My parents are okay with us now...
*Harry's P.O.V.*
I'm sitting on the edge of a bed in Hospital Wing crying. He's laying there... Unconscious but still breathing. Madam Pomfrey said this would be a few days until he is fully healed. I can't see his beautiful sky blue eyes, listen to his heart beat in the night, feel his warm breath against my head, feel his strong yet gentle arms around me, making me feel safe... feel his soft, ginger hair through my fingers... All because my stupid uncle knew a spell and had access to a wand... I'm just watching him lie there in pain, not awake... I want to help him... Take the pain away from him...
*Ron's mind when unconscious*
My head hurts so badly... I know Harry's crying near by... I can feel him in pain... I want to hug him to make him feel safe, I want to make him laugh and to see his beautiful smile, and his emerald eyes. I want to make him feel safe and happy... Not scared and upset.
I wake up to a dark window and to be alone... I think. I hear someone breathing by my bed. When I focus and get used to out lines of the darkness, I see Harry sitting in a chair, sleeping. I look at him in concern, was he sitting there since I got here...? I stand up right by the chair, I didn't lose my balance, I actually stood up pretty sturdy. I pick Harry up and when I'm just about to lie him into the bed I was unconscious in, he opens his eyes, sleepily, and looks up at me. He wraps his arms around my neck burying his face into my shoulder crying. "You scared you idiot!" he says, his vocie sounding cracked and dead.
I lie him in the bed and lay down right by him. I hold him close to my heart as he's crying. "Shh~ it's okay now... I'm awake now and that's what matters..." I said to him calmly. I pull the sheets up even though they're thin as hell. I hate how I was wearing my shirt because I don't like sleeping in shirts but I didn't want to get out the bed just because of that and disturb Harry. "Don't you want to take your shirt off...?" I hear Harry say questionly. "I didn't want to disturb you..." I said slowly. "I know you get uncomfortable with a shirt on when sleeping... How about you take it off then." I chuckle a little after the adorable boy says that. I kiss the top of his head, then get out the bed to take off the shirt I was wearing. I get back into the bed and cuddle him close, smiling.
*Harry's P.O.V.*
I'm so happy he's alright... I'm happy I can feel his arms around me making me feel safe, feel his warm breath on my head, hearing his heart beat, and seeing his caring, nice sky blue eyes...
The next day, *Ron's P.O.V.*
I wake up to find Harry still in my arms, nuzzling my neck, with one hand on my heart and one through my hair. "Adorable short boy..." I whisper. After a while he wakes up, he looks at me right in the eyes and smiles. "I'm glad you're okay..." he says. "I am too... I want to make you happy and safe..." I said slowly. I kiss his forehead and then nuzzle his hair. I'm happy that he's happy...
After a while, I found out I was unconscious for a few days by the way, Hermione comes in concerned. She looks around and spots Harry and I cuddling. "Ron! You're alright!" she yells running to the bed I was in. I sit up with Harry still in my arms. His legs are wrapped around my waist and his arms are around my neck when he's nuzzling my neck. "He's gonna get what he deserves..." Hermione said strongly, I think it was about Harry's uncle. "But bloodly hell thank you that you're alright. You've been out for days... Harry never wanted to leave so he just stayed right in that seat by your bed the whole time. Even after Dumbledore telling him he needed to atleast go eat dinner or breakfast or just lunch." Hermione explained. I kissed Harry's cheek in a way of letting him know I'm alright.
After a while of talking with eachother, Hermione sometimes making a mistletoe appear above Harry and I, my parents walk in. I hug Harry closer as in protection. "Ron... Harry... Can we talk for a minute or two please?" My mother ask concernly. Hermione leaves to let just us talk. "Here to tell me that Harry and I can't be friends anymore or that he can't come back to Hogwarts again or something...?" I said erritated. "No, we're here to say that... We are fine with you dating Harry... We trust Harry as if he was are own. And if you trust him that much... Then we're fine with it..." My father said slowly and calmly. I stair at them dead in the eye, I can tell if someone is lying of how they're looking at the moment. They were telling the truth... "So... You're fine with Percy being with Oliver, Ginny with Luna... And George and Fred... Liking eachother more as brothers or best friends?" I ask all of a sudden. "Yes... We've come to realization that, we only live once... And we should be happy." My mother says. After a moment I realised that Harry fell asleep on my shoulder. I move him to where he would be more comfortable. "Harry feels safer with me... Happier... Cared for and loved... I would hate to see him indanger, depressed, or treated incorrectly..." I said after I moved him. They look at each other and smile. I hugged Harry close keeping him safe. "We'll leave you two alone..." My mom said calmly and smiling. They left after that.
I lied down, Harry resting his head on my chest, his arms wrapped around me, and his legs tangled with mine. I just close my eyes, breathing in the sent I always smell in Harry's hair, oranges and lemons... It smells plesent to me when I'm relaxing or trying to sleep.
*Harry's P.O.V.*
I just feel his warm body... His muscular chest yet calming heart beat... My arms wrapped around him staying close to him... I feel happy... Safe... Loved... Cared for... Just everything I didn't have before I even knew about Hogwarts... This is the person who I love most... That has everything I need... To make me feel what I never felt before...
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