27. Niall's Birthday
"He didn't say goodbye to you?" Louis couldn't believe what hejust heard but judging by the looks on Bella and Abby's faces theywere telling him the truth.
"No, he just stormed inside and looked so angry. The next thing Iknew I heard him bolt out of the house and videos of him at theairport popped up everywhere. Not a word from him" Abby reported tohim what had happened a few days ago.
"I had a feeling he would leave when he left to see Niall andLiam. The moment he saw all those articles something snapped insideof him. I tried to talk some sense into him and calm him down but hewouldn't listen. I was so scared of what he might do and the resultis even worse" Bella told them sadly.
"There's nothing you could have done, Mum" Abby squeezed hershoulder comfortingly.
"She is right, Bella. He had his mind set on leaving and goingback. No one could have stopped him" Louis agreed with Abby.
"I had hoped you could but ..." Abby trailed off unsurely.
"I'm the last person who could've changed something. He madethat pretty clear" Louis mumbled more to himself but knew both ofthem had heard him loud and clear.
"You're sure you don't wanna tell us what exactly went down?"Abby checked again carefully.
"There is no need. He's your family. You should be on his side,no matter what happened. It doesn't matter that he ... He justdoesn't love me and never meant for us to work out. A fact we have toaccept. I have to accept" Louis swallowed down the lump in histhroat, hearing Harry's words in his head again.
"I just don't understand what changed" Abby frowned deeply.
"Nothing. He was never serious about us" Louis shrugged,trying to end this conversation. It was weird to talk to them aboutthis.
"Louis, no matter what happened between you two, you will alwaysbe part of this family for me. We have your back. So, if you needanything call us at any time" Bella grabbed his hand across thekitchen table to squeeze it lightly.
"Thanks. I won't disappear this time. I promise" Louis smiledtearfully at her.
"No, that's Harry's part now. Oh, how the tables have turned"Abby muttered peeved.
"It was lovely, ladies. But I have to go now. Niall is gettingeverything ready and I need to change before I can show my facethere" Louis broke the weird tension by standing up.
"Send him our best wishes" Bella stood up as well to hug Louisgoodbye, caressing his back comfortingly.
"I will" Louis sighed into her neck.
"I'll come to your next gig, yeah? I wanna see you on stageagain" Abby pulled him into another hug.
"I'm looking forward to it" Louis smiled genuinely. It feltlike forever that he and his band had had gigs around town.
"Bye, Louis".
Shortly being reminded of Harry, Louis left the Styles' familyhome and was directly met with a few paparazzi again. They haven'tleft Domumley yet. He was followed by them everywhere but they'vebeen especially annoying when he had arrived here, obviously confused about why Louis would visit Harry's family after his harsh statement. Whatthey didn't know was that Bella had invited him over to check how hewas holding up with everything.
Pushing his way through them and ignoring their questions, Louismade his way home. Quickly, he ran upstairs and changed his outfit.He styled his hair a little bit and made himself look presentableenough for a family dinner. Ready to face more paps, Louis grabbedhis keys and left his house again only to be met by someone he didn'texpect. Sabrina was trying to fight her way through the mess of papsin front of his house. Why? Louis had no idea but he was about tofind out because she looked desperate and fucking terrified.
"Fuck off. Leave her alone" Louis pushed some of them aside toget a hold of her arm. Briskly, Louis led her over to his car anddrove them away from the mobber. "Are you alright?".
"Yeah, now I am. Thank you" she thanked him breathlessly.
"Not for that. They are pretty intrusive and don't know when tostop. I know how scary that can be" Louis could empathise with her.He hated them with a passion but it wasn't their fault.
"Okay but um ... I still wanted to talk to you but I don't know...".
"Hey, breathe, okay? I won't bite you" Louis tried to calm herdown. "Whatever it is just tell me. I'm all ears".
"I wanted to apologise".
Those words were not what he was expecting. Flabbergasted, Louisparked his car outside of Niall's family home. He wouldn't haveneeded his car but the paps had made him desperate. Right now, he washappy they were shielded by his car.
"What for?" Louis turned around to face her.
