Erin sees the girls
"Main entrance or maternity floor?" he asks himself as he was at the elevators debating whether to have the girls meet him at
"Main floor cause of Heaven, so i can push her" he says as he was getting in the elevator to go down and meet them since they were coming to see mommy for a little bit before she has baby brother
Logan was so happy when he saw the girls come at him and Heaven was trying her hardest to keep up with her sisters as Kendall was pushing the others in the stroller
"There are my girls" he says as he approaches the stroller and the girls who were walking with their Uncles
Logan kissed each of his daughters on the head, and went to help Heaven since she was getting winded
"Did mommy have the baby yet?" Heaven asks him out of breath as they headed for the elevator to go up to maternity and see her
"Not yet i thought we could have family time as we wait for his arrival and mommy can see you girls before he comes" he says as they headed up to see Erin and see how she was doing
The girls were excited that they were going to see mommy
"Okay girls you have to be quiet here" he says as he was pushing the babies in the four seat stroller to see Erin cause he was going to be with Heaven if she needed it and she had a seat in the stroller as well
The girls nodded as they looked at him as they went to see mommy and see how she was doing as well since they have not seen her for several hours and they were missing her like crazy right now which Logan understood with the girls
"Will our brother be here?" Hillary asks as they were passing the nursery that was huge
"Yes Hillary and he will be in one of the empty bassinets and you girls will be able to stand up here in this area and see him" he says as he shows the girls the area where they will be able to see L.J when he comes into the world
The girls saw the nursery and they were in aww
"You girls were in there once" Logan says as he was standing with the girls as they looked into the nursery at all of the babies
"No way" Hannah says as she looks at daddy
"Yes you were and even the babies were in there too" he says as he was going to talk to them a little bit to tell them a little story
"Can you tell us when we see mommy?" Hallie asks him
"Sure i can baby" he says as he heads for the room to see Erin and see how she was doing as well since she was still in labor
The girls were happy they were going to have story time with mommy and daddy as they wait on baby brother to come into the world
"Mommy is down here girls" he says as they head for the room to see her
The girls followed as they stayed close to daddy Logan as they went to see mommy
(Erin's room)
"She is at five centimeters" the nurse says as she left the room after she checked Erin
"Okay thank you" he says as he heads in with the girls
The girls went in the room slowly to see mommy
"Hi girls" Erin says when she saw the girls and Heaven who was in the stroller since she had asked to go in for a little bit and that was fine in his eyes
"Hi mommy" the girls say to her as they came into the room to see her and see about baby brother as well
"Hi girls" Erin says as she was going to make room for all of the girls so they had a spot on the bed cause she asked for a big bed for the girls so theyw ere comfy and if they wanted to snuggle with her they could if they wanted to
"Girls we have to be careful cause mommy is on machines to watch baby brother heart rate and mommy's contractions as well" Logan says as he was going ot get the babies out do they could be with mommy to cause they loved mommy and daddy a lot and they loved mommy more cause she was the one that had all of the cuddles
The girls were going to be okay with that and the babies didn't understand that at all so they were going to do what they wanted to do since they were little
"Hi Heaven" Erin says as Logan lifted her out of the stroller and was going to hold her cause there was no room on the bed for her cause she could not move cause she was in her chair
Heaven waves at her as she was in daddy's arms
Erin was able to make room for her so she had a spot on the bed like her sisters did so she was a happy girl
"Heaven we will help you walk" Erin says as she was hugging her close as she was relaxed as she had contractions
"Daddy said we were babies once too and even our sisters came from here" Hillary says as she looks at Erin
"Yes girls that is true and almost a year ago your baby sisters came from here cause their mommy didn't want them like how your girls mommy wanted you after a while before she gave you girls up" Erin says to them
"I know we were at the orphanage how did our sisters get to daddy?" Heaven asks her
"They were dropped off on my doorstep soon after they were born and the rest is history" Logan says as he was looking at the girls as he was going to dim the lights so they girls were comfy as they were going to have story and family time together and enjoy the moment before L.J comes
"How soon?" Hallie asks him
"Right after they were released from the hospital" Logan says as he was going to pick up one of the babies and hold her in his arms
Erin did the girls hair a little bit and Heaven wanted to be on the other side of the room away from her sisters since she was different and she felt like she didn't belong either Logan was going to see what was going on with her
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