Liked by nealahoran and others
harrietstyles: Spending my summer with this one♥️ P.S: Yes, she is this naturally beautiful😊
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nealahoran: This is going to be the best summer ever! Especially since I'm with you, my love♥️
annetwist: Be sure to call everyday that you're away!
gemmastyles: Will miss you baby sis!
beberexha: Send vacay photos!
I turned off my phone and I continued to pack for my long trip with my girlfriend, Neala. The two of us decided to go to this abandoned town that is "forgotten", and it's apparently deserted. It's known to not have a lot of people and it's like...the perfect place for Neala and I. We both hate being in loud places and we don't really like to be around places that are popular for parties or hangouts. We just like to feel at peace and we like to be fully relaxed.
"I'm starting to load the care baby!" Neala called from the bottom floor of our town house.
"Okay, I'm finishing up love!" I called back and went even faster with the packing. I quickly finished up on my last suitcase and I zipped it up. When I looked at the three suitcases in my room, I sighed. "Love!" "Yes hun?" "Can you help me bring these down please?" I asked and I waited about 2 minutes before my door opened and Neala stepped into my room. She sees the three and nods. "Okay, you 1, me 2, got it? Break!" She claps and I laugh. We went with her plan and when all the bags were in her car, she happily closed the trunk and took my hands.
"Here's to a much needed break from everything and everyone. With you," she says and I smiled. The two of us kissed a really passionate and loving kiss. It was as if this was going to be our last time being here, but we had to sadly come back to this...we only finished our first year of uni and we just have 3 more to go...
We broke apart and I went to the passenger side of the car while she got on the driver side. When we buckled in, Neala leaned over and we kissed again, but she took a picture of this one. When she took the picture, she kissed me a few more times and it made me giggle. I loved it whenever she did that. It made me a certain way that is pleasant.
She backs out of the driveway and I watch as our townhouse becomes a farther distance from us. "Now this needs some smooth music," I said and I got on her phone. She needed it for the gps, I knew that, so I went on Pandora to put on some tunes that we both enjoy.
"You know me so well!" Neala exclaims and I giggle, putting her phone back on its little holder. "This drive is like hours long. I hope you're ready for that," she says a few minutes into the drive. "You best believe it! I brought little sandwiches, water bottles, and sleeping masks in case if I get tired or you. I also brought money knowing that we might need some coffee or a nice smoothie." "...and you wonder why I was shocked that you didn't go the nursing route." "How come?" "Because you are literally prepared for everything," she says and I laughed.
I looked at Neala's GPS and I saw that the trip was going to take about 5 hours. I sat back and started to text my good friends along the way. They joked about how much sex Neala and I were going to have on our own. I wasn't going to disregard their jokes, since they were a bit true. I do hope that this trip gives us a little more time to be intimate with one another. Her and I have been together more than any other typical high school relationships last.
"What are the girls talking about?" Neala asked when we got to a red light. "They are messing with us, talking about how we are going to have so much sex while we're away," I answered and it made Neala laugh. "Well, they're not wrong. I hope that this trip brings us even more closer in a certain way," she then says to me and I look at her. She winks at me and started driving once the light turned green. Which sucked because I wanted to give her a kiss before she pressed on the gas.
For the next hour, we were just talking. Nothing specific, and that's the best part about our relationship. When it comes to Neala, you can talk about almost anything and everything with her. She doesn't shut your thoughts out and she makes almost anyone feel included in the conversation. Even though we do have a pretty small circle of friends.
"Tell me when you're about to get tired or you don't want to drive anymore," I tell my girlfriend and Neala nods. "Will do madam," she says as a joke and it does get me to giggle. I looked out the window and I blindly place my hand on her hand that was on the gear stick. Which had Neala respond by flipping her hand over and intertwining our fingers together. I looked and smiled at the sight. "Love you doll," she says as she makes a turn single-handed. "Love you too lucky."
"Okay, we're almost there!" I cheered as I took a turn. Neala was getting tired behind the wheel, so we swapped places. She was now eating and relaxing. Which was what I told her to do since she has a hard time falling asleep during car rides. "We are only 30 minutes away," I said, looking around at the empty space. "It looks very promising," Neala says and I agree with her. If this place was swarming with people, then I would've turned this car around. Indefinitely.