"Everything really?" she looked kinda lost when she let out adeep sigh. "As you know, Harry and I have been dating for a whilebut then he became distant and I've barely seen him apart from onetime with his sister and a friend. There I've had the feeling thateverything was back to normal but his sister really wasn't having anyof it and I didn't understand why. Now I do".
"I'm a bit lost, to be honest," Louis didn't understand whereshe was going with this.
"It was because of you. You've been with Harry around that time,am I right? You don't even have to answer that because I'm sure youwere. Looking back at it, it's very obvious he was never fully intome. Something was always on his mind, holding him back, making himdistracted although he was trying his hardest in every way to focuson me. He never could. And when we ran into you a few days ago intown I noticed your change in mood immediately. Something was goingon but I tried to ignore it because to my knowledge, Harry and I werestill dating and he seemed fine with having me around, comfortable.But I could feel everyone's eyes on me and knew something was up. And thenI saw your face and it just clicked. I felt so bad because I finallyunderstood. He's been with you this whole time and I never ...".
"This really isn't on you, Sabrina" Louis interrupted herrambling. She really wasn't at fault here. "It's solely on Harry.He strung us both along. He held both options open for him in case ...He really never broke up with you?".
"No, he just kind of ghosted me at times but then he was alwaysback at my door like nothing's changed?! I just can't explain it. I'mnot even sure where we stand now according to him. I know where Istand but not what he is thinking after he told the world I'm hisgirlfriend, which I'm not" Sabrina seemed to be thinking out loud.
"After he started ghosting you the first time did you guys ...".
"Oh God, no!" Sabrina exclaimed in horror. "We never gotphysical again after ... Let me see. I remember he mentioned yourlast play at your old job in high school. After that, he came over tome and we ... you know ... but if I recall it correctly that was thelast time. There was nothing coming from his side and I didn't feel ...We didn't do it while you were a thing. That's what you've beenafraid of, right? That means he hasn't been with you the whole timehe was dating me ...".
"No, at first we weren't anything but then ... he made mebelieve you guys were over. But when I think about it he never saidyou guys broke up. I always just assumed you did because he knew Iwould never tolerate cheating after I've been cheated on many times.I just can't believe ... I'm sorry you had to go through this. Youdidn't deserve to be treated like this" Louis realised how fuckedup this whole situation really was.
"I'm sorry, too. It also isn't your fault" Sabrina nudged hishand.
"I saw a video somewhere of him kissing you before he left"Louis remembered suddenly, feeling sick to the stomach.
"Yeah ... He showed up out of nowhere, just said he needed meright now and kissed me in front of all these paps. Instead ofexplaining anything he just left again and since then the paps won'tleave me alone. I never wanted any of this" she told him whatactually happened on that day.
"That's so bloody messed up" Louis slammed his hands down onthe steering wheel in frustration.
"You still love him, do you?" Sabrina asked softly.
Louis rested his head on the steering wheel and let out a shakysigh, feeling his eyes sting. "A part of me will always love him.I've loved him for so long that I don't know how to not love him butright now, I don't wanna see him ever again. There is nothing hecould say or do to make this better. To fix what he has broken".
"He broke your heart in every way possible" Sabrina didn'treally know what to say to make him feel better.
"He broke much more than that" Louis breathed out. "Anyway,I have to get in now or Niall will have my head. You're okay on yourown now?".
"I'm good. Thanks, Louis" she opened the car door.
"Of course, they're here, too" Louis rolled his eyes whencamera flashes were the first thing he saw.
Obviously, a few paps were lurking around this area too but Louiscouldn't care less right now. He and Sabrina shared a short hug andthe flashes went crazy. The pics of them hugging would definitely beall over the internet in a few minutes but who was he to give a shit?Should Harry see them. Should he see them hugging. Should he see themgetting along. Should he see them fraternizing against him. Should hesee the two people he fooled in one picture and fucking feelsomething. Guilty preferably.
With a tiny wave and an honest smile, the two of them parted waysand Louis had to face the paps again. Already annoyed, he made hisway over to Niall's front door.
"What's going on between you two?".
"Are you dating behind Harry's back now?".
