"Neala, she's doing it again..." "Just ignore her babe. She can't do anything to you and she wouldn't dare to even think about it while I'm with you." "Yeah, but she followed you into the bathroom and the two of you left around the same time. I'm too scared to even go to the bathroom now..." I looked to the right of me and I saw the demon lady still staring at the two of us. "What the hell is her problem now? We haven't done anything wrong. She should be enjoying her date night with those other girls, right?"
"Wanna go ask her why she keeps staring?" "No! I'll probably get attacked or something. She is a freaking demon Neala! Her girlfriends would probably rip me apart too. I'm too young to die..." "You're being too dramatic baby. Just ignore them, alright? You've been doing pretty well at that so far." "Yeah, but you know how I feel whenever someone stares. It's just freaking creepy..." "Maybe she's just in deep thought." "About you? Or about me? Because both of those options make me even more scared..." "Relax Hazza. Nothing is going to happen. It's.a public place too. I've heard that this is the place where attacking others is prohibited, so she can't actually do anything even if she wanted to."
"Do you think she wants to?" "No. You are thinking about it too much. Here, drink your wine. It's your favorite," she said and passed me my glass. I took it, thanked her, and sniffed it before I took a sip of it. I put it back down and I relaxed fully. "Okay, now that you are relaxed, go to the bathroom. I know that you've been holding it since the waiting area. Go." "No. What if-" "Harriet. Nothing is going to happen to you. If anything, she's just going to follow you. I'll go talk to her before she can. If that makes you feel better." "...no. I don't want you to get hurt. I'll just go," I said and stood up. I walked to where the bathroom was and I looked around before I entered.
I soon heard heels hitting the floor as I was on the toilet seat. I nearly gasped, but I covered my mouth quickly and just stared at the floor. I saw black heels walking past the stalls, but they stopped at mine. I wanted to cry, scream, yell for Neala to rescue me, but I didn't. I just watched as the heels stayed there, but there was no knock heard. It was dead silent in the bathroom and I really didn't know what to do.
The bathroom door opens again and I heard Neala's voice, yelling at the demon that was in here. "I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but you need to get the fuck out! You have been nothing but an absolute creep this entire night! We don't want to deal with you or your girlfriends, so leave us the fuck alone and get the fuck out!" I thanked Neala in my head and I was so relieved when the heels finally walked away from my stall.
"You okay baby?" Neala asked and I let out a shaky breath, I took care of my needs and walked out of the stall. Neala hugged me first thing and I hugged back. I avoided touching her with my hands since I didn't wash my hands yet. "I thought that she was going to knock the stall door down and snatch me or something." "I'm so sorry baby. I really didn't think that she would do the same thing to you since she knew how defensive I get over you." "I don't think she cares Neala. If she really cares, then she wouldn't have talked to us earlier in the waiting area," I said while washing my hands.
"Yeah, but I thought that she was going to be innocent about this since this is the place that doesn't tolerate disrespect," Neala says and groans. "This just had to be a small town. Of course they were going to be here. Why is this the hotspot for date nights? I really didn't think that this place was going to be so packed. It said it was not that busy when I booked our reservation." "I think they have a different type of definition of 'busy'. It's fine anyways. Those three can't do anything like you said, so let's go and enjoy our night."
Neala smiled at me and nodded her head. She took my hand and we walked out of the bathroom together. We walked back to our table and I glanced to the right and I saw the demon talking to her girlfriends. I assumed that it was about us, but I didn't bother asking them. I just sat down and enjoyed my meal with Neala. We talked and we laughed and eventually, I knew that everything was going to be okay again. Nothing was going to ruin our night. Not even those three...
2 hours later...
"Oh my God, I feel so full," I said as I rubbed my belly. "Did you really have to order that carrot cake?" "It is your favorite and it did look pretty good," Neala says, shrugging her shoulders. I pouted and leaned on her as I was still rubbing my stomach. "That was a lot, but it was really good. Thanks for taking me out tonight," I tell her and I felt her lips in my hair, kissing the top of my head. We stayed in comfortable silence for about 5 minutes until we heard footsteps behind us. I didn't want to assume the worst, but of course the little hunch that I felt kicked in and I grew panicked.
I raised my head and I looked at Neala who was turning her head slightly to the right of her. "What's going on Neala?" I asked when I saw the annoyance in her eyes. "It's them...and their following us." "Um...maybe this is actually the way to their house? It is a small town and everything is pretty much in walking distance," I used as an excuse, but I knew that Neala didn't believe that. Because deep down...I didn't either.
