The Captured Leaders
Bill gave Cloud Guy the power to freeze his targets with just a simple touch on their bodies. It's not permanent, it only lasts 24 hours, which is a perfect amount of time to round up the three leaders. Cloud Guy's first stop is at Symphonyville, where he can get Conductor Trollzart. He was just flying around, seeing how everyone of his Classical Trolls are having a beautiful time. Until suddenly, he saw a shadow hovering over his head...
Trollzart: Hmmm? *looked up and saw nothing* *shrugs* Hmm
And then...
Cloud Guy: *touched Trollzart's hair* Boop!
Trollzart: Huh? *froze up*
Trollzart's whole body now suddenly got trapped in a small ice-block. Cloud Guy was able to catch him as Trollzart starts falling down. Next he went to Lonesome Flats, where he finds Delta playing hay-tose with her niece, Clampers. She set a new record for 450 meters from her tose. Clampers got her's at 300 meters. She wasn't happy for it, but she tried her best, so she went out to get their haystacks back to them...
Delta Dawn: Send me a postcard when you get there, Sugarplum! *chuckled*
Cloud Guy: *poofed out of nowhere* Hey, Dawn
Delta Dawn: *looked at Cloud Guy* Huh? Cloud Guy?
Cloud Guy: *poked her nose* Boop! *froze her* Bye, Dawn
Cloud Guy grabbed Delta's frozen body away, and head over to Techno Reef. Which he rudely polluted by throwing trash in it by throwing in a lot soda cans and other things. As he's done with his last soda, he hid as he saw Trollex come out of the water along with some of his people cleaning up the water...
King Trollex: *carrying a bag for his people to throw in the trash in* Ugh! Who, in TrollsTopia, polluted our waters? *coughing* Right now, it's making some of us sick
Bliss: *puts in more cans in* *coughed* I think that's the last of them, King Trollex
King Trollex: Thanks, Bliss. *to his people* Ok, everyone, we're done. The ocean's clean, and you all can gets some rest
As everyone dived back in the ocean, Trollex puts the cans into the recycling bin and the trash in the trash bin. As he was heading back, he felt something on his tail fin. He looked down, and saw Cloud Guy...
Cloud Guy: *poked his chest* Boop
King Trollex: What the- *froze up*
Cloud Guy then grabbed Trollex and head back to Pop Village to Bill. As he landed, he placed all the leaders up in a line in front of Bill, who's glowing in excitement...
Cloud Guy: Ok. Here they are. Delta Dawn, mayor of Lonesome Flats. Trollzart, conductor of Symphonyville. And Trollex, king of Techno Reef
Bill: Hmmm, for mayor and conductor, that's ok. But king?! That's what I love to hear. Now, unfreeze their top parts. I wanna talk to them
Cloud Guy: Ok. *makes a hammer and nail out of ice* *starts nailing off some ice on Trollex* This might take a moment
Bill: Ok, move aside, Michelangelo *his finger makes a fire and unfreezes the top parts of each leader*
Delta Dawn: Huh? *sees Trollzart and Trollex* Are you sugar-cubs alright?
King Trollex: *coughing* Cloud Guy's been polluting our waters. I need to lie down *starts resting on the ice*
Delta Dawn: Oh, you poor little guppy
Trollzart: Cloud Guy, why and how did you freeze us and bring us here to Pop Village? You know all you had to do is ask us and we'll come
Cloud Guy: Yeah, but my cool new buddy here, Bill Cipher, wanted to wound you guys up, and bring you all back over here
Delta Dawn: Did he tell you to pollute Trollex's ocean?
Cloud Guy: Nope!
Delta and Trollzart: *looked at each other* Uh...
Bill: Ok, new buddy. I'll take it from here. Go do...something
Trollzart: *sees frozen Barb, Poppy, and Branch* *gasp* Is that our Rock and Pop friends in ice?!
Delta Dawn: What in the hay is going on here?
Bill: Ok. Let me explain. *makes a fire chair and sat down* You saw what I did? I just made this chair, out of my hands? Remember? I told you guys that
Delta and Trollzart: *looked at each other again* Uh...
Bill: Wait. HA! I didn't tell you, yet! *points at the frozen friends* I told that to those guys! Not you guys! HA HA HA!! That's hilarious!! Ahem! Anyways, here's what happen...
Bill Narrating: Long ago, there are the four main elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Like at some people live and die, they reincarnate and come back to a chosen Elemental. I was the reincarnation of the Fire Elemental. I was hanging out with any other Elementals I could find from other universes. And I did. I found Katara the Water Elemental, Rainbow Dash the Air Elemental, and Garnet the Earth Elemental. We gathered around our usual café where we either hang out, or see visions of our near future. And what we saw was beyond our chances of surviving a huge deadly war. I suggested that I can protect the four of us with my fire abilities, but you refused. So, I protected myself, and you guys died from the great Mushroom War from the universe of Ooo.
End of Flashback
Bill: BUT NOW, YOU'RE BACK!!! HA HA!! I mean this is AWESOME!!! Did I mentioned that you're all chicks in the past? I mean, I don't mind one of us is a girl, but finally, *grabs Trollzart's and Trollex's hands* we've got some dudes here! YAY-YA!!!! And now, we can finally reach our full potential!! *makes Trollzart blew air out of his hands and water out of Trollex's*
Trollzart: What?
Delta Dawn: Since when can you do that?!
Bill: *let go of their hands* You can do it too, Delta. Like slamming your hands to the ground or something like that
Delta Dawn: *looks at her hands* What? I can too?
Bill: All of you have elemental abilities. And what's also better, is that you guys all live in one universe! How awesome is that?!
Delta Dawn: Yeah~ Awesome. *grunts and smashed her hands against the ice* *broke free* Ha, Ha!
Bill: WHAT?!
Delta Dawn: *punched the ice on Trollzart* There ya go, little Troll. Blow Bill away and I'll free Trollex. And get him to a doctor *punched Trollex free and carried him to the doctor*
Trollzart: *blew wind at Bill*
Bill: AHHHHH!!!! *blew away*
Trollzart: *freed his friends* Are you guys alright?
Queen Barb: *groans and rubs her head* Dude, what happened?
Trollzart: You were all trapped in ice. Same with me, Delta, and Trollex
Queen Poppy: Where is Delta and Trollex?
Trollzart: She's taking Trollex to the doctor's. Cloud Guy polluted his ocean and now he's sick
Branch: CLOUD GUY!!!!!
Cloud Guy: Uh,...see ya *poofed*
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