Deadly Dreams
The stars shine brightly, each one glistening like an individual diamond. Darkness envelopes the stars and the forest that is below it. Here I stand, waiting along a branch. My hair blows in the wind as my dress dances with the leaves in the tree.
The air is cold; I can tell by the frost that litters the ground.
I glance around the forest, catching all the creatures nervously shifting around as they are attempting to avoid their demise. I can see everything clearly; from a spec of dust floating in the air to a snowflake drifting towards the ground. Nature is beautiful when it isn't trying to kill you. Not that anything would dare wander towards me; any species, human or not, knows danger when they see it.
I glance around as I take flight and jump towards the ground. I have gotten used to it by now; the impact no longer causes me pain. I enjoy the feeling of being in the air. To have the wind-driven into my hair as my feelings around me are forced away. I can take a moment and breathe and ignore everything besides the sound that drowns out my thoughts. But, it is quick. It always is. Sometimes I beg for my flight to be longer. I just want to hang onto my peace for a little bit longer, but that never happens.
I look around the forest as my tongue licks my lips. The hunger that gnaws at my stomach is quickly driving into my chest. I can feel my head start to get foggy, and I know that my time of being sane is limited. My eyes look towards the creatures. Some are sleeping while others are awake, keeping an eye on expecting beasts ready to make them their next meal. Here I keep an eye around, looking at all the little creatures that make their way into my line of sight.
I can feel my fangs and nails elongate as my footsteps skip along the frostbit ground. In the distance, I can spot the frame of a hog. It's familiar; I remember my mom buying it along the market a few times when I was young. The meat is full of nutrients and can be considered a delicacy for many, besides the royals, of course. I remember eating it on Gala evening when I was eight, the taste still lingers in my mouth as I walk towards the outline of it.
The Yehema hog is its official name. They are rare to eat because they have venom injected in their tusks. One sting and an adult male can be paralyzed for up to two hours. The hog only needs two minutes to brutally mutilate its new prey. The good thing for me is I only need a half of a second to inject a venom of my own.
My steps become faster, but I don't make any sound. I am like a shadow, no one can hear me, but I am here. I the hog's every move and take in surrounding scents. I track closely, but no one can ever spot me until it's too late.
I'm only a meter away from the hog before I wait a second. It is groggy and ready to go to sleep. I can tell that it is a young male. That means the venom it carries is potent, but I don't worry for a second.
I launch myself, looking like a flash of lightning to those that observe me. My claws launch themselves into the hog's soft fur, and I allow my fangs to pierce its neck. My venom is injected, and the hog lets out a soft squeal before passing away. I start to drink its blood; the taste is bland. There is a little bit of sweetness hidden within the fluid, but other than that, it tastes like nothing. I have learned quickly that the only blood that tastes of anything is human blood. But, I have only gotten small tastes of the unholy liquid.
I drain the hog of all its fluid, and I leave it to rot for the fungi to dismantle. My eyes gaze around as the small creatures look terrified. I don't blame them; I am something that no one wants to be attacked by. I wipe the blood that lingers on my face with my hand; my fangs retract to their normal size. My claws shrink back to their elongated self, and I feel the blood start to make its way through my body. Instantly, my head becomes left confused, and I can finally start to feel the energy surge throughout my limbs.
The color in my world starts to return as my steps start to feel less sluggish. My legs feel light; it is almost like I am skipping along a cloud. I sprint around the forest as I can feel the sun is starting to rise. I know I wasn't supposed to be out this late hunting, but, sometimes, the taste of blood can always be too alluring. It is hard to ignore the temptation that nips at my skin.
I follow the common route that I took to get to my hunting grounds in the first place. I can see the kingdom gates approaching quickly. My heart skips a beat as the nerves that were once hidden start to arrive at my fingertips. I swallow my pride and look towards the little hole that is woven into the side of the gate. Guards are able to see the path I take, but the crater that is within the gates is hidden beyond mortal sight.
I look around as the night guards gaze blankly forward. No one dares to approach them, ever. I tiptoe around towards the path, and I can spot the glowing gateway. I take a deep breath and dash forwards. The air gushes past me as any weight I hold on my body is tossed away, and the feeling of flight is dashed between my individual steps.
"Aperta porta," I whisper. The door opens quickly as I fly through the opening. As soon as I see the torches that line the walls, my nerves instantly calm down. The door closes behind me, and I look around the familiar hallway. I start to walk down the long withdrawn hall. The only light provided is by the torches, but I can see each crack and crevice easily due to my sight.
I notice the dripping of water along the top of the ceiling as I pass under the waterfall that hides within the garden of the kingdom walls. The hall starts to swerve into different directions, but I follow the path that I have grown accustomed to.
I take a deep breath and open a door that appears at the end of the hall. From there, I am greeted by a breath of cool, fresh air.
I wake up freezing, my breath comes out in frozen breaths. The rags that cover my body aren't enough to preserve my body heat. My mom lays in the corner as she prepares a mush of some sort. I nervously look towards my fingertips half expecting to find them to be monster-like, covered in blood. But they are normal, bit off nails. I let out a deep breath of relief. It was only a dream. A very, vivid, dream.
Every night have this dream. Every damn night. I am scared to close my eyes. I don't like the feeling of blood flowing down my throat, and I don't like the darkness that always encloses my body. I know it is just a dream but it always feels so damn realistic.
"Mama," I utter. My voice is rough due to the cold weather. My lungs itch as the air is dry; it is oh so bitter. My mom casts a glance at me while smiling. Her hair is cast into a neat bun, wrinkles litter her face and skin, but it is not due to age. It is due to the overwhelming stress of keeping us afloat.
My mother and I are peasants. No one knows our name besides when the routine collector comes around demanding our last remaining coins. We work hard, but to gain copper and silver hardly covers the amount needed for mush, let alone wood for the winter.
"Another nightmare," my mom whispers as she brings out a wooden bowl filled halfway with a light brown mush. I can see a bit of --- is sprinkled on top to bring some sort of flavor to my mouth. I give her a smile before taking my small --- and take minute bites of it. The flavor is familiar, but, at this point, I no longer enjoy the idea of food. It seems more like an unneeded expense than a necessity.
"Thank you, mama," I smile before finishing my mush and walk towards the corner of our hut where a wash hole persists. I place it near the one other bowl and --- before walking over and giving my mom a kiss on the forehead.
"It is snowing, Alice," my mom points as she sips on her own mush. I cringe at the idea. That explains why it is so cold in here. I can confirm that winter has arrived in full force. Nature has spared us for most of the year, but it seems like our luck only lasts for so long. We have had a good farming season this year with loads of rain. However, the winter seems to always be the longest, and most unforgiving, season of the year.
"I hate the snow, mama," I mummer as I cast a shawl over my nightgown. I need to grab my dress from the tailor. Mama insisted on getting me a new winter dress despite our lack of coins. I pleaded with her not to do so, but she never listened. I continue, to this day, protest her decision, but I will always be told that only Mama knows best.
"Alice," Mama froze for a second as she looks towards her hands, only now can I see the small pouch resting in her lap. She gets up and walks towards me, "Take this and see if you can find any sweets you want."
"Mama, no. We can't afford that," It's a surprise when she shoves the pouch into my hands; I can see that it contains two gold coins and three silver ones. I shake my head, "please, no. I can't, Mama."
"Hush, Alice. It is time for Gala, and you deserve to have something sweet before the celebration," I give Mama a smile before turning towards the door of our shack.
"I'll be back in a little bit. I love you."
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