Neala just kept her face forward and the two of us walked a bit faster back to our vacation home. The footsteps behind us went a bit faster and I was panicking a little. It was the bathroom situation all over again, but the difference between then and now is that now they can hurt us if they really want to. They couldn't hurt us in there, but this is a playground for them out here.
"Hey, everything is still okay babe. Just stay close, alright?" I nodded and held onto my girlfriend's arm as we walked even faster back to the house. It only made the footsteps go even faster and that is when I realized that speed isn't a big deal for them. One is a freaking vampire and another is a fucking werewolf! Of course they won't really get tired. The demon could just teleport in front of us if she really wanted to. We are the ones who have exhaustion in our system. Not them.
When we got to our street, Neala and I just broke out into a run and we ran all the way till we got to the front door. Neala quickly unlocked the door and we rushed inside. I immediately started crying and I fell to the floor when I sobbed. Neala went to my side and she held me as I cried.
"I...I'm so fucking scared Neala! What the fuck do they want from us?!" "I don't know anymore babe. Maybe they just find the inner joy of scaring us or something. It still doesn't explain one of them staring at us as if she's trying to read us. The other two just joined after the bathroom incident..." "I don't want to be here anymore Neala...I miss being at home. I don't even care that our home wasn't quiet enough... it's still a lot better than this place." She agrees with me and the two of us walk up the stairs to get to our bedroom.
We got ready for bed and it took us about an hour before we could finally relax. I cuddled into Neala's side as we were watching the little TV that was in our room. We were watching Family Guy and I was laughing, fully forgetting what happened not too long ago.
I screamed at the sound of glass breaking downstairs and Neala was quick to get out of bed. She looked around to see if there was anything that she could use as a weapon and when she saw a silver knife on her nightstand, she took it immediately. "How is that going to take out the demon?" I asked, slowly getting out of bed. "It probably won't, but I'll get at least two of them," she answered and she opened the bedroom door. I quickly got behind Neala as we walked down the hall and we approached the stairs when the knife literally flew out of Neala's hand. I then screamed when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from Neala.
I saw the demon behind Neala and I was terrified for her safety. I was dragged down the stairs and brought into the kitchen. Neala wasn't too far behind me and the two of us were placed in two chairs. "Move. You die. Simple as that, got it?" The vampire asked and I frantically nodded. The three of them were in different clothing. I guess they went home to change before the went and did this.
"What the hell do you want?" Neala asked, going into a defensive move already. "As tarring at us while we are eating isn't enough for you creep? You want to hurt us too?" "Seems tempting, but that is not our intention for the night. We are here because something just doesn't sit right with me whenever you two are around..."
"Look, we get it. You don't like us. We got that perfectly clear, and if you want us to stay away from your town, then we will. If that's all that you want. We will leave tomorrow morning in fact. You won't have to hear from us ever again. Just let us go...please?" "It's not about us not liking you. It's something else," the demon says and she lowers herself to my eye level. Neala was about to move, but I just shook my head, mentally telling her no.
"What are you..." "We're human...um...my name is Harriet Elissa Styles and that's my girlfriend, Neala Jamesina Horan!" I exclaimed and Zayna shook her head. "She told you what you wanted to hear!" "It wasn't true." "The fuck you mean it isn't true?! We're human. Nothing but humans who you are scaring the crap out of!" "Break this." "What?" "I want you to break this. Not with your hands, but with your thoughts. With your mind. With your voice if possible." "We can't do-" "I think you can, so do it." "That's not how it works!" Neala shouts.
This interrogation happens for like 5 minutes and the demon was just asking us to break things with our mind or voice. We kept trying to tell them that we couldn't, but they didn't take no as an answer. They just kept pushing and pushing and there was my breaking point. I let out a loud scream and it made the entire house shake. Neala eventually did the same and the lights, lamps, and all glass that were inside the house shattered and fell to the floor.
When I stopped, Neala and I cried and I slowly looked to see the three intruders looking at us with shocked faces. "I was right...I was fucking right!" The demon says and I looked back down, crying. What the fuck did I just do? What was this? "Welcome to town ladies. It will soon be your forever home," the demon says and pats my head before she walked out of the kitchen. The other two ladies were still there and I knew that they were.
"Leave!" Neala screams and the two jump before they scurried out of the room. They left our home and that's when I fell to the ground. I cradfled myself, thinking about what happened and I cried even more.
That was just a coincidence. It's just weak glass.
Right? That's all that it was, right? Just a lot of weak pieces of glass...
There's no way that we're like them...
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