17. Deja-Vu
Watching Pablo interact with his future students filled Louis' heart with an enormous amount of happiness. Currently, they were talking about a new task they had to prepare for next week, which included writing new songs and coming up with a whole concept to present their work in the best possible way. The students looked very thrilled and ready to give their best. This kind of enthusiasm amazed Louis and he couldn't wait to start his work here after the summer holidays.
"They look so happy. Their eyes are sparkling. I can see it from here" Harry tore him out of his staring gaze in a whispered voice.
"I can see the sparkles, too. They really love music with every fibre of their being and you can see it. It's beautiful" Louis agreed with him, not taking his eyes off of them.
"My eyes don't sparkle like this when I'm on stage and I love music" Harry pointed out surprisingly, causing Louis to look at him in pure shock. "Or I loved music. I don't know anymore".
"I know you love music, Haz. You still do, a part of you at least, but you probably lost your passion along the way, which is sad but nothing that can't be fixed. A passion is something you can get back" Louis encouraged him lovingly.
"I'm not so sure about that but thanks, Lou. I'm not even sure if my eyes ever sparkled like that" Harry nibbled on his bottom lip.
"They did" Louis blurted out before he could stop himself. Avoiding Harry's big eyes, Louis looked away and cleared his throat embarrassingly obvious to get rid of the tension. "Anyway, wanna keep going? You haven't seen everything".
"Yeah, let's move on" Harry coughed weirdly.
And why did that sound like he meant anything but actual walking? Why was he talking about moving on? What was up with Harry at the moment? Louis wished he knew what was going on inside of his pretty head but it was a mystery to him.
Pushing his questions to the back of his head, Louis showed Harry the rest of the music school and introduced him to some people. For some reason, he was happy they didn't meet Aurelio.
Right now, they were standing in a small and empty classroom at the back of the school building. Instruments were hanging on the colourful walls, including some sick guitars that Harry seemed to be mesmerized by. In awe, he grabbed one of them and traced with his fingers over it before starting to play an unknown tune. Harry looked so peaceful and happy and beautiful that Louis couldn't help but stare at him.
Unfortunately, Harry seemed to notice his staring and answered his stare with a questioning look and a raised eyebrow but Louis was helplessly lost in the deep green of Harry's eyes. That's why at first he didn't notice how Harry was approaching him, the guitar still in his hand, with an unreadable expression on his face. Louis' breath was caught up in his throat when Harry stopped right in front of him and their eyes purposely locked for longer than a split of a second. Time seemed to stand still and he wasn't breathing but Louis' heart was beating like crazy.
A weird feeling of disappointment and rejection filled his chest when Harry broke out of their moment and placed the guitar back on the wall with red cheeks. Feeling empty and kinda dumb, Louis watched all of Harry's movements in silent pain until Harry turned back around to him and Louis averted his gaze outside of the window, where he spotted a beautiful little pond.
Without a word, Louis walked out of the classroom and towards the back exit. Leaving the building, Louis was met with a beautiful park-like big garden with a pond in the middle. Seeing this, he just knew where he would spend most of his time and he just knew the students loved this place as well. As a student he would have lived out here, that was for sure.
"This place is breathtaking. The whole school is spectacular but this right here just hits different" Harry breathed out impressed.
"It does. I totally forgot Aurelio mentioned something like this or I would have shown you this from the start" Louis looked around in pure wonder and amazement.
"Seeing this at the end of our tour is even better. It's perfect. The most beautiful sight as the grand final" Harry said somewhere behind him in a voice Louis couldn't place, so he turned back around to face Harry and caught Harry watching him.
"You're right. It's perfectly beautiful" Louis admired Harry surrounded by all these stunning natural wonders.
Right at this moment, Louis wanted the time to stand still. To freeze the moment and never let it end. He just knew he would never get a moment like this with Harry ever again. A moment where he could pretend Harry wasn't talking about the garden but him just like Louis was talking about Harry and not the flowers. A moment where their hearts were beating as one and Harry might actually feel the same. It was a wonderful dream.