"Is your fraud over?".
"A statement to the rumours".
Fed up, Louis looked directly into oneof the cameras and decided to be dumb and idiotic now. "You want afucking statement? Fine! Yes, I was in the band but who the fuckcares? It doesn't matter why I left because no one wants the truth,or am I wrong? You just want a juicy story but there is nothing juicyabout the truth".
"What about Harry? Were you dating?Did he dump you for her? And why were you with her?" one reportercouldn't stop.
"She and I are friends. And no, Harrydidn't dumb me for her because we were never together. You've heardthe man. We're nothing. Harry doesn't have a place in my life".
Niall's POV
Seeing Louis surrounded byall those paps, Niall lost it and bolted out of the door. Huffing, hegrabbed Louis' arms and dragged him along inside the house,shutting the paps out. Taking a good look at him, Niall had to noticewith horror that Louis looked absolutely shaken and ready to burstinto tears.
"Up for some cake, Tommo?"Niall decided against asking the obvious and instead tried todistract him.
"Always, Leprechaun" Louisseemed to actually mean it.
Before they could take onestep towards the kitchen, the doorbell rang and startled both boys.Collecting himself, Niall opened the door and was met with Zayn andLiam and cameras flashing behind them. Ignoring the lights, he lethis friends enter the house and locked the door behind them.
"It's crazy out there.More than usual" Liam whistled out.
"Might have been becauseof me and Sabrina hugging right out there or me telling them Harryhas no place in my life" Louis tried to come off as nonchalant butNiall wasn't buying this act.
"Do I even wanna know howit came to that?" Zayn cocked an eyebrow up but the worry wasvisible on his face.
"Not really. Niall, yousaid something about cake" Louis faced him with a pleading look inhis eyes.
"A lot of cake and greatdinner is right over there. Come on, guys" Niall beckoned them tofollow him into the living room.
"Finally, guys. I waswondering when you'd show up" Sean greeted them excitedly.
"Sean?" Louis looked atad bit confused.
"What are you alreadydoing here?" Liam sounded equally as confused as Louis.
"I helped Nina to seteverything up while Matteo prepared the rest for dinner" Seanexplained as if any of this was totally normal.
"So" Zayn clicked withhis tongue. "You did finally man up and told him h ...".
Niall's eyes grew comicallywide and he could feel himself pale, not daring to look at Sean.Fortunately, Louis was able to read the room and stopped Zayn fromexposing his ass. "Can we finally eat? I'mstarving here. Fighting of paparazzi is exhausting and noooooteasyyyyy".
"Let's eat before Tommydies of starvation" Zayn laughed at his dramatic antics.
Altogether, they finallysat down at the table with Niall's family and ate while happilychatting with one another. This simple and quiet birthday celebrationhas been exactly what Niall needed right now. For the last few years, hisparties have been enormous and loud and expensive but not reallyhappy. This was way better.
"When was your next gigagain? Maybe we can come, too. I'd love to hear you sing again. It'sbeen too long" Nina asked Louis.
"In two days" Louismunched on his piece of cake.
"We will be there tosupport you" Nina smiled at him.
"Thank you" Louisactually blushed the tiniest bit.
Watching them put Niallweirdly at ease. His life has been so hectic for years and only herein this town did he ever feel really at home and unconditionallyhappy and free. These last few days with everything going on he hascaught himself often questioning his decisions. He hasn't been suredeciding against being a singer has been the right choice but sittinghere right now with the people he loved and looking forward to smallevents with his friends gave him the feeling this was it. This waswhere he belonged, with whom he belonged. And when he'd start to workwith smaller artists under Aurelio's label his life would finallymake sense.
"Sweetheart, what has youthinking this hard?" his mother brought him back into the presenttime.
"I've been thinking aboutmy future. The songs I'm gonna write. I finally feel like this is it.My destiny" Niall answered honestly.
"I know how you feel,Niall. I can't wait to get to work" Liam smiled understandingly athim.
"Look at you both. Youlook happy" Nina teared up.
"We are, Mum. We're trulyhappy".
