So This Is It
Elena had reached a realization, she had no home. There was nothing. She was an orphan now. She sighed, an old trick was up her sleeve. A small chant escaped her mouth and a blue arrow was summoned like a GPS. Memories flooded her mind of when she left the hotel looking for Azmend. Elena chanted another spell and her appearance changed, like when she was going undercover. She followed her arrow as tears streamed down her face. Why was she sad? Why was she doing any of this?
As she passed by streets nobody recognized her, she wasn't any savior's daughter, she wasn't a King's crush, she wasn't a dragon's best friend, she was herself. It gave her time to reflect on her actions, her journey, and who she was. After what seemed like ages she reached her destination and her arrow faded. Her familiar raced to her side and she'd never hugged Digiorno so tightly.
Elena sat by the entrance of the cottage and waited. She wasn't going to leave Areagore, that was just her being moody. Dragon Puberty was probably just stressing her out. Even if she did return to Earth what would be there for her? Some drums? An orphanage? A school with no friends? Elena was home, without realizing it she had become attached to these insane people that lived in Areagore.
Even though people were lost like her father and Karzen, they taught Elena lessons. Everyone here taught Elena something new about herself. In the distance she saw a group of people, they looked defeated and half dead.
Digiorno ran up to the figures and tried to usher them to Elena. Now she could make out some of their faces, Monica, King Aaron, and Evelyn meandered towards her. Elena started to cry, for once they were out of happiness. She ran to them and bear hugged King Aaron. Monica started screeching, "STRANGER DANGER!!" Evelyn started shuttering, "W-Wh-WHO?! Wh-o ar-are y-y-you????!!!!!"
King Aaron just hugged back, "What a loyal commoner!" Elena laughed, "It's so nice to see you all for something other than work!" They stared with puzzled faces. Monica covered her mouth, "E...Elena?" She nodded in response and was about to let go of King Aaron when he started hugging twice as hard, "I was so nervous about you!!" Monica hugged too and Evelyn couldn't resist.
"L-Lover boy!! I...I," Monica started bawling, "Elena I missed you so much! Y-You're the last Andersen and...and-" Elena shushed her and just enjoyed the hug. Digiorno pawed at Elena rubbed its head against her leg. "Why are you disguised? Where did you go? Will you marry m-" King Aaron was cut off by Elena. "I just wanted to avoid unwanted attention. I knew people would be looking for me, whether it be the Dragon Resistance or Royal Guards. I was looking for Cole and I was at Azmend's house because I was scared of Monica-"
Monica glared at Elena, "You guys became friends because you were scared of me?!" Elena sheepishly nodded. "I told you not to worry about him, dragons are fine on their own." Elena sighed, "He's back at the Dragon Kingdom, he was supposedly forced to rule. I just want Cole to be with me again," Elena couldn't help but whine.
King Aaron finally released all of them, "He can still be with you, now he's just a prince. He'll just juggle his time, it shouldn't be that hard." "Azmend said that dragons wouldn't let him leave, was that not true?" Elena asked. Evelyn sighed, "I d-don't think people can tell you what to do if y-you're thei-their ruler." They all shrugged to one another. Elena wiped away her spell and returned to normal, "Then I want to see him! And Azmend, I want to celebrate..."
Monica laughed, "Celebrate what? Being friends?" Elena shifted little,"Well...yeah?" King Aaron beamed, "That sounds like a great idea! Wow, you're so smart Elena! I can get them with my royal guards right now!!" He then ran off like a schoolgirl on a sugar rush. "Uhh...okay," Evelyn sighed.
~~~Time passes~~~
Cole received a letter from one of the palace's servants, it instructed him to meet with King Aaron for "important issues". Of course he was skeptical the servant could see it, "Prince Abdjorn? Are you going?" Cole sighed, "Yeah, I kind of wanted some fresh air anyway." He quickly swept through the Dragon Kingdom and arrived at Aaron's palace gates in minutes.
It was harder to get Azmend, mostly because he was hyperventilating and thinking someone killed Elena. Luckily, he was VERY wrong. He also thought the guards were trying to kill him when they arrived at his doorstep, again very wrong.
~~~I'm so excited for my children to get back together ;^; ~~~
Elena fidgeted with her cloak as she waited, the large royal table had a seat for everyone. Elena felt out of place and extremely nervous, what if Cole had changed? What if Azmend hated her for disobeying him? What if Monica got angry for some reason and punched someone?
Monica sat across from Elena, "Running away wasn't cool, I almost died." Elena sighed, "I'm sorry, I was being stupid." Suddenly the palace doors opened and revealed Cole. He shakily glanced from side to side and his gaze met Elena's. He gave a nervous chuckle, Elena ran to him and hugged him. She was smiling from ear to ear, more happy tears flooded. "I missed you so much..." she cried. Cole patted her back, "Elena...I'm sorry, I never meant to leave you for so long. I thought you were going to leave me forever. I don't think I could live without my best friend." They hugged and talked for what felt like hours.
Evelyn started crying from how happy this was making her. Azmend arrived not too long afterwards, "ELENA I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" Then he glared at Cole hugging her. King Aaron did the same, but more subtly...Everyone ended up hugging and talking. After everyone explained their situations and relationships were mended they were all happy to say they were true best friends. As the night began to come to a close Elena pondered what would've happened if she hadn't snooped around her dad's childhood home and found The Forgotten Mage's Diary. She shook away those thoughts and rested her head on Cole's shoulder, "Thank you." She said.
"For what?" he asked her. "You taught me so much, you taught me how important friends are. You allowed me to meet all of these great people," she concluded. Cole chuckled, "You're the one who taught me all of that!" Elena grabbed Digiorno and cuddled with him.
Everyone went to sleep on the "royal couch" and Elena thought to herself, I found what I was looking for right where I started. I spent all of that time trying to find my home when it was right here under my nose. I made such a big deal of being a loner when these people taught me otherwise, she smiled and did what she did best-go to sleep.
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