"You hungry? Because I'm starving and know just the right place for us" Louis broke their moment this time because he couldn't allow himself to get lost in these moments over and over again.
"Food sounds good".
As soon as they left the music school building the tension between them seemed to disappear into thin air. On the way to get some food Louis and Harry talked animatedly about music and every now and then Louis felt transported back to an easier time. A time when he and Harry have been different. A time without lies and hesitation. A time full of trust and love and sparks. A time when Louis didn't know that the sparks have only been in his mind.
After twenty more minutes of Louis internally fighting his upcoming memories, they arrived at their destination. Louis opened the door of the little pub for Harry and then followed him inside. It was a simple pub smelling like smoke and alcohol and something indefinable. Men and women of different ages were lurking around everywhere and soft music was playing in the background while the instruments on stage were getting arranged and set up for the upcoming gig. With a grumbling stomach, Louis guided Harry through the sea of people towards an empty table in the back. Not even a second later, a bartender came over to them to take their orders. They both decided on some simple beer and fish and chips. Classic English all the way through and very much needed.
"This pub is pretty nice. I didn't even know it existed" Harry took a look around the area.
"It opened when you were on tour. David, the owner, bought the building after years of planning this. It took forever but he never gave up because he wanted to have his own place and ... here is where we had our first ever gig as a band. He is a good friend of Nikki and Violetta and they introduced us to him. The rest is history and I love to eat here, have a beer and listen to whatever band he booked for the night" Louis informed him excitedly.
"That's fucking beautiful. He really followed his dream and fulfilled it, no matter what came his way. That's admirable. Not everyone can say that they love what they do and are living their dream" Harry looked really emotionally touched.
Louis knew what was going through Harry's mind and felt the need to comfort him as best as possible. So, he shut his own mind off and grabbed for Harry's hand across the table, squeezing it tenderly and offering him a light smile. His reaction was funny and scary at the same time. Harry looked like a baby deer caught in headlights, completely caught off guard and overwhelmed.
Before a single word could be said the bartender brought over their drinks and food and Harry has never looked this relieved, which hurt Louis quite a lot but he tried to cover it up.
Instead of wallowing in the rejection and the pain he was feeling, Louis focused on the amazing food in front of him. The fish and chips smelled so freaking good and tasted even better. With only one bite he was in heaven and Harry seemed to share that opinion. And like this, their awkward moment was over.
Only five minutes later, the band of the night was announced and entered the stage. Apparently, it was some indie pop/rock band, which didn't surprise Louis one bit. David was a huge indie music fan and he loved everything with rock bits in it. And after the first few notes, Louis knew David was pretty much over the moon. This was one hundred per cent his thing and Louis loved it as well. He stole a short glance over at David, who returned that glance and they nodded at each other with a familiar smile. A perfect night.
"They're pretty good. I love the vibe of their music" Harry whispered into his ear, who was suddenly sitting right next to him with little to no space left between them.
"Everyone else in the room seems to share your opinion, Haz. They pretty much got everyone wrapped around their little finger. It's fascinating to watch" Louis replied in a hushed voice while trying to calm his racing heart down.
"Pretty fascinating" Harry looked at him for a long time while Louis tried to ignore his staring because it confused him.
When Harry was still only looking at him Louis couldn't help but face him. Their eyes locked and time seemed to stand still again. They were so close that Louis could feel Harry's breath and he knew Harry could see it was affecting him massively.
"You're good? Do you need anything else?" the bartender startled them out of their little bubble and Louis was thankful for that.
"I'd like to pay, please" Louis brought out but he had no idea if his voice was steady or a total mess because his insides were screaming at him.
"Of course" and with that, the bartender was gone in a heartbeat only to be back a few seconds later. "Together or ...?".
"It's on me" Louis cut him off, already handing him the money before Harry could protest because Louis knew he would.