And even though that wastrue there was still a weird mood hanging over them. A weird feeling,a strange tension. They were all tip-toeing around it. No one daredto mention him or what happened or wanted to ask what would happennow. All of them knew something was coming their way but no one couldpossibly imagine what it might be.
When it got late, the boyssaid their goodbyes and went home. All except for Sean. He stayedbehind to help clean up because he helped to set everything up,according to him. But even when everything was ready he didn't leave.He followed Niall into his old room and sat down on the bed, lookingexpectantly at him.
"What is it?" Niallsquirmed under his intense gaze.
"I know you said you werehappy but I know you're not. Not completely. Let it out. The boys aregone. You can be honest with me, Noe" Sean encouraged him softly.
"I just miss him so much"Niall plopped down next to Sean on the bed. "For many years he hasbeen my best friend and he just left without a word. It feels like astrange deja-vu. Only ten times worse and this time there is noexplanation that could make this better. A part of me wants him backhere but the other part is so mad at him for leaving us like thisthat I can't handle any of this. I'm so pissed at him for treatingLouis the way did. How dare he break his heart just like that. I can'tbelieve he played him the whole time. I actually thought he lovedhim. Was I so blind?".
Comfortingly, Sean pulledhim into his chest. "No, you're not. We all thought he was serious.He looked serious at times but at other times he looked like hewanted to run away. He was never good at acting comfortable aroundLouis in public and Louis never ever deserved that. He deserves aproud boyfriend, who really is his boyfriend and won't just act likethey never were".
"I feel so helpless. I sawthe pictures of Harry entering Jackson's office building. Everythingis over now. He chose the wrong side and for what? Slavery and a cageand a closet" Niall whimpered into Sean's chest.
Before Sean could replyNiall's phone vibrated shortly. Curiously, Niall grabbed it and saw atext from Louis in their group chat. Highly interested, he openedthe chat and read over the words. He couldn't believe it. Finally,this horrible part was over.
From Tommo:
"Aurelio just textedme. It's over. He managed to call the paps off. They won't bother usanymore and if, then we should just text him and he takes care ofit".
"Oh, and he is tryingto find a legal way to make both of them unable to mention us and theband and the past to gain money. This nightmare will be over in abit".
"Ican't believe this" Niall stared down at his phone.
"Whathappened?" Sean sounded mildly worried. Niall simply handed him hisphone. "Noe, this is amazing. I'm so happy for you".
"Aurelioreally saved us. Louis was right. He is amazing" Niall was stillshocked but oh-so-happy.
"Hemeant Harry and Jackson with both of them, right?" Sean hookedhesitantly.
"Iguess so. It's not beyond Jackson to use this mess for money and makeHarry talk about this for a few more weeks or even months. Just likewhen Zayn left" Niall bit the inside of his cheek.
"Thisisn't any of your problem anymore. You're free" Sean reminded himbeamingly.
"Yeah.I can't quite grasp that concept yet. It will take a few weeks tofully realise that I'm able to be myself everywhere" Niall breathedout with trembling hands. "But it feels good".
"Nowthat nothing is holding you back anymore don't you think ... I don'tknow ... we should talk about this?" Sean stuttered out.
Withbig eyes, Niall stared at him. "I mean ... we probably should butI'm so fucking scared to do something wrong. I also don't wanna dragyou into any kind of a mess. I like you too much for that".
"Noe,I like you too if that wasn't obvious. And I don't care about any ofthat. Whatever might come I'm right here. And I get that you'rescared. Really. So, why don't we take this slow? Step by step untilyou're ready but together?" Sean took a hold of both of his hands,making Niall look up into his eyes.
"Togethersounds good to me" Niall smiled at him.
Relievedand content, Niall hugged Sean and lay down with him on his bed tosimply cuddle. Here in Sean's arms with his head on Sean's chest, hefelt safe and secure and sound. Nothing could hurt him here and hejust knew they would be alright. Sean was great and really understoodhim and his emotions and fears and insecurities and took all of thatinto account. Not everyone did that. Some people went straight intothose scars and tore them even more open. Not Sean. He caressed thosemental scars and assured him of his loyalty and support. What more couldhe want?
Is there a way to fix this mess?
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