30. New Times
For something over an hour, Harry and Louis have been sitting atthe shore, watching the day wake up. They didn't really talk.Enjoying each other's presence was enough together with theoccasional stolen kiss in between. But now the sun was bright in thesky and the first people started to appear at the beach.
"We should get back. Can't have you starving" Louis untangledhimself from Harry when he heard his stomach grumble.
"Only if you let me back into your arms when we're home" Harrypouted up at him, still sitting on the sand.
"Of course, you big oaf" Louis rolled his eyes at him fondly.
Grinningly, Harry rose up to his feet and planted a quick kiss onLouis' lips. "Perfect".
With a blush tinting his cheeks, Louis cleared his throat and tooka look around. "How did you get here? Please, say your car".
"You're in luck. I drove straight back here from London. Well,to the bar first but then your friends told me off and I ended uphere. Still don't know why this has been my first thought" Harrytold him and they started walking towards it. "That's a lie. I knowwhy. Here is where we first kissed. I had to come back".
"When did you become so cheesy, you sab?" Louis wondered, hisheart racing so fast.
"The moment you told me you still loved me and gave me anotherchance I don't deserve. Or maybe when I couldn't stop staring at your picture on the desk in his office and realised I love you. Orwhen I saw you on stage and thought you would never take me back andI ruined the best thing in my life" Harry cupped Louis' face intohis hands, caressing his cheeks.
"You didn't," Louis said simply but surely.
"I'm a lucky bastard" Harry mumbled with a small smile.
"You really are" Louis kissed him again.
Only a few minutes later, they reached Harry's car and hoppedinside. With music filling the tired silence, they drove back towardsLouis' house. The lights were on, which signalled to Louis that Zaynwas awake. Well ...
"Louis, is that you?" Zayn's voice was heard as soon as Louishad opened the door. A second later he came running into the hallway,looking frantic. "Where the hell have you been? I woke up and youweren't here but no note, nothing!".
"I'm sorry, Joey. I couldn't sleep and just needed some air. Iwent to the beach and my phone was off" Louis apologised guiltily.
"As long as you're okay ..." Zayn trailed off a lot calmer. Atthe same time, Liam and Niall appeared behind him.
"I'm okay" Louis assured him.
"And as I see you found something along the way and decided tokeep it" Zayn let his eyes travel over to Harry behind Louis.
"Yeah. We ran into each other at the beach. Please, no moreslapping. I think he had quite enough" Louis pulled a funny face.
"Nah, we're way past this point but it was long overdue" Liamwaved the matter off.
"I never slapped him" Niall clarified child-like.
"No, you only punched his shoulder. I know" Louis grinnedamusedly, watching Niall's cheeks redden.
"And you two? Talked it out? Came to a solution and found somecommon ground?" Zayn eyed them in a weird voice.
"He explained himself and I came to the conclusion that I can'tlet him go again, no matter if this seems smart or not" Louis lethim know, starting to worry why Harry stayed absolutely silent.
"Love matters are never decided on smartness or logic, Tommy"Zayn offered him a smile. "So, are you two ...?".
"Um ... Yes? We didn't really talk about ..." Louis suddenlybecame insecure again. They hadn't talked about what they were. Anunwelcomed feeling of fear and panic overcame him, causing him todoubt them shortly for a moment.
"We're a couple. I guess ... I mean, I'd love to but we didn't..." Harry finally spoke up, stumbling over his words beforelocking eyes with Louis. "Would you have me? As your boyfriend, Imean".
"Of course, Haz. I love you. What more do you need to know? Iwasn't sure you were ready for ...".
"I'm more than ready. I love you more than anything and wouldlove to be only yours" Harry interrupted him eagerly.
"Then be mine" Louis touched Harry's face softly.
"I prefer you not being this disgustingly cute in front of us,urgh" Zayn gagged jokingly, giving them his blessing like this.
"How about breakfast? You must be starving, Harry. Have you beenat the beach since we sent you off?" Liam questioned with bigguilty eyes.
