18. Seven Years Ago
"Lou, look at this! That's so cute" Harry squealed out of nowhere, pointing at something inside a shop window.
With a fond smile, Louis walked over to him and peeked inside the window. There was a tiny little pink stuffed cat with a tiara and big blue eyes with sparkles in them. Of course, Harry would love it.
"It's really adorable, Haz. Kinda reminds me of you though" Louis mused, biting the inside of his cheek to stop his grin from coming through and betraying him. He was so gone for this boy.
"Why?" Harry turned around to him with a pout and big eyes.
"You look exactly the same right now. Huge eyes and a cutely-adorable face. You're only missing the tiara and a t ...".
"I wanna get a tiara" Harry burst out and paled right after. "I mean, um ...".
"If you want a tiara then you get one but let's buy you're little twin first, Haz. Then you can take pictures together" Louis directly sensed his insecurities and distracted him the best he could.
"I can't ... Okay, Lou" Harry hesitated but then gave in with a hidden happy smile, that made Louis' heart flutter.
Taking Harry's hand, Louis walked into the shop and directly looked for the tiara kittens. With an adorably cute Harry by his side, Louis bought the stuffed animal and left the shop again. Then he lead him through the city in search of a good tiara. Louis wanted it to be a high-quality one and not one made out of plastic. He wanted the best of the best for his boy, who really wasn't his.
After an hour of walking through dozens of different shops, Louis found what he was looking for in a small jewellery shop in a little street a bit away from the packed city. The item had caught his eye immediately and he went straight to it. Carefully, he picked it up and placed it on top of Harry's curls, who blushed crimson. With the light of the shop and his red-tinted cheeks, Harry looked like a freaking prince. Maybe Louis was just hopelessly in love.
"It suits you, Haz. You look great" Louis admired him fondly.
"Thanks but I'm not sure about this. I really don't need a tiara. I mean, I wouldn't wear it anywhere and ...".
"Haz, shh" Louis stepped closer to him, cupping his face into his hands. "You're overthinking this. If you want a tiara you get one. It doesn't matter if you wear it anywhere except for at home or not at all because you don't feel like it but never be afraid to be yourself and express your feelings and wishes. It's just an accessory that makes you even more beautiful, Haz".
"Sorry to interrupt you but your boyfriend is right. What he said is so beautiful and absolutely true. I couldn't help myself. I had to let you know how lucky you are. Sorry if I crossed a line" the shop owner intervened suddenly, sounding touched.
"It's okay. Thank you. I'm really lucky" Harry assured him.
Louis was left staring at both of them in shock. Not just did the owner assume Louis was Harry's boyfriend. No, Harry didn't deny it either and said he was lucky. Louis' mind was running over time and his heart couldn't handle this at all.
"We take the tiara" Louis decided on saying, tearing himself out of his trance-like state. He had to get out of here.
The owner of the shop wrapped the tiara into some paper and put it safely in a little paper bag before handing it over to Harry, who was practically glowing. Louis paid for the item before Harry could even notice it and said goodbye to the friendly man, who really thought they were a couple. Louis wished.
"He thought we are a couple" Harry giggled outside the shop.
"C'mon, we gotta hurry or we'll be late" Louis rushed them back through town instead of replying to Harry's statement.
Arriving at the cinema, the two boys walked inside and bought their tickets for a movie called Island Circle – Connected by Fate. As far as Louis knew, it was a magic-filled story taking place in Australia with many LGBTQ+ characters. He was really excited to watch this movie and Harry had offered to go with him.
Taking their seats, Louis and Harry talked quietly about this and that until the advertisements and movie trailers started playing on the big screen. The popcorn bowl was placed safely on Harry's lap and Louis could feel his nerves going crazy every time he grabbed inside the bowl, scared of tracing Harry's hand like in every cliché romance movie. He didn't want Harry to get the wrong idea. This wasn't a date obviously. Harry was straight.
"Uh, it's finally starting" Harry squealed excitedly.
From the first second on, Louis was spellbound. He loved the general idea of the movie and the main character reminded him of himself, which was really weird. His name was Loucas and his new friends reminded him of Zayn, Niall and Liam while the character Harley had bits and pieces of Harry if he was an arrogant asshole and a womaniser; which was a weird thought. All of that confused Louis a lot but he loved it at the same time because stories were supposed to make you feel like you were a part of it. Characters were written to make people feel like they're alike, so the movie did a good job with that.
The storyline of Loucas and Harry was something Louis was torn about. Harley was obviously affected by Loucas' mere existence but was acting like a total homophobe and even betrayed and played all of his new friends just to maintain his former life. How could you possibly want these two to get together? No, Louis was rooting for someone else to be with Loucas in the second movie. He deserved the best and only the best.
Oh, did Louis mention that Harry had rested his head on Louis' shoulder ten minutes into the movie and was snuggled up against him the whole time? No? Well, he mentioned it now because his heart was going crazy after their hands had actually touched in the freaking popcorn bowl. Life really hated him.
