Morning My Little Cherry
Kurai's pov)
I woke up and got dressed in my dress.
"New life, new day" I looked outside and it was sunny as can be.
"Looks like the storm took out all of it's anger" I said to myself. I giggled and thought:
How can I be Japanese if I have an Italian accent?.
(I'm actually Japanese ,Puerto Rican and Italian..... luck me....moving on)
I went to check on the boys and they were eating.
"Buona Mattina my little Cherie". They tilted their heads.
"Bona Mattina?" Ayato asked. I giggled
"Buona Mattina it means good morning in Italian" I replied. They smiled.
Once they finished eating I cleaned up and smiled the biggest smile.
"Can't wait for fencing classes tomorrow" I muttered. I finished cleaning and headed outside where the boy were separated by mothers.
Cordelia with her triplets,Beatrix with reiji and shu, and Subaru was all alone.
I walked outside where I found Ayato playing around. I walked up to the boy.
"My little cherry you have to go study,you need it" I explained. Ayato sucked his teeth and complained.
" but all I do is study why do I always have to be inside , while the others are playing" I frowned.
"My little cherry just go study please for me, I don't want to get yelled at by your mother" I looked at him with worry in my eye.
"But-" he was cut off.
"My little cherry please" i begged. He sighed and ran to his study room or hall.
"Kurai ,come here please" it was Cordelia.
"Ugh what does she want now?" I muttered. I walked to her.
"Yes madam" .
she smiled. " can you sing?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yes madam I can sing a always sang for my mother when she was sad or sick" i replied. Cordelia motioned me.
"Sing for me" she demanded.i nodded.
(The video is what the little girl sings)
After I sang for Cordelia ,I exused myself. I was watching kanato and laito play and turned my head to see Beatrix sitting with reiji read so I decided to walk to them.
"Bonjour madam how are you doing"I asked . She smiled and replied.
"Good " I nodded and was about to leave when shu came running/walking towards us holding a puppy.
"Look mother ,my friend Edgar gave him to me" Beatrix seemed displease and said."Kurai .take that thing away " I looked at shu.
"please no I'm supposed to watch him" he pleaded . I hesitated.
"Kurai what are you doing? take that dog away from him this instant" she snapped. I jumped hearing her snap.
"Now Kurai!" I gave shu a sorry look and took the dog away from him.
"Please no Kurai give him back" shu tried to grab him ,but I kept him away. Once shu had finally given up he stepped back and ran away somewhere.
Meanwhile, reiji closed his book and smiled.
"Mother I finished memorizing the whole book" Beatrix payed no attention to him. Reiji sighed and stepped off the chair. I looked at him.
"Good job my little Cherie " I exclaimed. Reiji gazed at me but looked away.
"We'll my mother doesn't think so" I glanced at him and hugged him.
"Kurai what are you doing?"reiji questioned . I pecked his cheek.
"Making you feel better ... Did it work my Cherie"I asked. Reiji's cheek turned a light pink.
"Seems so , bye my little cherry" I waved at him and moved on to Subaru. I found him standing infrint of a tower-like building where Christa was. He had just finished dropping a silver dagger and falling on his knees with his hands covering his face in sadness. I went next to him and pulled him into a hug.
"It'll be alright my little Cherie" I assured him. I heard him sniffle and I started to stroke his hair. He eventually calmed down and hugged back.
"I love you Kurai" he whispered.
"Je'taime mousí my little Cherie, I love you too" I kissed his forehead and stood up.
"See you later my Cherie" I smiled and set off to see kanato crying. I ran to him. "My little Cherie are you okay what happened?" I asked worried. He lifted his knee up and showed me a big cut.
I pulled him up and pulled out a disinfectant sheet with bandages. I told him to sit and pull up his pant leg. He did what was commanded and I cleaned up his wound and covered it with a bandage. He hugged me.
"Thank you Kurai" I hugged back.
"Your welcome my little Cherie" he pecked my cheek and left, leaving me speechless and red.
(Time skip brought to you by the loneliness of laito'a phadora ..... He needs a lady hat)
Once everyone was all set they ate dinner , I bathed all the boys (idfk why ,they are old enough to bathe themselves. After they went to sleep.while I was cleaning I started humming a sad tune I sang to my mother before she died. I felt a tear go down once I finished cleaning. I took a shower ,changed into my purple night gown,changed my eye bandage and all the other bandages. I fell fast asleep dreaming about the day I seen her die.
So how was that?
Bad: you will gladly be pushed out my window.🔨🔪🔫
Okay: kiss any boy you like😍😍😘😘☺️
Awesome: respect ✌️✌️and a high-five✋✋😄
Leave a vote or comment on what's next..........YEET!!
Just leave a vote. The ideas I have are pouring out my brain.....Sike no they're not.
We'll bye my little Cherie, see you in the next chapter.
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