"Maybe" Harry nibbled on his bottom lip.
"The whole night? Harry!" Niall gasped in horror.
"I didn't know where to go or what to do. I needed to clear myhead before facing Louis" Harry justified his actions.
"You could have gone home" Liam suggested stupidly.
"No," Harry said simply but it sounded heavy.
"You should still let Bella know you're here and about to stay,maybe" Louis bit the inside of his cheek anxiously.
"I'm gonna ring my Mum later. She will be happy if I tell herI'm gonna stay for a while, a pretty long while" Harry squeezedLouis' hand in reassurance.
"Come on, H. Let's make you some breakfast" Liam ushered himinto the kitchen.
"For Louis too" Harry threw in before he was out of sight.
"You look like a whipped and lovesick puppy" Niall commenteddryly, eyeing Louis up and down.
"Maybe I am" Louis shrugged unbothered.
"I wasn't sure he would actually talk to you but maybe it wasfate that you went to the same place" Zayn mused out loud. "WhenI saw him at the bar I was pretty mad and hoped you hadn't seen himwhile you were on stage but then I realised you didn't. We just hadto talk to him and find out what he wants. I never meant to slap himbut it just came over me".
"It's okay, Joey. I'm surprised I didn't slap him" Louis put ahand onto Zayn's shoulder soothingly.
"I'm sure you slapped him with your lips" Niall cackledidiotically.
"Just ignore him, Tommy" Zayn rolled his eyes at him.
"What did he say when you cornered him?" Louis needed to know.The curiosity was killing him and something told him it was importantsomehow.
"Not much. Only that he needed to come back one more time to seeif he did the right thing. He sounded like he was about to leave forgood but wasn't happy about it. We quite literally forced him to tellus what was going on but only when I mentioned you he cracked andtold us Jackson was out of his life, this time for real and he knowshe fucked up" Zayn reported to him calmly.
"I was happy to hear he left Jackson behind but I needed to knowwhat changed his mind. You did. Or your picture? The fact thatJackson was about to force you back into his web? I'm not really surebut somewhere along the line Harry knew what he needed to do and toldhim off. I have no idea how he managed to get out of the office aliveafter the stunt he pulled but ..." Niall added some moreinformation and Zayn nodded along.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Louis stopped him puzzled.
"That he threatened him? Told him to watch his back because hewould regret ever mistreating you. Did he not tell you about this?"Niall looked shocked.
"No, we didn't talk much about his meeting with Jackson but thisis ... Wow, that's something" Louis was at a loss for words.
"I wasn't sure if he really knew what he wanted but when he toldus about that and that he only wanted to apologise without anyintentions of getting you back I just knew. I knew he loved you eventhough I'm quite sure he wasn't aware of that even then. The night atthe beach apparently helped him figure that out and put it intowords. Fortunately or I would have killed him" Zayn closed up thistopic for good.
"There is nothing left to say for me. I'm just happy I have himback. Let's see how this goes" Louis smiled at his two friends.
With Niall and Zayn, he walked towards the kitchen now as well,where he overheard the last bits of conversation between Liam andHarry, who was talking. "... and I don't really have a plan withouthim. Who knows if I'll even be able to continue making music? Whowould want me after this mess?".
"There will be a way, Harry. Don't worry too much. Enjoy yourfreedom for now. With us" Liam sounded encouraging.
"With Louis".
"Barely five minutes apart and I walk in on you talking aboutyour boyfriend. You are insufferable" Niall barked into the roomunapologetic, startling both of them.
"I'm amazing, Nialler. What did you expect?" Louis pushed himforward, making him stumble towards the counter.
"You're so full of yourself, Love" Harry teased him lovingly.
"Would you prefer it if you were full of me instead?" Louispropped his hands up on his hips with a smug smirk.
"Louis!" Harry shrieked with bright red cheeks.
Niall only laughed loudly at the scene while Zayn made gaggingnoises and Liam looked right out scandalized. Louis only leaned backagainst the counter, pinching Harry's bum just because he could andliked to show that. "Make me food".
