she used the Z-gun on him, making him fall on the chair behind him with a thud.
Using his Id card and Fingerprint, she unlocked the door that required the biometrics. Moving inside she noticed the lack of light in the room. As she touched the wall, she turned the lights on, only to find another hallway having steel bars on both sides. The room looked like a jail. Moving further she saw the people who were locked inside the cages who shivered with terror as Love crossed the hallway. Walking past one she saw the girl sitting in one of them who refused to look up unlike the others.
"Hey, who are you? Why are you here?" she asked.
The girl refused to talk, looking into nothingness, while her eyes were fixed on a spot on the wall opposite here.
"She is deaf and mute," a guy from the opposite cell said, making Love turn to him.
"And why are you here?" she asked.
"Mafia things," he said, "We've been kidnapped, and before you ask, we have no idea what they want," he said.
"And why aren't you scared?" She asked.
"I am an FBI agent. Was on an undercover mission here, but.."
"It didn't end well for you," Love completed his sentence as she was looking into his eyes, finding each and every detail about him.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"The one whose gonna get you out of here," she said as she looked at the locks on the cells. Taking out the Z-key, she opened the cell of the FBI agent, named Hayden.
"Alright Hayden," she said looking into his eyes, " I want you to..."
Hayden interrupted her, as he moved out of the cell, " How'd you know my name?"
"You just told me," she said realising her carelessness.
"No, I didn't," he said.
"Shut up, listen to me, take this, and open the cell, but ask everyone to stay in, until I signal you to," she said.
"Signal?" he asked.
"Double gun shot," she said.
"And this?" he held the key in the air.
"It will do much, just do as I've asked you to," she said.
Saying this she rushed back to the door which was still open, moving past it she kept the door open. She rushed across the hallway to go to Leah, as she knew she couldn't handle a bunch of Mafia all by herself. So with the guards machine gun in her hand, that she picked up on her way, she prepared for a fight as she entered the door at the end of the hallway. Pointing the gun from one corner of the room to another, she lowered the gun when she saw the lifeless guards lying in the room, wile the white walls and floor was covered in red. As she still was thinking about what could have happened here, she heard a gun shot. Rushing in the bedroom that was attached to the study, she was amused to see the sight in front of her.
Leah stood with a gun in her hand, while on the floor lay the head shot body of the guy that they saw in the lawn with the man who had shot the people dead. And on his knees stood the boss, the fat big Mafia, while Leah had her gun pointed at his head next.
"Leah?" Love called out only to earn a glare from her.
"Love, I can explain," she said as she held a mix of guilt and justice in her eyes.
And as she was distracted, the mafia grabbed Leah from her hand, turning her around, he pointed the gun under her chin as he held her tight in his arms.
"Aric, will your mother be proud to see who you've become?" Love asked with a smirk on her face, knowing she'd hit the hit nerve in him, as he loosened his grip on Leah as soon as he heard the words that left Love's mouth.
"Who are you? How'd you..." before he could continue any further, his face met with a punch, and while the pain was inflicted on him, Leah grabbed the gun from his hand, and placed the other hand on his forehead. The next moment the boss dropped to his knees for the second time, while his eyes showed pure guilt. Looking in his eyes, Love saw his pain, the pain, that he now felt after destroying the lives he had played with. Every person's face he had killed ran through his mind like a power point presentation, and while he felt their pain, Love couldn't handle that amount of energy, she closed her eyes with a blink and next she opened her eyes, the Mafia lay on the floor, dead. No blood was spilled, no bullet was shot.
Leah stood tall above the body, with a emotion of satisfaction in her eyes. And while Love tried to look into her eyes to know how she felt at the moment, she couldn't do it due to exhaustion.
Stepping out of the mansion, where lay the dead Mafia's half dead kingdom, Love looked at Hayden one last time, now that she had avoided his questions all the way down the staircase, while the rest of them followed the two sisters without a question happy to be finally out of the dungy place.
"Listen to me Hayden, sometimes you need to let the questions be unanswered, so one more time you ask, I'll kick you right where the sun never shines," Love said with annoyance.
"Oh...understood," Hayden said closing the distance between his two legs, to stand up straight.
"So, take care of these people, and here take this phone, call the services, and ask them to get you guys out of here," Love said looking at the blemish condition in which the people were. Saying that she eyed Leah to move towards the car, while she herself moved to the driver's seat.
"Your secret is safe," Hayden said making Love turn to him. With a surprised expression on her face, she smiled faintly back to him and said, "I'd appreciate it."
And with that the Z-watch left on top of the circuit box in the tower was collected, the door of the tower was bolted by Hayden, while Leah waited in the passenger's seat of the car.
And with that another case was closed.
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