When the movie was done Louis was lost in thoughts about the movie and Harry. All his nerves and fears had stopped Louis from eating much of the popcorn and now he was starving. So, he lead Harry towards a little pub. Live music was filling the room and it smelled of alcohol, sweat and greasy food. It was perfect.
They sat down at a table and ordered some drinks and some fish and chips to calm down Louis' growling stomach. While waiting Louis focused on the band on stage. They were amazing and the people seemed to enjoy their music. This has always been something Louis had dreamt of doing. Playing with his band in small places, making a name for themselves. With his band now he wouldn't play in pubs but that was completely okay with Louis because he loved his boys. Just everything around them was already starting to annoy him. The time pressure and stress and people telling him what to do every second of the day and strangers writing their songs instead of themselves. Oh, and barely singing a word in their first upcoming single.
"Hey, where are your thoughts at, Lou?" Harry nudged his shoulder gently, trying to get his attention.
"I was thinking about our first single and the band" Louis answered him honestly.
"I can't stop thinking about this either. It all feels so unreal. I'm really excited to finally release the song and share it with the world. It's a great song and we sound amazing together" Harry gushed dreamily with pure excitement lacing in his voice.
"Yeah, we do" Louis settled on saying simply instead of unloading all of his nerve-wracking doubts on the young boy.
"Here you go, lads. Enjoy your meals" a bartender brought over their delicious smelling food.
They listened to the rest of the band's set and ate their food while having little whispered conversations with their faces really close together. Too close for Louis' aching heart. If he wouldn't know better he'd say Harry was into him but that wasn't possible.
But that thought crossed his mind over and over again because Harry kept touching him, briefly his hands and arms and thighs but still. It was enough to drive Louis insane. When they left the pub and crossed a small park Harry's hand kept bumping into his own and everything inside of him was screaming at him to take Harry's hand but he couldn't do that. They were just friends.
Or maybe not?!
When they arrived at the place they were staying at for the time being and walked into Harry's dark room Louis' head was spinning. Harry was clutching the little stuffed kitten tightly to his chest in the middle of the room with the moonlight falling down on him like a halo through the window. Louis wanted to go over there and kiss him with all his suppressed feelings.
"This day was simply amazing, Lou. Finally, we had some time for ourselves. Alone. We needed that" Harry shifted with his foot over the floor, a curl falling into his face.
"I love spending time with you, Haz. It doesn't matter where we are or what we do or for how long. If you're there that's enough" Louis let him know against his better judgement, stepping closer.
"Really?" Harry blinked with big eyes just like the cat.
"Haz, I wanna be by your side every second of the day. Can't you see that?" Louis reached his hand out to caress Harry's cheek.
"That feeling is mutual, Lou" Harry breathed out shakily.
"Yeah?" Louis was now the one double-checking because what the hell were they actually talking about?!
"Yeah" Harry nodded, eyeing Louis' lips way too obvious.
Shaking like crazy, Louis put his other hand on Harry's waist and waited for a reaction, expecting the worst but to his utter surprise, Harry lifted his right hand and placed it safely on Louis' neck while Louis kept tracing with his right thumb over Harry's cheek, searching for something in Harry's eyes. When there was no trace of negative emotions Louis leaned in even closer and could swear he could have heard Harry take in a shaky breath and seen him lean closer to him as well. Louis' eyes closed on their own when he was barely an inch away from Harry's lips and could feel his breath so close. This was really happening.
Like a shrill scream in the silence, a phone started ringing out of nowhere and startled both boys, making them jump apart. With his heart beating out of his chest, Louis realised it was his phone making this strident sound. Without looking at Harry, he patted for his phone and took it out of his pocket when he found it. Glancing at Harry when Louis answered the phone was a mistake. He looked absolutely pale and frozen to the spot. Petrified. Like he has been startled out of a nightmare.
"Hello?" Louis cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from Harry for his own sanity.
"Tomlinson, report to my office. Right now!" Jackson's angry voice sounded through the phone.
"Okay" Louis brought out before Jackson ended the call. Dragging a hand over his face and letting out a heavy sigh, Louis looked up at Harry. "I'm really sorry but I have to go. Only for a few minutes. I'm back before you know it, Haz. I promise".
And with that, he left the room and walked towards Jackson's office close by. He had no idea why he wanted to see him at this time of the day and why it couldn't wait till tomorrow and why he wanted to see him all alone. This was so strange.
Why now when he was having a moment with Harry? When they were about to kiss! Shit, he was really so close to kissing Harry but Jackson had to disturb them. Maybe they could continue where they left off when he was back but thinking back to Harry's frozen state let him assume it wouldn't be this easy for them. They needed to talk. Right after this conversation.
Inhaling and exhaling, Louis knocked on the office door and heard a simple 'come in' in the distance. Hesitantly, he opened the door and stepped inside, where he was met with Jackson Robinson looking anything but happy to see him. Gulping heavily, Louis closed the door and walked towards the office desk.
"Have a seat, Tomlinson. We need to have a serious conversation".
Would they have kissed if Jackson hadn't called Louis?
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