"So what house are we staying in?" I asked as I was making another turn, but this one had the house that we were supposedly staying in for the entire summer. "It's supposedly abandoned, but I made sure that the house had no haunting comments in the reviews." "...I was so close to turning this car around Neala...I freaking hate scary places," I spoke with a pout. "Your destination is on the right," I looked to the right of us and I pulled off to the side. I put the car in park and I awe at the sight of our vacation home.
"This looks pretty cute," I said, taking a few photos of the house. "Want to stay in the same room?" Neala asked and I looked at her. "We sleep in the same room back at the townhouse, right?" I asked as my answer. She grins, kisses me, and we both went to her truck to get our bags. "The agent told me that the spare keys can be found underneath the mat," Neala says as we approach the front door.
I bent down and lifted up the Welcome mat. I see two black keys and I take one of them. I passed it back to Neala and she takes it, thanking me in the process. I stand back up and I enter my key into the lock. I turned it and the door easily unlocks. I look at my girlfriend and the two of us smile at each other briefly. I open the door and the inside looks incredible. We are first met with the living room.
"This is so nice!" I squealed and entered the house first. "It's supposedly a family home, but I guess that just means that there is more room for us." Neala and I make our way to the 2nd floor and we find a pretty nice and cute bedroom.
"How cute!" I chirped and walked to the bed immediately. I turned and fell back onto the bed. I smiled at the warm comfort. When I felt the bed dip a bit, I turned my head and saw Neala looking right at me. "This is perfect. Silence. Relaxation. Vintage. Everything that we are on the search for almost constantly," I said with a joyful look on my face. "Now we have it and I'm going to experience it all with you." She kissed me gently and I kissed back.
"You know...I did want to make love to you plenty of times on this trip." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah...I think I want of one those times right now," I bite my lip and her eyes shine with lust. "Well what are you waiting for?" "I have to throw something on first. I do want to make this as pleasurable as possible," I tell her, getting up from the bed. She giggles this time and she sits up as well. "Well why don't you go and get yourself ready while I get myself ready in here?" She suggested and I nodded my head happily.
I grabbed the suitcase that had all of my sexy costumes and I hurried out the door. I went to the next available room and I went to the bathroom that was attached to it. I squealed for what was about to happen and I started to get ready for this really steamy night. I started to undress myself and I tossed the clothes into a nice looking vintage basket that was in the corner.
I then decided to play some smooth music that was going to definitely get me more into the swing of things. Of course the thought of Neala was a given, but to warm things up, I tend to play some sexy like tones.
I grabbed the outfit that I bought not too long ago and I started to get myself dressed.
I fixed the bra part of the costume and I adjusted the hem of the shorts. "I knew that it was going to look hot," I said to myself and turned, admiring myself in the mirror. I even took a couple of pictures of myself so that I can post them later.
What the fuck was that? I turned my head to the sound of a camera going off. "Is there someone there? Neala? Did you sneak in?" I asked as I looked around the room. I then heard something fumble and I jumped. I turned to where I heard the sound and I walked very slowly towards it. It led me to the brown cabinets that was to the far right of me.
I take the cabinets by their handles and I open the door.
I screamed.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?!" I shout. It was a black haired woman with blue eyes standing right in front of me.
The girl just looked at me, smirks, and stepped out of the cabinet. She takes a step towards me and I back up. She does this until my back is pressed to the wall. She looks at me up and down and chuckled. "You look better naked~" she whispers before she leaned forward and licks...my neck? What the fuck?
"See you later, city girl," she flirts and steps out of the bathroom. I stood there for a second, but I quickly went after the stranger, but when I opened the door and walked out of the bedroom, I didn't just see her, but two other women. "Get out!" Neala shouts and she stands in front of me for protection. "Or else I'm calling the cops!" She then threatens and I hid behind her.
The three women turn and look up to lock eyes with us.
The three just stared until the one with brown hair spoke up. "No offense sexy, but we don't like people like you. In fact, we hate your kind. Don't think that you're welcomed. The cops won't give two shits about you, so don't even bother." Then it was that girl that I was in the bathroom with, "Have a nice vacay honey's! Save some pics, yeah?" She sarcastically says and the three turn and left the house.
"What the fuck...who were they? Where did you bring us Neala?!" I asked in front as I rushed down the stairs to lock the door. When a bang came from it, I jumped and fell on my bum. Laughter came from the other side and I looked and saw through the window right next to it and...I screamed.
"Oh my God!" I shout and I scury away from the door. "What the absolute fuck?!" Neala shouts when she sees what I saw.
Their eyes!
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