"Thanks, have a nice evening, lads".
With all of his willpower, Louis focused on the band on stage, who was playing their last song. A love song about hidden feelings and burning desire and secrets being in the way. Louis felt not addressed at all. Nope, no way. Never. He had no secrets that would stop a growing love from blooming. His situation was totally different. It was pointless, no matter how he felt deep inside.
Maybe the truth could save our day
Maybe telling you my secrets would make you stay
But it's too late.
You've been tired of me telling you to wait
You're already far away
This with us was supposed to be fate
But I pushed you away
Now I'm alone on my lonely way
My heart feeling heavy as a stone
Louis had enough of these lyrics. They were stupid and dumb and pierced right through his heavy heart. Harry sitting so close next to him and only watching him again for no reason at all since their moment was broken was not making this any better or easier. He needed to get out of this moment. All of this felt way too familiar. It had all happened before. He saw bits and pieces in his mind. Picture flashes of him and Harry seven years ago out in town eating, drinking, laughing, and listening to music. Carefree, untroubled, naïve and happy. He tried to block those memories out but it was in vain and something told him this time Harry was going through the same thing. There was no way he wasn't noticing the many similarities to that significant day of their past.
The moment the people started to clap for the band Louis jumped out of his seat and quickly made his way out of the pub. Outside he breathed in the fresh air and looked up at the sky, feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything that had happened today. He knew he was probably being a tad bit overdramatic but he didn't care right now.
"Lou? Are you okay?" Harry placed his hand carefully on Louis' back out of nowhere, startling him a tiny bit.
"Yeah, I'm good. It was just getting a bit stuffy in there. I only needed some air. Now I'm good, Haz" Louis assured him, hoping his lying abilities have improved overnight.
"Wanna go for a walk before we go home?" Harry tilted his head aside in question cutely.
"Sure" Louis could never say no to that face.
In the dark of the late-night, Harry and Louis walked down the streets of Domumley in silence until they reached the park. Walking through the moonlight-lit park reminded Louis again of a certain night from a different life. When his hand brushed Harry's hand a spark of electricity shot through his whole body and he felt the need to take Harry's hand but Harry seemed to be completely unfazed. Maybe he was just better at covering up his emotions but Louis was dying inside. The urge to be close to Harry got stronger and stronger with every passing second and every word Harry said. Not that Louis actually heard what he was talking about but he loved the sound of Harry's deep, raspy and slow voice. It was music to Louis' ears.
Way too soon but also right in time, they reached Louis' house and stopped at the front door. Something told Louis Zayn was probably awake and watching them through some window but maybe Louis was only paranoid.
"I had a great time, Haz. Thank you for tagging along today" Louis brought out when no one said anything.
"You don't need to thank me. I had fun, Lou. It was an ... interesting day but now I should really head home. It's late" Harry rocked back and forth, biting down on his bottom lip.
"You could stay the night. We have more than one guest room" Louis stepped closer to him, out of instinct grabbing Harry's hand, which apparently was a bad idea because Harry looked anything but happy out of nowhere. Quickly, Louis dropped his hand again and Harry's face changed drastically.
"Thanks but that's not necessary. I'll see you soon, Louis. Thanks again, was a great day" Harry declined the offer in a weird voice.
"Any time" Louis smiled nervously at him.
Before Harry could turn around and make his way home Louis couldn't help himself and threw himself into Harry's arms to hug him closely. After a short second, Harry hugged him back. Like this, they were standing wrapped up in each other in front of Louis' door for a few minutes because neither wanted to let go.
The cold night air was sending shivers down Louis' spine and arms, which caused him to finally break away from the embrace. Now they were standing so freaking close. Face to face. As much as Louis tried he couldn't stop himself from glancing down at Harry's lips and leaning in closer when Harry didn't back away.
Before anything could happen though Harry pushed Louis away and brought a lot of space between them. Not knowing what was going on, Louis searched for Harry's face and was met with a very angry-looking Harry. Louis had no idea what happened.
