Louise was looking at me as if I was growing two heads and I sighed in frustration. "All I'm saying is that there's something about those two," I said as I was fixing my makeup. I was going out with my girls for the night and there is a part of me that hopes that we bump into those humans at some point of the night. "And all that we are saying is that you're starting to sound a lot like the witch down the street," Louise says as she walks in the bathroom wearing a tight black dress. I look at her and I give her the 'really' look.
"That girl was glaring at us in her car and we got shot by electricity. She was mad at us and thunder was booming outside. The other one was sad and it began to rain. She was right about the weather. It was supposed to be sunny all day, so why did it change when they changed moods?" I made her think about what happened yesterday and that's what she did. While she was doing that, I was admiring myself in the mirror.
"While your thinking over there, we need to start moving. My reservation is in 20 minutes," I said and Louise nodded. She walks with me down the stairs and we meet up with Lilliam who was on her phone. "Looking nice babe," I said with a grin. Lilliam looks up and smiles at me. She then looks at Louise and looks at her outfit. "So do both of you." I walk up to her and kiss her cheek, but Louise never responded. "What did you have her thinking about now?" "The two girls yesterday morning." "Ah..."
"I was just telling her how there is something about those two. I think that they are one of us, but a species that we never expected to be here," I then tell her as we were walking along the street. Yeah, almost everything is in walking distance for us, so we walk wherever we want to go most nights. "Like what?" "I think angels are a good possibility. Their emotions affected the weather yesterday and we were shocked by lightning when one of them glared at us. Angels fo have an affect on the whether, right?" I asked and Lilliam shrugged her shoulders. "We never really met one, so I don't really know what they can and can't do. Maybe we should read up on it tomorrow. I'll go by the library and I'll take all that talks about angels," she tells me and I nodded. "For right now though...let's just focus on us, yeah?"
"Yeah...you can stop thinking about them Lou," I said and looked to the right of me, seeing my lover still in deep thought for what I said to her earlier. She blinks and looks at me. "Oh? Okay." "We're here. Let's grab our table and enjoy the night," Lilliam says, grabbing the door handle. I thanked her as she lets us in first.
I walked up to the host stand and the woman there was a shape shifter and she smiled when she saw us. "Welcome to Daisy's! How many people?" "Just the three of us. We have a reservation. The name is Malik." "Ah! Let me see if your table is ready for you ladies!" The hostess says and I thanked her. The lady walks away and I just looked around while we're waiting. As I looked, I noticed two females sitting in the waiting area. It was the two women from yesterday and the two were lost in their own conversations. They weren't upset either. They were happy and they seemed to be solely focused on one another.
I walked over to them and they still didn't know about my approach. "Well...it's funny seeing both of you here?" I questioned and then two of them looked at me at the same time, didn't say anything, and they just swiftly went right back to their own little conversation. It was as if they knew that I was trying to talk to them and they just didn't want to converse with me because they think that it was going to ruin their little date or something. Which was probably true. After yesterday, I wanted to provoke them a little more. I wanted to do that just because I want to see if the same thing happens again. Because if it did, then that means that I was right.
These two have something about them that is intriguing me and I want to figure out what it is.
"Hi, I know that the three of you have a reservation and we are still getting your table ready, but we have a table for these two available if that's okay with you?" "It shouldn't really matter to them..." I heard Neala say under her breath and I wanted to say something in return, but the hostess beat me to it. "That may be true, but technically, they should be seated first. I just wanted to see if she wanted to be seated before the two of you."
"We-" "Neala, it's fine. She's just being polite," the red dress said and I did want to thank her, but I already know that she didn't want to hear it from me. "Yeah, it's fine," I told the hostess and she smiled at me, nodded, and looked at the couple. "Follow me ladies," the lady says and I watched as the two stood up and made their way to wherever their table was. "They're here too?! We just can't get away from them, can we?" Louise asked and I shook my head. "I guess we can't. However, this might prove something to me. It might prove me right," I said and Louise looked at me with confusion, but I didn't say anything more.
We waited in that area for about 5 minutes till the hostess came back and she walked us to our table. She handed each of us a menu and I started to look through it. I looked at the beverage menu and I looked at the different type of wines they had. I chose a red wine and when a waiter came to our table, we each told him what we wanted to drink and he wrote it all down before he walked away to get our drinks.