In a happy mood, they all ate breakfast together. Louis had foundout that none of them had eaten either because Zayn had called themup first thing in the morning to panic over Louis being gone withouta trace. He felt kind of bad for worrying Zayn but it was also niceto see that no one could kidnap or kill him without Zayn noticing itin an instant. He would not be forgotten.
After washing the dishes, they were about to move theirconversation and banter into the living room when his phone vibrated.His friends' heads turned towards him with many different emotionsswimming in their eyes. "Give me a second".
From Aurelio:
"Can you come over to the officenow? It's urgent"
"Oh, and take Harry with you".
"It's Aurelioand he wants to see me and Harry. Like right now. Asap. Guess we haveto bail on you. Rain check on the movie?" Louis let his friends inon what was going on.
Visibly relieved,Liam relaxed. "Of course. Call us if you need anything, yeah?".
"Why does hewant to see me, too?" Harry looked terrified.
"There is onlyone way to find out, Darling".
Half an hourlater, Louis was walking into the label building with Harry trailingnext to him. Obviously, this was stressing him out after his lastencounter in a place like this. What he didn't know was that therewas no need to be afraid. Aurelio was the nicest person he knew andhe would never do or say anything to hurt somebody.
"Thank you forcoming, boys," Aurelio said in greeting when they entered hisoffice.
"But we didn'tyet" Louis just couldn't help himself.
"Spare me thedetails" Aurelio grimaced while Harry only blushed. "Take a seat.There is something we should talk about".
"Cut thetension. What is it?" Louis inquired impatiently.
"Jacksoncontacted me this morning" Aurelio came straight to the point.Immediately, Harry stiffened next to him. "He was pretty mad andscreamed a lot but apart from some empty threats, there was nothingworth mentioning. He tried to convince me that he still had powerover you and the boys but it was just a bluff. He can't make you comeback against your will. All your contracts are over now. It's justhis desperation speaking. And the fear of what is coming his way. Heknows it's over".
"What do youmean?" Harry frowned bewildered.
"This last yearmany artists have come forward and talked about the treatment theyhad to endure under his label. The media mostly tried to cover it upand silence them but his time is over. There are too many. He wascareless and dumb and had the wrong focus. A certain big label he isworking under that you all know is fed up with him and his missteps.They are about to throw him under the bus if one more biggerpersonality comes forward and that's about to happen" Aurelioenlightened them obviously pleased.
"Your friends,Harry" Aurelio let him in on the big news. "Your ex-bandmatescame up with the idea of contacting all these other artists andteaming up. They want to film a documentary about Jackson andeverything he did. Well, about their journey but this includesJackson and the contracts. They wanna bring him down in flames with abig boom".
"No one told meabout that" Harry stared blankly at him.
"When? You weregone, Love" Louis looked pointedly at him. "We were convinced youwouldn't join this mission. Now it's different".
"I wanna helpyou. I have a lot to say about this too. I'm the last person who hasbeen in contact with him" Harry offered his help and Louis was leftgaping at him in disbelief.
"Are you sure,Haz? This could get messy. He will try to drag us down with him andthrough the dirt on the way. He will use every last bit of power hehas in this industry to prove his innocence. Lies will be spread andshots will be fired ...".
"I'm ready toface all of that as long as you're by my side, Lou" Harry cut hisrambling off.
"I'm right here"Louis smiled dopey at him.
"I also have anoffer to make, Harry" Aurelio drew the attention back to him but helooked more than just happy.
"I'm all ears"Harry focused back on him with his hand on Louis' thigh, caressing itlightly.
"I know you justgave up everything, which must be hard. But I saw you on stage. Youlive and breathe music. It would be such a shame to lose that. If youwanna ... you could work with me from now on. We would have your backand would support you in every decision you make. What do you say?"Aurelio lay his offer out for him in a nervous voice.
"What?" Louisbrought out. He didn't know about this.
Harry just lookedsilently at Aurelio before glancing at Louis and then back atAurelio. "You wanna sign me?".
