I'm going to have Logan take all the kids on tour for a few chapters then the sequel will start for sure and then continue from there
Logan was taking all nine kids on tour with him and the guys cause he did not have anyone that could watch them and take care of them the record company was going to get a nanny to help out when he was on stage and he was going to have a nurse with him for Evan cause he was going to have his meds at a certain time and be monitored for his heart even though his heart is doing good right now there could be a hiccup, and since the band was going overseas Logan had to get them passports and that was going to be fun in itself right now cause they had to have their pictures taken and hold still as well which for nine kids was not going to be easy unless Logan gets them all lined up and ready for the pictures so all the photographer had to do was just pictures of them for the passport and be done with it and Logan was going to have them in the mail before tour starts until then he was going to have the birth certificates ready to go and when they cross into another country all Logan had to do was show the passports and be done with it
"Okay hopefully this goes well" he says as he was loading the kids up in the bus to go get their pictures taken for their passport
Logan head to where he was going to have the kids get their passport pictures done and he had all of the kids named wrote down and he had them wear a nametag or something that way he knew who was who and he was could line the name up with the face as well
Logan got all of the kids out and had them all line up for the pictures so when they headed in they stood by him and they did not take off cause the DMV could not close at all for them it had to be business as usual for them just cause Logan was a celebrity and he had nine kids did not make him special at all either he was just a regular customer coming in for passport pictures and Evan had to have his oxygen with him cause of his heart was starting to go backwards a little bit which was to be expected cause he was going to have his days with his heart and he was on the list for a new heart cause this one was not strong enough for him and Logan was going to watch him closely for a while at least and not have him over do it cause Evan was very eager to keep up with his four sisters and Logan did not blame him at all either cause he wanted to do as his sisters were doing
"I think we can close for a few minutes just so we can get this done" the one worker said cause there were nobody else in there or cars in the parking lot right now so it was perfect and she saw Evan oxygen tank as well as his heart monitor that he had with him to see if his gear was going into AFIB or something along those lines cause if he had to go to the hospital they could transport him without any troubles at all either as well
Happy new year everyone
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