In the meantime, I looked around to see if I can spot the two 'humans', but it didn't take me long since the two were only a table away from us. The two were smiling at each other and I did see the love that were in their eyes. The two of them were definitely cute together, but that wasn't my main focus as if now. It was to get to know who they were.
I used my listening skills and I zoned on the two of them. I stared and just focused on those two alone. "This is such a great night. It's a full moon too. The stars are shining and I feel so great right now." The one in the red said and Neala responds by saying, "Well I know that we have been getting a lot of shit from you know who, and I wanted to treat you and make you all happy again. Seeing how you are all giddy and smiley, I'm proud to know that it's working." "It is, you are such an amazing girlfriend Neala." "You are even more amazing Harriet."
"So what are you getting now?" Lilliam asked and I looked and gestured to the couple that wasn't too far from us. "The one in the red. Her name is Harriet and the other one we already know is Neala," I tell the two and the two of them slowly nodded their heads. "Well can you do this after we are done eating? I'm starving and the waiter is bound to come back any second," Louis says and I sighed and looked at the menu.
"You know what I like and what I don't, so surprise me. I'm really trying to see if these two are really human..." "Why would they pretend to be human anyway?" "I don't think they're pretending Lilly. I think they are really unaware as to what they are. I think those two truly believe that they're human and they don't know about their true identity." "That sounds rather interesting. Does chicken Alfredo sound nice to you?" Louise asked, not really listening to the conversation at hand here. "Yeah, that's fine. Order me water too." Louise nods and when the waiter came around, she did all the ordering while Lilliam and I were talking about the two.
"It would be pretty weird if those two are angels." "It wouldn't really be weird. Supernatural beings are meant to be located here. As we all know, this is a forgotten town. Where all supernatural live. They'll be a part of this town soon enough. I mean, they are communicating well with the other people around them," I pointed out and even Lilliam looked to see the two conversing with another table that was right next to them.
"Now what if what happened yesterday was just a coincidence and they are really just humans?" Lilliam then asked and I looked at her. "Then I'm going to feel like a mad creep right now. However, I just have a strong feeling that they're more than what we think. The water just came down from our if nowhere Lilliam. You should've seen it. Harriet was sad about it too and when Neala was furious, thunder sounded off. That can't just be nothing..."
"But what if it is?" "Then Louise has every right to say 'I told you so'. Now if I'm right, then I deserve an apology from both of you." "Of course Z."
"And if we scare those two out of town before we learn the truth about them, then we shall find out via hunting them down." I looked at Louise who was staring at the couple now. "What? You got me interested..."
I went back to my investigating and Harriet takes notice of me staring at her and Neala. "Neala...she's staring at us..." Neala looked to see me and her smile dropped. She then took her girlfriends hand and she massaged it gently while giving her comforting words. I still stared at them. I hope that Neala knows that I'm not intimidated by her at all. You can ask my girlfriends if they have ever intimidated me and they would probably laugh. I never get scared by anything or anyone. It takes a lot to scare a demon. It takes a lot to even make a demon jump.
When our food arrived, Louis stopped me from staring and she told me to eat. She was interested in this whole angel thing, but she still cares for my eating habits.
I picked up my napkin and I placed it on my lap before I picked up my fork. We chatted about anything and everything that didn't consist of the two possible angels that weren't far from us.
Louis took a few photos of our date and I was photo ready of course. We even made goofy photos. We always tend to do things like this so that we would enjoy our dates even if they're already over.
I know that Harriet is probably relieved that I've stopped staring at her, but I'm going to make her realize that I'm not going to give up. I'm going to figure out who they are and if they're angels, then there will be only one question left in my head. Which is: where have they been when we were fighting for our home? Why weren't they fighting with us and why didn't they come to our aide when they saw that we were hurt. We were tossed to the side for so long and they want to show up now.
Even though this is probably the least of their worries and who knows...maybe they will fix things around here. Maybe they'll have others remember us. Maybe they'll have us get more people to visit and probably stay. That's all that we really want. We just wanted to be remembered rather than forgotten. It's the real reason as to why we really don't make friends with newcomers. Because once they leave us, they'll forget to visit.
"Z! Eat!" Louise demands and I looked at her to see her pouting and I noticed that I have been poking at my food rather than eating it. I nodded and did what she told me to and continued to eat my food.
I'll find it all out pretty soon...
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