Talking to Heaven
Okay a Christmas chapter will be next week and it will be all cute and before we know it L.J will be born and the sequel will start and this story will be done, and I will post the next chapter in this book before i put it up, so here is the current chapter i hope you guys like it
"Talk to her teachers and anyone who she is with and see if any of them see that she is being bullied and what they might be doing to step in or what we can do to have it stopped cause it is getting out of control now" James says as they were still talking in the waiting room
"Until then Logan have her stay in her own room away from her sisters" Carlos says to him as they were coming up with ideas on what they could do with her for now
"I doubt that might happen cause we don't have much room for the girls to have their own room they end up sharing a room with one of the other girls" Logan says as he was still talking to the guys to make time go faster
"Have her room mate stay with one of the other girls until this passes cause she needs her space away from her sisters and maybe the babies too Logan " Kendall says to him
"She might go goth later on if that happens" Carlos says as he was looking at Logan
"Right now I don't know what else we could do with her right now since she is like this, and I hate to ask Erin" Logan says as he was looking at the guys for support to get him through this tough time
"She could stay with one of us for a while Logan" James says to him
"Alexa will love to have her stay at the house, and she could roll down our driveway as much as she wants" Carlos suggests to Logan to break the silence
Soon Heaven came out of the room and she was not very happy at all she wanted to leave that place
"I think we need to talk to her at the house" Logan says as they left to go home
(Logan's house)
Once Heaven was at home Logan got her out of the van himself cause she was going to roll out of his life, and he needed to talk to her with her Uncles present
"Heaven how long has this been going on?" Logan asks as he looks at her as he got her out of the van after a while, so they could hang out on the porch of the house
Logan looks at her cause he wanted answers to why she was being bullied and how long this has been going on with her and why she has said anything about it
"Tell us we need answers Heaven" Kendall says as he came on the porch
"Logan i didn't know you were home" Erin says as she came out
"Erin not now" Logan says as he went over to her so she doesn't get worked up since she was getting close to delivering L.J
Erin understood and she went into the house to be with the rest of the girls while Logan was with Heaven and talking to her
"I have to call the school" Logan says as he was going to call the school right that minute
Logan was able to talk to someone at the school and he was going to be bringing Heaven and her uncles down with him to talk this over with the principal
"Let's do this" Kendall says as they headed into the school since Heaven was not opening up about being bullied so they have to go down and talk to the principal about it
Heaven did not want to get out of the van at all
"Heaven if you are being bullied daddy wants to take care of it" Logan says as he gets her out of the van so they could head up to the school so they could see what was going on with Heaven
Heaven still didn't say anything she just dad take care of it
"I have Alexa coming too s she can be with Heaven one on one" Carlos says to Logan
"Thanks maybe it is a bit of bullying and being left out cause we have seven other girls at home" Logan says as they headed up to the school
Alexa was going to take Heaven shopping for a bit to see if that helped
"Hey Heaven how about some girl time just the two of us" Alexa says as they were going to go some place
"Okay" Heaven says as Alexa was going to take the van so they could have a girls day just the two of them
"Heaven is everything okay?" ALexa asks as they were heading to the mall for girls day
"No everything is not okay" Heaven says as tears were coming to her eyes since she felt like crying at that very moment
"Care to tell me?" Alexa asks her since Erin and Logan have to tend to her sisters most of the time it might be hard for her to get a word in if she wants
Heaven nods as the tears fall from her face
"Okay I'll wait until you are all better then we can talk cause I don't want to upset you more" Alexa says as she was still driving to the mall
Alexa parks in the special spot for Heaven since she was in a wheelchair
"Okay Heaven let's have a girls day" Alexa says as she gets Heaven out of the van so they could head in to get their nails done and just see what was really going on with her
Haven was most independent and was doing things on her own which surprised Alexa
"Are you being bullied at school?" Alexa asks her as they headed into the mall to have their nails done and shop a little bit
Heaven nods as she looks at Aunt Alexa
"Oh Heaven it's okay" Alexa says as they head some place private to talk about it so no one hears them talking and it is just the two of them talking about the bullying and see what can be done on their end to stop it
"Aunt Alexa I want to walk" Heaven says to her
Alexa was shocked that Heaven wanted to walk, and she was going to try to have her walk again
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