16. The First United Gods
If you’ve been following in this book then you can expect that when Exodus walked out of Olympus, worse things happened. So I oblige you to read further because this is where it gets a bit interesting.
Exodus knew they were hiding something. He also knew it was Hecate’s fault. The mist had been obscuring the Gods, Greeks, Romans and Egyptians vision from one another. But this was it. The world was about to find out that there were other gods.
Exodus decided that he wanted to see Egypt so he started his journey there. He first went to the Luxor Temple where he met one of the sun gods, Amun. Amun, as you can remember, is the god of life. Basically the Egyptian equivalent of Exodus. The Egyptians called him Amun-Ra. He and Exodus got along greatly.
The next day, Exodus stumbled out the temple. He must’ve felt sick from all the information. Amun had explained that there first was Chaos then Order. So the Deities he met created wind, water and etc but what really created their world was Apophis.
Exodus felt weak and dizzy. He sat down and looked at his arm. It was turning a darker tinge of brown. He, too late, realized what was happening. He tried to make a run to the temple but he lost control as Trigon took his place on top.
Even though Trigon was back in the world, he still saw fit in Exodus’ plan. If there were other gods and monsters then he needed to find them. He finished his journey in two days. He visited Step Pyramid of Djoser (the first pyramid), the Valley of Kings (a burial site), the Great Sphinx (a lion with the head of a female Pharoah) and of course the Great Pyramid of Giza.
He met many gods including the god of Evil, Set. Set told him everything about his family, about his nephew, Horus and his sister, Isis, as well as his resentful search for his prey. Trigon understood what this god felt, this meaning that he got along with Set and he vowed that if Set ever needed him, he would be there.
At the end of the day, Trigon had all the info he needed. Like the Olympian gods, the Egyptians had a rough history and the fighter, Horus the avenger, king of the gods, had won. The same way Zeus had one during the Titan war.
Trigon had scoured everything. The gods moved all over. They liked to stay where they were believed in most. While the Olympians where living in Europe, the Egyptians fought for control. Cleopatra’s needle was built as a piece symbol between the Olympians and Egyptians. Many more obelisks were built to symbolize these great gods who roam in their countries.
But there was something mysterious about this. There was a third group. See, temples and statues were built to symbolize the Olympians. Temples were built for all gods but when you think about Egypt, you think pyramids and obelisks. But some temples weren’t like the Olympus ones. They were different.
Olympus temples were made from marble. The roofs were held up by columns which carried on all around.
Inside the temple, there was no furniture. In the walls were statues of the god it was built for and at the end was a twenty metre statue of the god. At the sides of the god's feet were two sacrificial fires.
But the other temples were totally different. These were more open. It was symmetric, built almost like a medieval castle. Inside was a hall lined with pillars. At the end of the hall was Egyptian type god, basically a god with an animal head but the body was also an animal, the same animal. And it was in a weird position like it was stretching or concentrating. Maybe both.
Trigon travelled east from Egypt. The Egyptians told him there were others that were out there , others like different people, other cultures and even other gods. Trigon asked about the different temples and the Egyptians said they didn’t make them. The people were called ‘countrymen’ which was a name that meant born in foreign country. They were supposedly called this because they couldn’t adapt to the ways the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians lived. They just came and built there temples and left.
Trigon soon found out why the countrymen couldn’t adapt. Egypt was mainly just desert and river. Here it was just grass everywhere. From high above the place was littered with temples and houses. People covered in black veils strolled in the streets.
Suddenly Trigon was falling not levitating. He was about hit the ground when he tucked into a roll and came up standing. He looked around to see what wind god did this.
Once again Trigon was not surprised because a god formed into existence in front of him. His skin was dark blue. On top of his black hair, a crown shaped to look like a temple topped his head. Jewels were embedded in his crown. He had a moustache too, the ones that criminals in old movies would have.
If you thought the skin was crazy, you should’ve seen his arms. He had four of them. Two were crossed across his bare chest like he couldn’t believe he has to do this. The other two were holding some objects. The left arm was holding a chalice of some sorts. The other was holding a yellow flag.
The first thing that popped into Trigons mind was. “Are you a countryman?”
“No you dolt! My people are called the Indians and you’re trespassing, you Roman. I am the protector of these airs. I am Vayu, god of winds!” The blue man seemed to be getting bluer. In fact the sky seemed to become darker. Vayu’s mood must affect the sky.
“Vayu, you say?” Trigon kidded with him. He needed to buy some time and receive some information. "You’re name must mean breeze or minty, right?"
“Well done! You’re the first person who could’ve guessed it. So who are you, mister? Jupiter or Vulcan?”
Now, normally being mistaken for a god like Vulcan is acceptable but to be mistaken for Jupiter was an insult for Trigon. For one, Trigon was way more powerful than Jupiter and much better looking. Two, because of their previous fights being compared to someone you hated just made him furious.