"Not again, No! I won't let you do this to me again! I know what you're doing but I won't fall for this again. You did this seven years ago and just left. Stop playing with me, Louis" Harry exploded literally out of nowhere.
"What are you talking about? I'm not playing with you, Haz. I'm not doing ..." Louis was dumbfounded.
"Oh, come on. At least be honest this time. Stop lying to me. This whole day was a game to you, wasn't it? To get what you wanted seven years ago just to drop me right after, much worse this time. I trusted you with stuff and now you're using it against me because you're fucking bored and your boyfriend didn't want you anymore. That's sick and fucked up. It was fucked up back then because I was naïve and innocent enough to not see your true intentions but now I can see them bright and clear. You will always leave me after you played with me" Harry talked himself into a rage.
"You can't really mean this, Harry. I would never do any of this. You know me better than to think I could really ...".
"But I don't really know you" Harry cut him off again. "I only know your games and lies but this time, you failed. I'm not falling for it again. I won't let you do this to me again. So, fuck off!"
"Harry!" Louis called after him but Harry didn't turn around or look back. He just walked out of his life with no mercy.
The tears were already on their way. Fast as lightning, Louis unlocked the door and slammed it close behind him. Before he could start the walk upstairs into his bedroom the tears began to fall down and heavy sobs left his body shaking. Feeling absolutely broken, Louis sank down to the floor and let all of his sadness out.
"Oh, Tommy".
Before he could register what was happening, Zayn's strong arms wrapped around him and pulled him into Zayn's comfy chest. This just made him cry even harder but Zayn simply held him through his breakdown, drawing soothing circles onto his back.
"He hates me" Louis hiccuped devastated.
"No, he doesn't hate you. Not really. Not if he knew how wrong he is. He is still holding onto the past although he is trying not to. I think he can't forget your last day together. And neither can you. The only difference is that you know what really happened and why things went the way they did, which is no excuse to act the way he just did. He really should ...".
"No, Joey. It's okay" Louis cut his best friend off. "He hates me and I deserve it. I hurt him and it doesn't matter if it's my fault or not. I could have done things differently and you know it. This whole day felt like I was thrown back into that moment with him seven years ago. Just now I know I've been the only one who had felt the sparks and I completely misread the signs and signals and thanks to that, I crossed lines I shouldn't have. We were supposed to be friends but I ruined it because I loved him".
"None of this makes any sense, Tommy. He wouldn't still be so angry about that moment if you were just friends. And I know you still love him" Zayn tilted Louis' head up, stroking his hair out of his face gently. Louis could only nod in confirmation. "He loves you, too. I'm sure of it. But he can't handle it and clings to that one moment, which makes him scared of the here and now".
"He doesn't love me. He hates me. For leaving him, for lying to him, for ..." Louis trailed off, not knowing where he was going with this sentence.
"Maybe you should tell him the truth, Tommy. Tell him what really happened and that you didn't play with him. Not now and not back then. It was never your fault and you had no choice. I know it and you know it. Now he needs to know it" Zayn advised him.
"No, Joey. It won't change a thing" Louis frowned deeply.
"Of course, it will. Then he has the chance to think things through and decide if he wants to act like a normal human being or rather prefers to continue being a drama queen, accusing you of things you never did. I heard every word and really wanted to punch him but maybe slapping the truth into his face is enough. For now" Zayn said determined but Louis wasn't having it.
"No," Louis said simply and climbed out of Zayn's lap. "This was seven years ago. The truth won't change his view on me now. I made the decision myself. This is on me and not him. There is no use in telling him everything. He will hate me anyway. And now I only wanna sleep. Please, Joey, drop it".
"Okay, Tommy. If you're sure. I only want what's best for you" Zayn caressed Louis' cheek softly.
"Sleep is what's best for me. Wanna cuddle?" Louis made big eyes at him.
Is Harry's reaction justified? Why does Louis think the truth won't change a thing?
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