The little girls turn 3 final part
"Well do you want to go in and see?" she asks him
Logan nods as he gets up from the bed to go into the bathroom to check
"Well?" she asks him
"I'm going to be a daddy" he says happily cause he was excited when he saw the pregnant sign and how many weeks Erin was into her pregnancy now
"We're pregnant?" she asks him
"It looks like it" he says to her
"Do you want to tell the girls before the party starts?" he asks her
"Yeah and I want to tell the babies as well, so they can get used to the news" Erin says as she takes a moment to process the news a little bit that her and Logan are going to have their own little one running around the house
Logan goes and gets the babies from the playroom cause with all of the little ones that are coming he didn't want the babies to get sick cause their immune systems are still weak yet, and Logan and Erin didn't want to have them exposed too much to the crowds that were going to be at the party
"Hey guys" Erin says when she sees the baby come in the room with daddy
"They were a little upset that i took them away from their play time, but i told them that they could go back to playing later once mommy tells them the news that she has been waiting to tell them" he says as he goes and gets the birthday girls and brings them into the master, so Erin could tell all of the girls the news at the same time
"Babies it's okay mommy has something she needs to tell you girls and she wants to do it while she has you wide awake. I think during the party you girls will go down for a nap, and mommy will sleep too, so she feels better" Erin says as the babies scoot over to her on their little butts
"Okay Erin all the girls are here now are you ready to tell them the news?" Logan asks her
"Ready as i'll ever be i guess" Erin says as she takes a big deep breath and lets it out
"Girls in a couple of months there are going to be another pair of little feet running around" Erin says to them
"Why mommy?" Heaven asks as she comes closer to mommy
"Your mom is pregnant so you guys are going to have a little brother or sister running around" he says as he tries to come up with a comeback cause he could tell that Erin was a little scared to say it
The little girls were really happy that they were going to be big sisters
"Can we feel the baby?" Hannah asks happily
"Not right now Hannah the baby is really little yet and we won't be able to feel it move inside mommy for a few more months cause it needs to grow a bit" he says as he laughs cause the girls were accepting their roles as big sisters already and they couldn't wait to see and feel the baby
Hannah was bummed about that a lot
"Hannah you and your sisters can help me with the nursery cause I will need a lot of help getting the nursery done for the baby
That made Hannah feel better about the new baby that is going to be coming into the picture very soon
"Plus i need you girls to help me take care of the babies while I am taking care of mommy and the baby" he says as he takes the babies to their room for their nap cause it was getting close to the girls nap time and he was hoping that they sleep through the big party
Logan changed the babies and put them in their cribs while the birthdays girls go down to greet their guests for the party
"Night babies I will see you when you wake up" he says as he closes the door tot he nursery
Logan grabs the baby monitors and the video monitors so he could monitor the babies while he was outside with the birthday girls for their party
"There's the birthday girls your guests are pulling up as we speak" Kendall says to them when he sees them come down the stairs
"Plus there is a whole carnival out there waiting for you" James says as he comes in
The girls were really excited about that
"Heaven you have me as your personal assistant for your birthday today" Kendall says to her as he takes her to the backyard where her sisters were
Heaven was excited to go with Uncle Kendall and have him help her with games and take her on any of the rides that she wanted to go on while Logan was making sure the party was okay
"Hannah don't you want to go out and have fun as your sisters?" Logan asks her as he sees her on the deck of the house still looking out to the carnival
"No thank you daddy" she tells him
"Would you want daddy to go with you for a little bit cause I can while your sisters are with your Uncles and your baby sisters are asleep" he says to her as he takes her to play a game
Hannah shakes her head no
"Maybe later you might want to" he says as he goes and sees about the girls who were having fun already either play a game or riding a ride
She shrugs her shoulders as she heads back into the house
(That evening)
"The girls had a blast at the party" Logan says as the guys carry each of the girls in cause they didn't want to get out of the bounce house that night and the bounce themselves to sleep
"Yeah they did" James says as he follows behind with a sleeping Hallie in his arms
"What are you going to do with all of those goldfish?" Carlos asks Logan
"Put them in a tank somewhere" Logan says to Carlos
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