"If you wantthat. You could also stay independent and we find another way foryou. I just think it would be such a waste of talent to let you gounsupported. This whole war with Jackson will not come withoutconsequences and no one will sign any of you before the fronts aren'tclear. I know you could wait that long and find something better butI still thought I could offer ...".
"Okay" Harrysilenced him steadily. "I'd love to".
"Really? Wow,that's great. You won't regret it" Aurelio started beaming like achild on Christmas day.
"I know I won't.I saw the way your treat your artists and employees. There is no wayI could ever regret this. Freedom is all I want. If I can have musicas well, it would be a dream come true" Harry's eyes were sparklingand Louis couldn't look away.
"But there isstill something you must know. Liam and Niall had to face this too.Jackson still owns your whole being. Yes, the contract is over but itwas complex and your image belongs to you, which includes all yoursongs and personas and names. You will legally get this back when hegoes down I presume, but until then it's tricky. He could sue you themoment you sell anything with the name Harry Styles. It belongs tohim" Aurelio unpacked the downside to him.
"So, I wouldneed a new name to release my songs?" Harry sounded thoughtful. Insupport, Louis intertwined their fingers.
"I'm afraid so.Just a slight difference. It doesn't need to be completely different.Switch some letters or something. We can come up with a satisfyingsolution. I promise ...".
"It's okay. Thisisn't so bad. Maybe I need this as a new start. It might even begood" Harry cut him off calmly.
"Really?"Louis and Aurelio asked at the same time.
"The HarryStyles of the media, that belongs to Jackson isn't even me. It's a made-up person I never was, sometimes maybe. I can leave him behind andstart all over with a new name and new music and a new me. The realme" Harry had a determined expression on his face, looking so free.
"The real you"Louis squeezed his hand. "People will love you".
"I only need youto love me, Lou" Harry put his other hand on top of Louis',caressing it tenderly.
"I already do".
"Only one morething" Aurelio tore them out of their little bubble with a smirk onhis face. "In interviews, you have to be careful what to say aboutJackson and the plan. He will not go down without a fight. This wholeprocess could take a year or even two. Be yourself as much aspossible but don't run into a trap he sets".
"Okay, noted.Thank you, Aurelio. Really. This means the world to me. Not more thanLouis but it's close" Harry thanked him emotionally.
Because Louis wasa little shit and could never hold himself back, he leaned closer toHarry's ear to whisper something Aurelio wasn't supposed to hear"Hopefully like you later".
Harry's reactionwas priceless. He turned crimson so quickly it was amusing and almostchoked on the air in the room. Aurelio only gave Louis a weirdside-eyed look that Louis returned with a cheeky grin. Way tooamused, Aurelio sent them away. "Get out!".
"I can releasemy own music" Harry shook his head in disbelief when they steppedout of the building into the sun.
"As yourself.How does that feel?" Louis took a step closer to him.
Instead ofanswering with words, Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist,causing him to wrap his own arms around Harry's neck. One secondlater, he was lifted into the air and spun around in a circle whileHarry was giggling into his neck. A bit dizzy and staggering aroundwithout balance, Harry pulled Louis closer and connected their lipsin a gentle but sure kiss. Louis could feel the people around themwatching and even snapping pictures without any respect for privacybut Harry didn't seem to mind. He kept Louis close and put theirforeheads together when they broke away from the kiss, tangling theirhands together.
"That's how itfeels. I love you, Lou".
In a bliss, theymade their way back home and were met with a silent house. A notefrom the boys let them know they were alone. Throwing the note away,they directly kissed again and stumbled upstairs into Louis' room,just in case the boys would come back earlier than expected. Theymade out for quite some time. Their clothes were scattered all aroundthe room except for their boxers. Right now, Louis was sucking abruise into Harry's neck right beneath his ear.
"Louis" Harrybrought out but wasn't strong-minded enough to stop what they weredoing. But he tried again. "Louis, Louis, Louis, Louis, Louis".
