All eight are sick at the same time
Erin told Logan to sign the girls up for pajama gym.
"Erin I hope you know that is parent interaction" he says as he brings the babies down for a bottle cause they woke up from nap
"Yeah that's why me, you, Kendall, and James will be with the girls during pajama gym" she says to him
"What are we going to do about the babies?" Logan asks her
"Bring them with us and they can go in the child care center to be with other babies their own age" Erin says to him
'Okay if you say so" he says as he puts the babies bottles in the bottle holder, so they could be fed
The babies were independent little girls they were holding their heads up, playing and interacting with one and another
"Not yet Leila" he says when Leila wanted to try to feed herself her bottle
Lottie wanted daddy to feed her, and Logan was just fine with that
"How old are the girls now Logan?" Erin asks him
"They are going to be four months pretty soon, and that means they will be cutting teeth soon, and we won't get any sleep once again" he says as he continues to feed Lottie her bottle
"They have came a long way from how small they were" Erin says to him as she feeds Lily her bottle
"Yeah and I can't wait until I can take them to swim class once they hit six months old" he says as he burps Lottie cause she was done with her bottle
Logan held Lottie in his arms and started to rock her in his arms
"Does Lottie feel okay Logan?" Erin asks him
"She feels a bit warm" he says as he feels her forehead
"I hope she isn't cutting her first tooth" Erin says to him
"If she is I know i will be right here to help get through it like i will with the other girls" he says as he picks up Lexi who also wanted to be held by daddy that afternoon
Soon the four other girls came downstairs
"Hey girls would you guys want a snack?" he asks them as they enter the kitchen
All four come close to him
"Come on we all can snuggle on the couch together" he says as he gets up with the two babies that he had in his arms already
Soon two of the quads threw-up right on the kitchen floor
"Oh no" Erin says
"Sorry mommy" Hallie and Hillary say to her
"It's okay girls I can clean it up and daddy can get you girls into your jammies" Erin tells the girls
Logan takes all eight kids upstairs to get them in their jammies while Erin cleaned up the mess, and got the girls some warm tea to drink to help settle their stomachs
"I put them in their two piece" he says as he comes back down with all eight in tow
"That's fine it looks like they don't feel good" Erin says as she feels the toddlers foreheads for fever
"They don't they even threw-up upstairs in the bathroom" he says as he puts the babies in their playpen while he goes up and gets blankets for all of them, so they could cuddle with the girls
"Well we ain't going anywhere that's for sure" Erin says as she takes two of the girls and two babies with her, so they could snuggle on one of the couches
"Nope" he says as he takes the rest of them to the other couch to lay them down
"I say the sectional for the older girls and we can hold the babies on the love seat" Erin suggest
"That sounds like a better idea anyway" he says as he goes and gets the pillows
As soon as the two year olds heads hit the pillow they were out for the count
"The babies have it as well, but they have the runny, nose and cough to go with it" he says as he sits next to Erin on the love seat
"At least all eight are sick at once" she says to him
"Yeah there's that" he say as he holds Lexi and Lottie
"The girls sure are cuddly when they don't feel good" Erin says to him
"They always were from when they were in the hospital" he says with a chuckle
"When are we going to get married?" she asks him
"I thought Valentine's day cause it's the most romantic day of the entire year, and we can have a simple ceremony with just the guys, and the little ones" he says to her
"That's sounds perfect" she says as they kiss
"I thought you might like that, and we can do a better ceremony when the girls are older cause the babies won't remember this. I just want it to be just the ten of us plus the guys" he says as Lottie and Lexi go back to sleep
Since the babies were fast asleep Logan and Erin took them up to the nursery, and put them in their cribs to sleep
"I think we won't be sleeping good with eight kids sick" Erin says as they leaves the nursery to get the other girls, and bring them up to their bed, so they could sleep a little better in their own beds
"Nope, but at least they have us to make it all better for them" he says as he follows her to where the other girls were
Logan and Erin took the girls up one by one, and put them in their room in their beds to sleep, and went down and got the last two and put them to bed
"It will run it course and it will be out of the picture for a while I hope" he says as him and Erin get into bed to get some sleep cause the kids might be up in an hour or so throwing up once again, and they need to hug them and make it feel better
"Yeah I'm not calling the pediatrician over this cause it is just crazy, but if they get worse they are going to the doctor's to get checked out" Erin tells him
"I hear ya" he says as he gets into his jammies, and gets into bed with her, so they could get some sleep
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