Fire World
Poppy, Barb, and Branch put on their fire-proof suits and gets ready for some fire. Prince D landed the pod almost to the ground so it doesn't get burned. Branch was the one to take the first step on the ground to know if the suits worked. He sighed in relief when he saw that his suit is fine. The girls then followed Branch as they left the pod. The other stayed inside, mostly because they don't have flame-proof suits. The gang looked around and see how everything is made of fire. It's both frightening and very interesting. They even saw some familiar faces, but with fire-like details. They find them sad. Until they saw three Trolls that came out of nowhere...
Queen Poppy: Wait! Do you guys felt that? *sees the Trolls* AHH!!
Fire Tresillo: ¡Poppy, Branch, Barb! ¡Por fin estás en casa! (Poppy, Branch, Barb! You're finally home!)
Queen Poppy: Tresillo?!
Queen Barb: Marimba?!
Branch: And Tambora?! You guys are now Fire Trolls?
Fire Tresillo: Of course we are. We are all about peace, now
Queen Barb: Shouldn't Fire be about violence? Because I think that the Water Elementals are the peaceful ones
Fire Marimba: Don't you see, señors? Our Elementals are showing our opposite lives. So, instead of us Fire Elementals being violent...
Fire Tambora: We are all about peace and love
Queen Poppy: Like the Techno Trolls?
Fire Tresillo: Oh, no, no, no, child. The Techno Trolls are full of rage and violence. That's why we never go into the ocean
Branch: What? Techno Trolls weren't never all about violence! Trollex even said that they're all about "Family, love, and music"
Fire Reggeaton Trolls: *shuddered*
Branch: What?
Fire Marimba: King Trollex was never about any of those things. He's all spicy with rage
Queen Barb: *blushes* "Spicy", huh? I would love to see that
Queen Poppy: Barb! Focus! Can you at least take us to Bill Cipher?
Fire Reggeaton Trolls: Of course
The Fire Reggeaton Trolls lead them to a big fire dome. Then a hole opened up to let them in and sees a huge pyramid within it. The gang were a bit amazed, but scared at the same time. They entered the pyramid and sees a huge sculpture of Bill and the other Troll leaders. They were really creeped out about that...
Fire Reggeaton Trolls: Master Cipher! You have some guests!
Suddenly, Bill came out, but he wasn't normal looking. He was all big, red, black tongues, black-colored eyes, six yellow arms and legs. The gang started shaking with fear...
Branch: Bill Cipher! *grabs a stake* Return our home back to normal!
Bill remained silent. And then Branch attacked. He went onto his body, but he poofed out with him a bit crispy...
Queen Poppy: *gasp* BRANCHIE!!! *helps him up*
Branch: *sweats a bit* Fix our home, Cipher!
Bill: *sighed* Even if I could, I can't
Queen Barb: What do you mean? You cause it! You need to fix it!
Bill: But, really what I've done was a mistake. A really stupid mistake from my dumb little spell. So here's what happened *floats to the sculptures of him and the other leaders* I was trying to help the other Elemental leaders reach their full potential, but instead...*morphed the sculptures into something deadly and faded away* turned them into something completely monstrous
Branch: And that's coming from a monster that turned out friends into monsters! Now, where's your spell book? We need it to fix up this mess!
Bill: Ehh. I don't know. Maybe you guys might like your home like this. *sees a Troll offering him some shrimp* *grabs a piece and takes a bite*
Queen Barb: You have a lot of nerve on making our home a disast...*sees some shrimp* Ooh! There's shrimp in here?
Bill: *points to a buffet table*
Barb walked over to the buffet table and help herself some shrimp...
Bill: I planned this ball and shrimp buffet to celebrate with the other Elementals. But sadly, none of them came *flicked the shrimp tail at Poppy's face*
Queen Poppy: Rude
Branch: *growls at him*
Meanwhile, Barb ate the last shrimp of her plate, until she noticed the book was the plate the whole time. She whipped away the stains and heads back with her friends...
Queen Barb: Dudes! I've got the book! Let's get our butts out of here!
Branch: Ok, uh. We're gonna leave now, and we're gonna save the world
Bill: *drinking some tea* *sighed* Whatever
The gang left with the book after Poppy said good bye to the Fire Reggeaton Trolls. And back at the pod...
Queen Barb: Yeah-Ha! We got the Cipher's spell book! Now we can finally fix up TrollsTopia!
Cooper: Way to go guys! Now, what do we have to do?
Branch: *looks through the book* It says we need the symbols of the three Troll leaders, placed them in the book, and say the following incantation
TBDB: Symbols? What does it mean by that?
Branch: Well, you know how the Techno Trolls have those pixel hearts on their chests?
TBDB: Yeah, that's their thing
Branch: Well, that's their symbol. And we need the one from Trollex. Or the badge of Delta Dawn's hat. Or the gem of Trollzart
Clampers: You sure about that?
Branch: That's what it says. And we have to trust it
Queen Poppy: Seems worth a try. Let's head to Lonesome Flats and get that badge
Clampers: I wanna come with you guys! I miss my aunt
Queen Poppy: Sure, Clampers. But let's be careful once we get there, ok?
Clampers: Yes, Miss Poppy. I will try
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