"What is it,Haz?" Louis sat up to be able to look at Harry.
"I just ...before we do anything I needed to let you know that you don't have todo anything you're uncomfortable with just to make me stay, okay? Ireally like bottoming. Hell, I'd go as far as saying I love it. So,don't worry about this, yeah? Please, don't act out of fear and offerme something you don't really want" Harry asked desperately of him,all humour and lust gone for a moment.
Louis' heartswelled and beat incredibly faster. "Fuck, I love you so much. Ipromise I won't ever do that again".
"I know why youdid it and I understand, Lou. I should have told you that when ithappened but I didn't. So I'm doing it now. I could never live withmyself if I gave you the feeling you'd had to something you don'tenjoy" Harry stroked his thumbs over Louis' cheeksaffectionately.
"I hate it backthen but I wouldn't rule it out. I mean, trying again someday withyou because I feel safe with you. Just not yet, okay? I don't think Icould do it right now" Louis replied truthfully.
"Whatever isright for you, Love" Harry kissed him softly. "But ... um today I... er ... Would you ... um ... ?".
"What do youwant, Princess?" Louis cupped Harry's face.
"Would you makelove to me, Lou?" Harry asked cutely.
"I'd do anythingfor you, Honey" Louis rubbed their noses together.
"I know and Iwould do anything for you from now on. I know we did this before andI'm being stupid, but I don't feel like we made love yet. I wasn't inthe right mindset for that. It was fucking until now, which is greatas well. But ...".
"I know, Baby. Iget it. You're not being stupid. It's how you feel and I'm with you"Louis kissed him quickly to shut him up.
"So, it wasn'tlove making to you either?" Harry crinkled his nose like a littlebunny.
"No, for this itneeds two people on the same page. At least, for me. And we weren't. Iwas okay with that, don't worry. But now we are on the same page,right?" Louis could hear some fear lacing in his voice. He couldn'thelp it. It hasn't even been a day.
"We are, Lou. Ilove you and only want you to make love to me" Harry reassured himall over again.
"As you wish,Princess".
They took theirfair share of time only exploring their bodies and caressing eachpart they could reach. Louis left dozens of marks all over Harry'sbody before he got rid of their boxers and started to get Harry readyfor him. Everything felt different this time. With three fingers in,Louis almost started crying as emotional as he felt.
"Lou, please"Harry choked out brokenly.
Having mercy onhis boyfriend, Louis fetched the lube and slicked his dick up. Harryhad asked him to take him bare this time and had assured him he hadbeen tested the first day he has been back in London. Louis felthonoured to be the only person to ever get Harry like this and fullyclaim him as his.
Finally pushingin, Louis felt a new wave of emotions washing over him and it onlyintensified when he started to slowly thrust his hips. Harry let outlittle moans and had tears in his eyes. Louis could see that he wasfeeling it, too. The new feeling between them while slowly makinglove. It felt like they were going on forever. As if their bodies hadbecome one.
"I'm so close,Lou" Harry warned him wrecked.
"Then come forme, Baby" Louis rasped out, not recognising his own voice.
With a cry ofLouis' name, Harry came all over himself, clenching around Louis'dick and making him come as well inside of Harry. After riding outtheir orgasms, Louis pulled carefully out and cleaned Harry andhimself up before pulling Harry back into his arms. With his head onLouis' chest, Harry drew small patterns on Louis' naked chest.
"This wasperfect. Different than before. It made me cry. I love you so much,Lou" Harry looked up at him.
"I cried justlike you, Haz. I love you all the same" Louis closed the distanceto kiss him again.
With a questionreflecting in his eyes, Harry locked eyes with him. "Are youalright?".
Louis felt theheavy meaning of his question and pulled Harry impossibly closer intohis chest. He pressed a kiss on the top of his head and let his handstravel down his naked spine, feeling the goosebumps erupt everywhere.Due to being this close, Louis could feel their hearts beating as oneand knew the answer.
"We'll bealright".
Thoughts on the last chapter before the epilogue?
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