He found himself screaming “I am greater than Jupiter! I am TRIGON, Titan of CHAOS!”
After saying that he realized that this whole city heard him. He took one long breath and continued in his normal voice.
“The gods have separated us too long. I have come here seeking answers and to gain knowledge about your kind and your fellow gods.”
Vayu looked at him strangely. He was probably thinking what everybody thought when a Roman Titan came in contact with another god and says that he wants to learn.
“Very well come with me” Vayu turned and walked away.
As he walked the world dissolve leaving nothing but space. Then millions of bubbles formed in space. Trigon realized where he was floating. He was walking on the primordial god, Chaos. But there was just spirit here, nothing to be destroyed.
“You feel his presence?” Vayu asked him.
“I feel his presence around me.” Trigon answered.
“Indeed. We are walking on Vak, An abstract god who controls the universe. For us Hindu gods, she is our queen. To create all this, ” He waved his hand at the bubbles. “, she made sound and created these realms and elements. It took many times to make the world we live in.”
“So you must’ve spent a lot of time planning.” Trigon found this annoying. “What are all these bubbles?”
“These bubbles are all universes. Each one represents a different universe. They are all divided into three levels: the heavenly planets, our realm; the earthly realm and the lower worlds.”
“Like all our realms. On top we have Olympus, and then you have their cities where their children live and finally the Underworld, where all our dead go.”
Vayu stared at him like he was crazy. Maybe, it’s because he never heard a Titan say that before or the fact that a chaos Titan knew their realms. That scared of him.
“The earth is controlled by Purusha who took form of man. What you call Fields of Punishment we call Naraka. It is where our villains are tortured for what they did in their lives.”
Suddenly the bubbles disappeared and were replaced by a harsh desert floor littered with skulls. There were big like sacrificial braziers everywhere filled with red harsh fire. Around the braziers half a dozen men stood with tridents poking the fire.
“This is how we torture the torturers of life.” Vayu pointed at one of the braziers.
Only now, Trigon realized that there were men in the brazier. The men standing around the brazier were pushing them in with the tridents.
“Wow. Kind of boring isn’t it?” Trigon asked “One punishment for all, I mean?”
Vayu didn’t answer him. It occurred to him that he couldn’t possibly describe every realm in this Hinduism.
Basically there were only three important realms which I mentioned already. So basically it was Heaven, Earth and Hell. Olympus, Athens and then the Underworld. Every culture has one so you get the idea.
So after Vayu explained his realms, Trigon wanted Vayu and his fellow gods to follow him to this location.
Vayu explained that his gods were all about achieving enlightenment and letting your spirit become free from your body which didn’t sit well with Trigon. Trigon was not meant to create but only destroy. Well unless you’re creating to destroy then it was okay.
Trigon left after Vayu foolishly declined his offer. He flew back home to Olympus flying the king of The Nights (black, shadow dragons that he had fathered). As he flew he noticed that a strange army was partying only a few hundreds of miles away from India.
It was Dionysus and his Bacchae marching away from India. They looked beaten up and tired from their fight with the Brahmans.
“Dionysus!” Trigon circled the god and landed in front of him. I saw your battle and it was humiliating. But no matter, I have a deal for you. Give me your army and I’ll restore your glory.”
Dionysus didn’t feel too happy. And it didn't help that the Titan of chaos just made him a deal to restore his honour. But Dionysus remembered something Exodus wouldn’t do.
“I’ll give you my army if you go on a date with Ambrosia, the nymph.” Dionysus tried for a winning smile.
“I will honour our agreement.” Trigon bowed to Dionysus.
He turned to the army and shouted a war cry. “For Dionysus!”
The army repeated the cheer, hefted their clubs, swords and shields and marched back the way they came. Trigon saddled on the king of Night and flew above the army. He even exerted chaos magic through the ranks making them want to create chaos.
He flew back the way he came and battled Vayu for forty days. This is Trigon we’re talking about so there was no doubt that he eventually won. After all he is a Titan. He captured Vayu and marched back to Egypt where he captured Horus the avenger as well.
Then when he reached Rome, he attacked the citadel and captured Bellona, the Roman goddess of war.
He took his prisoners to Graeco-Armenian, now call Armenia.
His plan was to lead their godly friends into Armenia to unite them. His plan worked a little too well.
The entire Olympian council with the Roman army came. Fifty of Vayu’s godly friends came too with the remaining forces of the Brahman. The Egyptians came with two gods and hundreds of men.
Trigon didn’t even need to give them an ultimatum. As soon as they saw each other marching they united to strike Trigon down. But they didn’t have too. The gods just promised to unite and he gave up his captives.
He kept his promise to Dionysus and dated his foster mother Ambrosia. He became the patron god of Armenia or he would’ve if they’d known about him.
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